Obama Family Vacations Cross $85 Million Mark

"I will not take vacations if elected."
- Obama 2008

Obama family travel, vacations, cross $85 million mark

Bush took 4 times as many vacations, and he didn't have young girls to try and give a normal family life. Should the girls never have had a couple weeks at the beach for family vaca? Don't a lot of families do that in the summer, and/or at the holidays when school is out? Trump's idea of splitting up the family and having two White Houses to protect is going to cost us more than that. So shut up.

Most of the time Bush went to his own ranch in Texas.

Yes, but read post above. Obama paid for his digs out of pocket. So no difference is there?
"I will not take vacations if elected."
- Obama 2008

Obama family travel, vacations, cross $85 million mark

Bush took 4 times as many vacations, and he didn't have young girls to try and give a normal family life. Should the girls never have had a couple weeks at the beach for family vaca? Don't a lot of families do that in the summer, and/or at the holidays when school is out? Trump's idea of splitting up the family and having two White Houses to protect is going to cost us more than that. So shut up.

Obama promised he would take no leisure time.
Your ignorance of facts is mind boggling.

He never said he would not take leisure time or that he would not sleep.
He said those are things you sacrifice but not give up completely

Being President means you will be woken up in the middle of the night, you will also have to take time away from vacations and weekends to respond to crisis

It does not mean you never take time off or sleep

“The bargain that any president strikes with is, you give me this office and in turn my, fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone. I am giving myself to you.”

Bush took 4 times as many vacations, and he didn't have young girls to try and give a normal family life. Should the girls never have had a couple weeks at the beach for family vaca? Don't a lot of families do that in the summer, and/or at the holidays when school is out? Trump's idea of splitting up the family and having two White Houses to protect is going to cost us more than that. So shut up.

Most of the time Bush went to his own ranch in Texas.

Or Kennebunkport, or Africa or China.......We still had to pay to provide security at the Crawford Ranch and any time he left the compound
Did Bush promise to never visit Crawford if elected, dufus?

Still waiting for your quote where Obama said he would never take vacation skippy
Your inability to grasp Obama's speaking is your problem, dufus.

Your quote...

"I will not take vacations if elected."
- Obama 2008

Is a lie...he never said that
Most of the time Bush went to his own ranch in Texas.

Or Kennebunkport, or Africa or China.......We still had to pay to provide security at the Crawford Ranch and any time he left the compound
Did Bush promise to never visit Crawford if elected, dufus?

Still waiting for your quote where Obama said he would never take vacation skippy
Your inability to grasp Obama's speaking is your problem, dufus.

Your quote...

"I will not take vacations if elected."
- Obama 2008

Is a lie...he never said that
"I will not take vacations if elected."
- Obama 2008

Obama family travel, vacations, cross $85 million mark

Bush took 4 times as many vacations, and he didn't have young girls to try and give a normal family life. Should the girls never have had a couple weeks at the beach for family vaca? Don't a lot of families do that in the summer, and/or at the holidays when school is out? Trump's idea of splitting up the family and having two White Houses to protect is going to cost us more than that. So shut up.

Obama promised he would take no leisure time.
Your ignorance of facts is mind boggling.

He never said he would not take leisure time or that he would not sleep.
He said those are things you sacrifice but not give up completely

Being President means you will be woken up in the middle of the night, you will also have to take time away from vacations and weekends to respond to crisis

It does not mean you never take time off or sleep

“The bargain that any president strikes with is, you give me this office and in turn my, fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone. I am giving myself to you.”


So in your twisted interpretation of the English language

in turn my, fears(Obama swears he will have no fear), doubts,(Obama will never doubt anything) insecurities (Obama will never be insecure), foibles, (Obama will not have foibles) need for sleep,(Obama will never sleep) family life (Obama will never see his family) , vacations (Obama will never take vacation), leisure (Obama will have no leisure time) is gone

Why do conservatives struggle so much with the English language? Obama talks of the sacrifices you must make....not of giving them up completely
"I will not take vacations if elected."
- Obama 2008

Obama family travel, vacations, cross $85 million mark

Bush took 4 times as many vacations, and he didn't have young girls to try and give a normal family life. Should the girls never have had a couple weeks at the beach for family vaca? Don't a lot of families do that in the summer, and/or at the holidays when school is out? Trump's idea of splitting up the family and having two White Houses to protect is going to cost us more than that. So shut up.

Obama promised he would take no leisure time.
Your ignorance of facts is mind boggling.

He never said he would not take leisure time or that he would not sleep.
He said those are things you sacrifice but not give up completely

Being President means you will be woken up in the middle of the night, you will also have to take time away from vacations and weekends to respond to crisis

It does not mean you never take time off or sleep

“The bargain that any president strikes with is, you give me this office and in turn my, fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone. I am giving myself to you.”
Poor loser must continue to LIE for Obama, the worst President in history.

So in your twisted interpretation of the English language

in turn my, fears(Obama swears he will have no fear), doubts,(Obama will never doubt anything) insecurities (Obama will never be insecure), foibles, (Obama will not have foibles) need for sleep,(Obama will never sleep) family life (Obama will never see his family) , vacations (Obama will never take vacation), leisure (Obama will have no leisure time) is gone

Why do conservatives struggle so much with the English language? Obama talks of the sacrifices you must make....not of giving them up completely
"I will not take vacations if elected."
- Obama 2008

Obama family travel, vacations, cross $85 million mark

Obama does not say he will not take vacations in that clip

You are correct. He was talking about his vision of what a President was, and that there was an implied promise to not take vacations that came with the office of President.

And, like alot of Obamas visions, it turned out to be a bit of academic wishful thinking when confronted with reality. How else do you think we got Obamacare?

In that same clip do you believe Obama promised not to sleep or see his family?
"I will not take vacations if elected."
- Obama 2008

Obama family travel, vacations, cross $85 million mark

Obama does not say he will not take vacations in that clip

You are correct. He was talking about his vision of what a President was, and that there was an implied promise to not take vacations that came with the office of President.

And, like alot of Obamas visions, it turned out to be a bit of academic wishful thinking when confronted with reality. How else do you think we got Obamacare?

In that same clip do you believe Obama promised not to sleep or see his family?

Reread what I posted. It was his vision of an ideal. A pontification. An exercise in academic bullshit unconnected with reality.
my two objections to obama:

his telling the american people to get ready for hard times while living ****** rich in the white house

well that one is on obama this one is on the media

what happen to the daily death counts that we got in the bush adm.....people were still dying....why suddenly were their deaths now worth reporting?
Trump's Family Trips Cost Taxpayers Nearly As Much In A Month As Obama's Cost In A Whole Year

Donald Trump’s regular jaunts to his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida appear to be costing taxpayers a small fortune. The president’s three trips have probably cost the federal Treasury about $10 million, the Washington Post estimates, based on an October 2016 Government Accountability Office analysis of White House travel.

By comparison, Barack Obama’s travel expenses averaged just $12.1 million during each year of his presidency. In total, Obama’s eight year travel bill came to $97 million and unbelievably, Donald Trump is on pace to outspend him in less than one year. The Washington Post says ”the elaborate lifestyle of America’s first family is straining the Secret Service and security officials, stirring financial and logistical concerns in several local communities, and costing far beyond what has been typical for previous presidents.”

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