Obama encourages illegal aliens to vote without fear of being deported.

MSM Lies for Hillary, Russia US Closer to War, Economic Update | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

The mainstream media (MSM) is totally lying to the public about everything from voter fraud to Wiki Leaks. There are many current examples of possible voter fraud such as the recent revelation by the Pew Center that 24 million U.S. voter registrations are “significantly inaccurate.” Pew Center also says there are 1.8 million dead people still on the voter rolls. The other part of the MSM lie is done by omission. The MSM is simply not covering major news stories that are negative to the Clinton campaign. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this is pure fraud on shareholders and the public by so-called news organizations that are really functioning as Democrat propaganda shills.

The U.S. and Russia are moving closer to war. Now, it is reported that Russia is preparing 40 million of its people for nuclear war with training exercises. Russia is also threatening the U.S. with “painful” retaliation if tougher sanctions are imposed.
Fist of all, dipshit, there is a difference between voter fraud & voter registration fraud. People make mistakes filling out the forms. If you set up a booth to register people to vote, you must turn in every filled out form regardless if it was done correctly or has Mickey Mouse on them.

You people really need to go to school & get a fucking education.

Always an excuse. So, voter fraud is due to people making "mistakes." Lol.
Look, they were talking about voter REGISTRATION. Not voting.

Another numb nuts who can't hear what is being said.
It is sad that an entire Party has been reduced to the lowest possible state of being.
Fear, lies, hatred....

Yeah, "both" of them, huh.
Oh the endless caterwauling over black folk in the white house. You boys lost, twice, gtf over it, a majority of your fellow citizens felt otherwise, grow up.

As for turning out the latino vote, I think Don took care of that for ya.

(smile) Interestingly it was the Left screaming about Barack the Angry Magic Negro every chance they got.
You'll have to do better than this son, so far you are just an angry little boy/girl trying to play with the big people.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiight, and you're calm and reasoned. Tell ya what, why don't you go find someone who actually holds the views you want to assign and "discuss" this with them.

You poor kid, go ask Hillary what you should say next.

Well, you're outta material aren't ya. Have a nice ay.

Yawn, you libs are boring folk.
Cheat, steal, lie...it's a part of your nature.
Who knew the 'Change' in Obama's 'Hope and Change' was to turn the United States into a 'Banana Republic', diminished as a wold power and eliminated as a serious world influence.

He is the WOST f*ckin' President in US history!
George W Bush took office with a balanced budget and left with the worse recession in 80 years, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, two quagmire wars, losing one of three manufacturing jobs, etc etc etc.

Did you forget?

"Projected" Surplus, you really ARE a liar aren't you?
We are still fighting those two wars and now several more, gotta love Barack the "Magic Angry Negro".
One reporter thought it was unfair that illegal can't vote. Obama explained to her that voting is confidential and that no records are transferred for investigation. He was assuring illegals that ICE would not be notified and that no one would investigate or come after them if they voted.

True that there are no rules in place for determining whether voters are citizens. Only those who blatantly vote twice or who fill out clearly bogus registrations might be caught. Once registerted, however illegally, it's likely you can vote for years without being red flagged. Our system is set up so that it's extremely difficult to catch cheaters. The computers can't flag an illegal or dead person the way they can duplicate votes from the same person.

It took an FBI investigation to reveal cheating by an illegal alien. Needless to say, we don't have the time or resources to investigation every citizen. This is why every state needs to update their voter rolls by having people re-register and prove their identity. And we need to stop motor voter registration because it allows illegals to slip onto the rolls.

"Samantha Chang stumbled upon a recent interview that President Obama gave, and it gives a disturbing insight into how the Democrat mindset is to win at all costs.

We knew this is how they thought all along, but you probably didn’t think you’d see the president basically admit it on a televised interview.

To give some context, a female interviewer asked Obama a question about illegal aliens voting. According to her, illegals are stuck in a predicament: they contribute just like citizens but can’t vote! She stated to Obama, then asked; “I call [illegal aliens] citizens, as they contribute to this country. They are fearful of voting and wonder: ‘If I vote, will Immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?’

So she wants illegals to be able to vote, but doesn’t want them to give away their location, thus enabling Immigration and Customers Enforcement (ICE) to do their jobs. But worry not, Obama replied, “This is not true. First of all, when you vote, there’s not a situation where voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential.”

