Obama: Fox News is 'destructive' to America

You mean Obama expressed an opinion? The president of the United States expressed an opinion? I believe he is within his rights to do so just as much as commentators on Fox News can insinuate that he was born in Kenya.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. Freedom of speech is for everyone, including the president.:eusa_shhh:
and just who on FNC said he was born in Kenya?

btw PROOF will be required

Shut up, you hot dog.

Asswipe is onna roll today. Did it take a whole roll?
Do people still believe Socialists/Progressives support Free Speech and a Free Press? Man i would think all Americans knew better by now. This current President attacks the Press just like brutal Socialist/Communist Dictators like Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro do. He's actually borrowed a page from their handbook. People better start thinking about whether they want this Socialist/Progressive nightmare to continue or not. Get out and vote people.
Freedom of the press and speech is so overated, isn't Obama.

Obama: Fox News is ‘destructive’ to America – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs


Of course it is destructive! The people who clanishly lap up every word on Fox's talkathons do so because they want to see the Obama Administration "destroyed." Which feeds the popularity of Fox, which attracts the advertisers, which is all that matters.

Referring to the last paragraph of your link, my biggest criticism of Fox, ironically, is that it does NOT "[focus] on the critical issues that Americans are concerned about." It focuses on tabloid-esque "stories" which they will squeeze the blood out of until the next non-story comes along to promote its right wing agenda. FoxNews consists of sensationalist entertainment, with "news" injected as fillers.


Got anybody better?​
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So let mr get this straight: Obama does not have the freedom of speech to say what he wants to say about Fox News?

I guess freedom of speech is only good if you agree with it you partisan hack...

No, Obama is indicating that FOX doesn't. Do you have that straight now?

You mean Obama expressed an opinion? The president of the United States expressed an opinion? I believe he is within his rights to do so just as much as commentators on Fox News can insinuate that he was born in Kenya.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. Freedom of speech is for everyone, including the president.:eusa_shhh:

I consider obama to be a evil lying fascist, racist pig,no matter where he was born!
Do people still believe Socialists/Progressives support Free Speech and a Free Press? Man i would think all Americans knew better by now. This current President attacks the Press just like brutal Socialist/Communist Dictators like Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro do. He's actually borrowed a page from their handbook. People better start thinking about whether they want this Socialist/Progressive nightmare to continue or not. Get out and vote people.

Who has done anything to infringe on freedom of the press?
Give us some examples of Fox News destroying the obama presidency. I can't wait.

Trying to destroy it. As in Hannity, O'Reilly, Beck, and a few dozen lesser commentators propagandizing against it 24/7.

It's not propaganda if it's TRUE.

Obama employs propaganda. He lies in order to convince people they will be safer without freedom.

Fox points it out. That's not propaganda.

Again, welcome to our Planet, Odd Creature.
I agree with the POTUS. The manufactured outrages and distortion of reality (which is taken as Gospel from some of their viewers) coming from Fox has played a role in furthering the divide in our nation.

So Obama and the dimmies going out of their way to insult and denigrate people who disagree with them has nothing to do with the divide you speak about?

It really is embarrassing to see a US president stoop to childish blamestorming.

Oh it's like Carter blaming the people for HIS bad economy decisions in his now infamous "Malaise" speech.

Liberals are blaming the PEOPLE for why Obama hasn't brought the people together.

It isn't Obama's fault people are divided. We could have all followed Obama like obedient sheep.

No, the people DARED to think for themselves. So it's their fault, the nation isn't "one" behind him.


Hey, fyi, everyone knows you're an old hag. You don't have to repeatedly date yourself with the otherwise irrelevant 70's references.

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