Obama: Fox News is 'destructive' to America

Diid I tell ya her azz looks just like her face? One canna tell if she's a comin or a goin. :lol::lol::lol:

Even your jokes and nasty remarks are childish and stupid. You're prertty worthless, dear.

yeah....but what about my gay MSPaint Photobucket gems...................


Kinda boring amd getting really old. You've been doing it for a long time. Sorry. :(
With the size of Rinata's ass, it'll be more than one roll.

Diid I tell ya her azz looks just like her face? One canna tell if she's a comin or a goin. :lol::lol::lol:

Even your jokes and nasty remarks are childish and stupid. You're prertty worthless, dear.

Let's review.... was it Willow Tree who gloated over the death of a loved one of another poster? Hmmmm. No. That was you, fat ass. So for you to criticize anyone else for 'nasty remarks' is beyond hypocrisy. Even more impressive, you then go on to compound it by calling me a 'spinster'.... You must be very proud of your ignorance - I see no evidence that you make any effort to remedy it.

You're a funny fat assed old thing, Rin. Seriously.
That would be right wing spinster. You may find a man when you move to the fat old white guy retirement community. Good luck!
That would be right wing spinster. You may find a man when you move to the fat old white guy retirement community. Good luck!

Only the terminally stupid view another person's marital status as some 'issue' to debate. Please feel free to continue making yourself look a fucking idiot. It's a joy to watch. In fact, each time you do it, you confirm my statement that you are a cowardly, lying racist. Thanks for that.
As time goes on the over 65 year old white people that watch FoxLies will gradually die out.

Fox's ratings are down 19 percent since last year.

Lying gets old after a while.

Honey that's the age of the people still watching the MSM.

Most of the young are watching Stewart for News.

Which puts those inbetween as Fox News viewers.
No, Obama is indicating that FOX doesn't. Do you have that straight now?

You mean Obama expressed an opinion? The president of the United States expressed an opinion? I believe he is within his rights to do so just as much as commentators on Fox News can insinuate that he was born in Kenya.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. Freedom of speech is for everyone, including the president.:eusa_shhh:

Link to a Fox news commentator insinuating Obama was born in Kenya. I was going to say you can't make stuff up but I guess you can.

There isn't!

Liberals believe their own lies. Don't expect him to admit he's wrong.

I've been busy. This is pathetic. The President of the United States has lowered himself to the level of a poster on a discussion forum.

I wonder if he has an identity here?

He doesn't need to be.

Just like the Obamabots have paid "protestors" to astroturf for them, they also have the same trolling internet chat rooms, boards, and blog comment sections. They will do his dirty work for him. ;)
That would be right wing spinster. You may find a man when you move to the fat old white guy retirement community. Good luck!

Why is it conservatives are having so many kids, but liberals think they are the only ones getting sex?

Talk about a failure in observational skills.

And we don't kill 'em either. We have our babies.

I've often thought that is why liberals are slowly but surely losing the debate on issues. They keep killing their future population with abortions, while we keep having our babies. Generationally. They are doomed.


Payback's a bitch!

As time goes on the over 65 year old white people that watch FoxLies will gradually die out.

Fox's ratings are down 19 percent since last year.

Lying gets old after a while.


Seems to me that Chris has 'issues' with old white people. That's ageist, and racist. Why is it bad to be racist but ok to be ageist?

There seems to be a lot of double standards with some people....Chris is one of those people. There are others.... I could name a few more but I won't bother.
As time goes on the over 65 year old white people that watch FoxLies will gradually die out.

Fox's ratings are down 19 percent since last year.

Lying gets old after a while.


Seems to me that Chris has 'issues' with old white people. That's ageist, and racist. Why is it bad to be racist but ok to be ageist?

There seems to be a lot of double standards with some people....Chris is one of those people. There are others.... I could name a few more but I won't bother.

so does Chris's elected official, he's even taken to calling us racists. I knew I had a good reason not to bestow the title of POTUS on him. He's only president of the US of KKKA. and the Wright ilk.
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Seems to me that Chris has 'issues' with old white people. That's ageist, and racist. Why is it bad to be racist but ok to be ageist?

There seems to be a lot of double standards with some people....Chris is one of those people. There are others.... I could name a few more but I won't bother.

so does Chris's elected official, he's even taken to calling us racists. I knew I had a good reason not to bestow the title of POTUS on him. He's on president of the US of KKKA. and the Wright ilk.

Yea, 'racist' is the new 'black'. If ya get me. :lol:
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I'll give Obama this............

Guy is on a mission and taking no prisoners. His mission is to make this country a socialist state and see to it capitalism is destroyed. And he's not even trying to hide it anymore................

I say go.......go........go on the FOX attacks!!!!

By the way........anybody else notice they took Olbermann off the 10PM slot on MSNBC?? I laughed my ass off!!:lol:

Really.........thank God for FOX news. The k00ks on this board dont seem to understand historically what happens to societies that have a state run media which is fascinating to me.
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