Obama: Fox News is 'destructive' to America

Diid I tell ya her azz looks just like her face? One canna tell if she's a comin or a goin. :lol::lol::lol:

Even your jokes and nasty remarks are childish and stupid. You're prertty worthless, dear.

yeah....but what about my gay MSPaint Photobucket gems...................


Don't quit your day job.
FoxLies will go the way of all such things.

It will gradually lose viewers, since the vast majority of their viewers are over 65 year old.
Ant the fact that they are the most watched news network seems to elude you....

Honestly, why get your news from the TV anyway?
Ant the fact that they are the most watched news network seems to elude you....

Honestly, why get your news from the TV anyway?

They are not the most watched news, that would be Brian Williams.

They are the most watched cable news network, and their viewship is largely over 65 white people.
Do people still believe Socialists/Progressives support Free Speech and a Free Press? Man i would think all Americans knew better by now. This current President attacks the Press just like brutal Socialist/Communist Dictators like Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro do. He's actually borrowed a page from their handbook. People better start thinking about whether they want this Socialist/Progressive nightmare to continue or not. Get out and vote people.

Who has done anything to infringe on freedom of the press?

What president before Obama told us not to listen to a news source.

I want the quotes of Bush telling Democrats not to listen to some liberal, like Obama told Republicans not to listen to Rush, or now Fox news.

So Obama and the dimmies going out of their way to insult and denigrate people who disagree with them has nothing to do with the divide you speak about?

It really is embarrassing to see a US president stoop to childish blamestorming.

Oh it's like Carter blaming the people for HIS bad economy decisions in his now infamous "Malaise" speech.

Liberals are blaming the PEOPLE for why Obama hasn't brought the people together.

It isn't Obama's fault people are divided. We could have all followed Obama like obedient sheep.

No, the people DARED to think for themselves. So it's their fault, the nation isn't "one" behind him.


Hey, fyi, everyone knows you're an old hag. You don't have to repeatedly date yourself with the otherwise irrelevant 70's references.


That's another way for this poor wittle wibberal to have a tantrum. He can't deny what I'm saying about Carter is the truth. He can't deny Obama is acting in the same manner.

So, he has to attack me for "daring" to bring up the historical parallel.

As IF that was going to work.

How pathetic. Read my sig line carbiner. You may be next!

Diid I tell ya her azz looks just like her face? One canna tell if she's a comin or a goin. :lol::lol::lol:

Even your jokes and nasty remarks are childish and stupid. You're prertty worthless, dear.

You Gals are far more brutal than us Guys.....

For Guys it's, you're a variation of an asshole, you may be Gay or you have a short penis..

Yeah, we girls always thought that was stupid in the first place.

I remember the first time some liberal tried to suggest I secretly liked men to flame me, because he was losing a debate (as usual)

And I was like, "Well of course I do, idiot, I'm a girl!" :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Well he just totally ran out of material without that one. :lol::lol::lol:
FoxLies will go the way of all such things.

It will gradually lose viewers, since the vast majority of their viewers are over 65 year old.


By that reckoning it should take about 30 years.

And in case you didn't know.....35 year olds will start acquiring wealth and property and learn to hate being taxed to death on everything they have. That is unless the Dems have their way and keep them from acquiring wealth.
FoxLies will go the way of all such things.

It will gradually lose viewers, since the vast majority of their viewers are over 65 year old.

Yeah, that's what they predicted for Rush Limbaugh twenty years ago and he's still going stronger than ever.

Liberals are the last ones to predict when Fox or Rush will lose viewership, because they will be the last ones to EVER UNDERSTAND WHY they have that viewership!

FoxLies is not news.

It is political propaganda.

Google "FEMA camps Glenn Beck."
FoxLies viewership continues to drop....

Fox News Channel dropped 19 percent in Q3, with an average nightly delivery of 1.84 million viewers. In the core demo, FNC fell 24 percent in prime, averaging 448,000 adults 25-54.

USA Takes 3Q in Demos, Viewers
FoxLies is not news.

It is political propaganda.

Google "FEMA camps Glenn Beck."

Just like a liberal. They never want to get off their ass and do their own research. They always expect you to do it for them.

If you have some "evidence" at LEAST try and provide a link.

FoxLies viewership continues to drop....

Fox News Channel dropped 19 percent in Q3, with an average nightly delivery of 1.84 million viewers. In the core demo, FNC fell 24 percent in prime, averaging 448,000 adults 25-54.

USA Takes 3Q in Demos, Viewers


That's not how you judge news outlets! Against some stupid cable channel.

You judge them by other NEWS OUTLETS, not some stupid cable channel showing reruns of House!

Try this where you can see Fox News scores CONSISTENTLY WAY HIGHER than the wannabe competition.

Cable News Ratings for Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Keep dreaming of Fox's demise.

As time goes on the over 65 year old white people that watch FoxLies will gradually die out.

Fox's ratings are down 19 percent since last year.

Lying gets old after a while.
So let mr get this straight: Obama does not have the freedom of speech to say what he wants to say about Fox News?

I guess freedom of speech is only good if you agree with it you partisan hack...

No, Obama is indicating that FOX doesn't. Do you have that straight now?

You mean Obama expressed an opinion? The president of the United States expressed an opinion? I believe he is within his rights to do so just as much as commentators on Fox News can insinuate that he was born in Kenya.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. Freedom of speech is for everyone, including the president.:eusa_shhh:

Link to a Fox news commentator insinuating Obama was born in Kenya. I was going to say you can't make stuff up but I guess you can.

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