Obama First Prez To Spend More on Welfare Than Defense


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
(CNSNews.com) - Barack Obama was the first president of the United States to spend more on “means-tested entitlements”—AKA welfare—than on national defense, according to data published by his own Office of Management and Budget.

Historical tables that the OMB posted on the Obama White House website, include annual totals for both “national defense” spending and “means-tested entitlement” spending going back to fiscal 1962--which is three years before President Lyndon Johnson signed legislation creating the Medicaid program, a means-tested entitlement that together with the Children's Health Insurance Program enrolled 74,407,191 beneficiaries as of November 2016.
If the economy was so improved by the lying shoe shiner, why is it that the cost of welfare to the taxpayers was so much higher than any other time in history.
One would think that a strong economy would lend itself to a much lower need for entitlements.
So, libs, which is it, was the economy great with obama, or was the economy depressed to the point that more people fell into poverty.
Please spin this one for me so the obama administration wasnt a total loss and was not filled with the greatest number of losers in history.
Imagine his disappointment when he realized he wouldn't have Hillary to finish the job of destroying our republic. All that progress down the drain with a few EOs. Must suck to be him. :lol:
So may of his constituents...

... view it as reparations.
would be a reasonable view had any of them been treated in such a way to have earned the right to any reparations, but as luck would have it. They did not.
Nobody alive today was a slave, nobody alive today owned a slave. Case closed.
(CNSNews.com) - Barack Obama was the first president of the United States to spend more on “means-tested entitlements”—AKA welfare—than on national defense, according to data published by his own Office of Management and Budget.

Be that as it may, it's a ridiculous basis for making a claim about any government spending under any president. Why? Because unlike discretionary spending, which is always approved by the Congress and POTUS, welfare spending is formulaically determined and non-discretionary. Welfare spending falls into the non-discretionary category, and the spending in that category, along with the other non-discretionary spending -- Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid -- has long exceeded military spending.

In light of the mandatory nature of social welfare programs, if one wants to ascribe culpability for it to a president, any president, one must first get social welfare programs shifted to the discretionary category. Until that happens, there's really no sound basis for lambasting any president or Congress over the amount of it that occurs.

I don't particularly take exception with one's being piqued over the sum of social welfare spending. I have a problem with one's representing it as though it's something a president or Congress controls given the current laws in place that govern how much and how such monies are spent.
If you think about it, you can almost consider welfare as a defense expenditure, Take away the ghetto rats free stuff and watch how fast the burning, looting and killings start happening.
Its a right.
Obamacare.....in states that chose to expand MEDICAID.....if obamacare goes away then so will the healthcare for the poor that was expanded to cover them.
Well, the Pussy-Grabber is going to slash the welfare budget (he sez), so we should be in for a veritable holocaust...
Can't believe that fucking commie Obama made our population older and start collecting more Social Security and Medicare.

Right wingers have determined that the Social Security you have financed your entire life is welfare. The disability payments given to veterans who were injured and disabled defending America are welfare recipients.
Right wingers have determined that the Social Security you have financed your entire life is welfare. The disability payments given to veterans who were injured and disabled defending America are welfare recipients.
You mean the people who pain nothing into SS and benefit? Or the people who paid in and are getting their money back?
Means tested.... is the point in the op, not Ss or Medicare.

MEDICAID= means tested mandatory spending

MEDICAID was Expanded under ocare in states that chose to cover more poor with healthcare.
Obamacare.....in states that chose to expand MEDICAID.....if obamacare goes away then so will the healthcare for the poor that was expanded to cover them.
No, it won't. Trump has stated he will not change Medicaid, but the subsidies will go away, however, there is already a federal court ruling that the subsidies as they exist in Obamacare are unconstitutional so it was just a matter of time before they would have to go, anyway.
Obamacare.....in states that chose to expand MEDICAID.....if obamacare goes away then so will the healthcare for the poor that was expanded to cover them.
No, it won't. Trump has stated he will not change Medicaid, but the subsidies will go away, however, there is already a federal court ruling that the subsidies as they exist in Obamacare are unconstitutional so it was just a matter of time before they would have to go, anyway.
Trump promised!!

In a tweet a while back. I'm sure I saw that tweet somewhere.

And, Ryan is going to be all over that, because if states need money for people who are sick, Ryan's record speaks for itself. He sees it as his Christian duty!
(CNSNews.com) - Barack Obama was the first president of the United States to spend more on “means-tested entitlements”—AKA welfare—than on national defense, according to data published by his own Office of Management and Budget.

Be that as it may, it's a ridiculous basis for making a claim about any government spending under any president. Why? Because unlike discretionary spending, which is always approved by the Congress and POTUS, welfare spending is formulaically determined and non-discretionary. Welfare spending falls into the non-discretionary category, and the spending in that category, along with the other non-discretionary spending -- Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid -- has long exceeded military spending.

In light of the mandatory nature of social welfare programs, if one wants to ascribe culpability for it to a president, any president, one must first get social welfare programs shifted to the discretionary category. Until that happens, there's really no sound basis for lambasting any president or Congress over the amount of it that occurs.

I don't particularly take exception with one's being piqued over the sum of social welfare spending. I have a problem with one's representing it as though it's something a president or Congress controls given the current laws in place that govern how much and how such monies are spent.

Same ol' liberal ploy .... point to the budget.

The comment wasn't about the budget ---- it was about the expenditures. The budget is what we would LIKE to spend, not what we ACTUALLY spent.

Go back and do your research.

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