Obama fucks over Isreal

Why does Obama need to tell Israel? Does he work for them?

So Israel doesn't factor in to our policy on Iranian nukes? Get real dude. They're our only ally in the ME, and they share plenty of information regarding our national security with us.

Why do you hate Israel?
Hussein Obama is scum. Pure and simple.

Why does Obama need to tell Israel? Does he work for them?

So Israel doesn't factor in to our policy on Iranian nukes? Get real dude. They're our only ally in the ME, and they share plenty of information regarding our national security with us.

Why do you hate Israel?

Where did I mention that I hated Israel?

My only position here is one of indifference.

“A passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or justification”….

“And it gives to ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens (who devote themselves to the favorite nation), facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country,”

“such attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent patriot. How many opportunities do they afford to tamper with domestic factions, to practice the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils.”

“Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government….. Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.”

“Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humour or caprice?”

“It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world”

George Washington.
Founding father.
Grower of hemp ~
I remember warning Jillian about this. She didn't believe me. Too bad she doesn't post here anymore.
Hussein Obama is scum. Pure and simple.

Hussein Obama is scum. Pure and simple.

Why does Obama need to tell Israel? Does he work for them?

So Israel doesn't factor in to our policy on Iranian nukes? Get real dude. They're our only ally in the ME, and they share plenty of information regarding our national security with us.

Why do you hate Israel?

Where did I mention that I hated Israel?

My only position here is one of indifference.

“A passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or justification”….

“And it gives to ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens (who devote themselves to the favorite nation), facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country,”

“such attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent patriot. How many opportunities do they afford to tamper with domestic factions, to practice the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils.”

“Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government….. Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.”

“Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humour or caprice?”

“It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world”

George Washington.
Founding father.
Grower of hemp ~

Ok, maybe you don't hate Israel, but many who deny our strategic alliance with Israel are coming from a place of hate. The U.S. are partners in combating terrorism and there is no more important ally than Israel on that front. Obama stated he had a commitment to Israel's security during presidential election season. Now, not so much.
This sham with Iran has occurred for the most despicable reasons---to distract Americans from the disaster that is ObamaCare.

It is despicable because Chicago political tricks should be absolutely out-of-bounds when dealing with the Iranian nuclear threat.

Nothing will come of this deal with Iran, other than that Iran gets the sanctions lifted or eased.....but it will help the liar president move on to his next misgovernment project. And Iran will finish up its nuclear program.

And then the Shi'a/Persian push for hegemony in the Middle East will commence in earnest.
Hussein Obama is scum. Pure and simple.

So Israel doesn't factor in to our policy on Iranian nukes? Get real dude. They're our only ally in the ME, and they share plenty of information regarding our national security with us.

Why do you hate Israel?

Where did I mention that I hated Israel?

My only position here is one of indifference.

“A passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or justification”….

“And it gives to ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens (who devote themselves to the favorite nation), facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country,”

“such attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent patriot. How many opportunities do they afford to tamper with domestic factions, to practice the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils.”

“Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government….. Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.”

“Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humour or caprice?”

“It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world”

George Washington.
Founding father.
Grower of hemp ~

Ok, maybe you don't hate Israel, but many who deny our strategic alliance with Israel are coming from a place of hate. The U.S. are partners in combating terrorism and there is no more important ally than Israel on that front. Obama stated he had a commitment to Israel's security during presidential election season. Now, not so much.

How exactly is Israel helping us? Did they shoot Bin Laden, did they rebuild our towers?

Mostly, they keep fighting with other countries instead of learning to get along with them.

How is that helping us?

Hussein Obama is scum. Pure and simple.

Where did I mention that I hated Israel?

My only position here is one of indifference.

“A passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or justification”….

“And it gives to ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens (who devote themselves to the favorite nation), facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country,”

“such attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent patriot. How many opportunities do they afford to tamper with domestic factions, to practice the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils.”

“Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government….. Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.”

“Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humour or caprice?”

“It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world”

George Washington.
Founding father.
Grower of hemp ~

Ok, maybe you don't hate Israel, but many who deny our strategic alliance with Israel are coming from a place of hate. The U.S. are partners in combating terrorism and there is no more important ally than Israel on that front. Obama stated he had a commitment to Israel's security during presidential election season. Now, not so much.

How exactly is Israel helping us? Did they shoot Bin Laden, did they rebuild our towers?

Mostly, they keep fighting with other countries instead of learning to get along with them.

How is that helping us?


You think there's a chance Israel shares some intelligence with us in regards to our national security? Nahh you're probably right.

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