Watch below:"

Obama asked how illegals can vote; his answer is STUNNING - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com
Yeah, "both" of them, huh.
Oh the endless caterwauling over black folk in the white house. You boys lost, twice, gtf over it, a majority of your fellow citizens felt otherwise, grow up.

As for turning out the latino vote, I think Don took care of that for ya.

(smile) Interestingly it was the Left screaming about Barack the Angry Magic Negro every chance they got.
You'll have to do better than this son, so far you are just an angry little boy/girl trying to play with the big people.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiight, and you're calm and reasoned. Tell ya what, why don't you go find someone who actually holds the views you want to assign and "discuss" this with them.

You poor kid, go ask Hillary what you should say next.

Well, you're outta material aren't ya. Have a nice ay.

Yawn, you libs are boring folk.
Cheat, steal, lie...it's a part of your nature.

Sorry, meant nice day.
Who knew the 'Change' in Obama's 'Hope and Change' was to turn the United States into a 'Banana Republic', diminished as a wold power and eliminated as a serious world influence.

He is the WOST f*ckin' President in US history!
George W Bush took office with a balanced budget and left with the worse recession in 80 years, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, two quagmire wars, losing one of three manufacturing jobs, etc etc etc.

Did you forget?

"Projected" Surplus, you really ARE a liar aren't you?
We are still fighting those two wars and now several more, gotta love Barack the "Magic Angry Negro".
The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton

Yes the budget was balanced.
We are not fighting the Iraq War. The Iraq War was against the Iraqi government run by Sadam.
This idea that illegals are voting is just stupid. Why would an illegal, hiding in the shadows, put their name & address on a form or show up in a government office to highlight who they are & where they live?
It's absolutely appalling, just shows that these freaks have no principles what so ever. They are encouraging crime! No wonder, that Hilly is her arms full in crime.
This idea that illegals are voting is just stupid. Why would an illegal, hiding in the shadows, put their name & address on a form or show up in a government office to highlight who they are & where they live?

Two years ago when Nevada allowed illegals to get a state drivers license, DMV was so packed for the next year, you were lucky to get seen if you got there early in the morning. You are ill-informed or very stupid or both.
When a guarantee of the Constitution, a president of USA, is calling for violation of the Law and the Constitution, what kind of country it is?

Dear Americans, only think who has been ruling your country: a bunch of crooked Globalists, directed and controlled by Soros&Co. And Soros&Co badly want to keep their world power with the help of their loyal bi*tch Clinton, whom they all are pushing into the WH with a lot of fraud and violations of the Law. But who cares, it's all Putin's fault...
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It's absolutely appalling, just shows that these freaks have no principles what so ever. They are encouraging crime! No wonder, that Hilly is her arms full in crime.

They have no allegiance and concept of an American identity anymore. That's what happens when one gets indoctrinated with a faux 'global citizen' construct.

Indeed, but surely they know that doing something illegal gets one in prison? Regardless whether you agree with it or not...
What's the big deal about this? Once they vote HRC in she is going to give amnesty to all the illegals and make them citizens anyway?
Thank God that fucktard traitor only has a couple months left in office. The only reason he hasn't been impeached is he's black.
Lol, In President Obama's last 7 years and 10 months in office we haven't seen the feared "brown shirts," or the Muslim brotherhood's invasion of the White House or the downfall of Capitalism and the pivot to socialism.

And the film clip started when the woman was half way through the question so we have no way knowing what she said, and that's obvious in President Obama's reply because it makes no sense. And Cavuto, that dick, was at a loss for words and his hand gestures were that of a man, or dick rather, who knew the clip was taken out of context.

Be that as it may, or for you neocon's that translates to "who gives a shit." It's well documented that Trump insulted all Latino's from the beginning of his God awful campaign. Trump has alienated the Latino vote, and this thread is simply a pretext for an excuse as to why Trump lost the election by a landslide.

That's all the right does, it takes everything out of context because they have nothing else to use in their attempts to take their "country back" during this election cycle.

I think this is hilarious!

The men who support Trump have tiny penises too.
This idea that illegals are voting is just stupid. Why would an illegal, hiding in the shadows, put their name & address on a form or show up in a government office to highlight who they are & where they live?

Two years ago when Nevada allowed illegals to get a state drivers license, DMV was so packed for the next year, you were lucky to get seen if you got there early in the morning. You are ill-informed or very stupid or both.

Obama assured them that they can put that information on a form without fear that it will be transferred to ICE. He made clear that they need not have fear of deportation or any other action because they vote illegally.

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