Obama fucks over Isreal

It is politics, it is a policy decision, Iran are on the balls of their ass right now economically. If this president can do anything to ease tension in the region or stabilize the tentative situation he is duty bound to do so.

The issue is not whether I like the guy or not, rather, it is crucial that he does not sit on his ass while he is in office and let a festering situation get worse.

Right, I don't have a problem with people not liking Obama's policies, but the unfounded dislike for him as a human being is kind of laughably irrelevant.

Obama was supposed to open a can of whop-ass on Iran instead, I guess.

No American soldier has lost there life because of the economic sanctions, that is of paramount importance to me. The region is the Bermuda Triangle of sanity, civility and diplomacy. No matter what he does it will not make it worse.
Obama lifted some sanctions on Iran months ago, without even telling Israel. Give it up for the most transparent administration in history. Obama is on the side of evil folks, there's no doubt about it.

Exclusive: Obama?s Secret Iran Détente - The Daily Beast

For starters; we don't need Israel's approval of our foreign policy and we didn't have to tell them what we did. If they don't like, they can lump it.

After reading the article, I really don't see what the big deal is, in fact I think that it's a smart move when entering into new negotiations with Iran. There's sugar and the whip, the whip hasn't been working, sometimes sugar and reward for good actions works better than the "whip". If netanyahu doesn't like it, that's his problem. I don't like the way they can go off half cocked and attack Syria with no sanction placed against them.
Iran's "feelings" don't matter either. This isn't a fucking group therapy session.

Therapy sessions I don't know much about, so I can't talk about it.....but you can bet you sweet eye that Obama is a closet Islamist.

He should be pursuing the murderers of Ambassador Stevens instead of easing sanctions to Iran!

The fact that you think Obama is a "closet Islamist" really makes your opinions on anything completely irrelevant.

But for the sake of argument, are you under the impression that the US government can only do one thing at a time?

On second thought....you are right..... the Obama Administration is perfectly able to f*** up several thing at the same time. :) ...as it shows time after time.

It's called the Midas touch in reverse....things they touch turn to shit instead of gold.
Therapy sessions I don't know much about, so I can talk about it.....but you can bet you sweet eye that Obama is a closet Islamist.

He should be pursuing the murderers of Ambassador Stevens instead of easing sanctions to Iran!

You really think that? It's OK if you do, but why are you bringing Steven's name up?

Corn-fussed in Maryland.


Obama said he was going to bring those who killed Stevens et al to justice... hold them accountable. Just like he said about, NSA, IRS, Fast & Furious.

And So we wait

If Obama hasn't changed much in life, he must of got his ass kicked often growing up.

People don't become assholes overnight.


Once again, you stop by to make pronouncements about Obama's character with nothing else to add.

Do you always do that?
It is politics, it is a policy decision, Iran are on the balls of their ass right now economically. If this president can do anything to ease tension in the region or stabilize the tentative situation he is duty bound to do so.

The issue is not whether I like the guy or not, rather, it is crucial that he does not sit on his ass while he is in office and let a festering situation get worse.

Neville? Neville Chamberlain? Is that you Neville?

These ayatollahs are every bit as fanatic as Hitler....that is the very dangerous correlation to Nazi Germany...fanaticism.

And when they get nuclear weapons....which as all but assured now...we cwill start to see that fanatism.

And this "festering situation" which Obama seems to have cured, has been festering for about 2800 years. It got real bad about 1400 years ago when The Koran came along...and it is going to really really get bad when a bunch of religious fanatics have a nuclear bomb.

It won't be long before Allah tells them to use it.

We've heard about Iran making nukes for well over 20 years. They are either slow as hell or this is a piece of propaganda.
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Obama is the president of the United States of America........Not Israel

He make decisions based on what's best for our country in dealing with Iran.

And for that we should all be proud. . :cool:

Therapy sessions I don't know much about, so I can talk about it.....but you can bet you sweet eye that Obama is a closet Islamist.

He should be pursuing the murderers of Ambassador Stevens instead of easing sanctions to Iran!

You really think that? It's OK if you do, but why are you bringing Steven's name up?

Corn-fussed in Maryland.


Obama said he was going to bring those who killed Stevens et al to justice... hold them accountable. Just like he said about, NSA, IRS, Fast & Furious.

And So we wait


What do any of those issues have to do with Israel?

Bundling all stupid scandals into one big unanswerable mess is not going to cut it tonight.
It is politics, it is a policy decision, Iran are on the balls of their ass right now economically. If this president can do anything to ease tension in the region or stabilize the tentative situation he is duty bound to do so.

The issue is not whether I like the guy or not, rather, it is crucial that he does not sit on his ass while he is in office and let a festering situation get worse.

Neville? Neville Chamberlain? Is that you Neville?

These ayatollahs are every bit as fanatic as Hitler....that is the very dangerous correlation to Nazi Germany...fanaticism.

And when they get nuclear weapons....which as all but assured now...we cwill start to see that fanatism.

And this "festering situation" which Obama seems to have cured, has been festering for about 2800 years. It got real bad about 1400 years ago when The Koran came along...and it is going to really really get bad when a bunch of religious fanatics have a nuclear bomb.

It won't be long before Allah tells them to use it.

I never said "cured" you did.

However, you want to see some ass kicking there? You be the first to go and we shall see what your assessment is after a few days. This type is warfare that this administration has wielded has had a positive effect as I pointed out in my earlier post, this does not include screwing with there computers with the Stuxnet worm which attacked Iran's nuclear facilities. There is always the opportunity for conventional warfare, however, once that genii is let out of the bottle it cannot be put back in.
It is politics, it is a policy decision, Iran are on the balls of their ass right now economically. If this president can do anything to ease tension in the region or stabilize the tentative situation he is duty bound to do so.

The issue is not whether I like the guy or not, rather, it is crucial that he does not sit on his ass while he is in office and let a festering situation get worse.

Neville? Neville Chamberlain? Is that you Neville?

These ayatollahs are every bit as fanatic as Hitler....that is the very dangerous correlation to Nazi Germany...fanaticism.

And when they get nuclear weapons....which as all but assured now...we cwill start to see that fanatism.

And this "festering situation" which Obama seems to have cured, has been festering for about 2800 years. It got real bad about 1400 years ago when The Koran came along...and it is going to really really get bad when a bunch of religious fanatics have a nuclear bomb.

It won't be long before Allah tells them to use it.

I never said "cured" you did.

However, you want to see some ass kicking there? You be the first to go and we shall see what your assessment is after a few days. This type is warfare that this administration has wielded has had a positive effect as I pointed out in my earlier post, this does not include screwing with there computers with the Stuxnet worm which attacked Iran's nuclear facilities. There is always the opportunity for conventional warfare, however, once that genii is let out of the bottle it cannot be put back in.


Apparently, there is going to be the opportunity for non-conventional warfare as well.
Your chance to get your way lost more than a year ago. If you want a more aggressive foreign policy, then attract more voters....loserboy.
How exactly is Israel helping us? Did they shoot Bin Laden, did they rebuild our towers?

Mostly, they keep fighting with other countries instead of learning to get along with them.

How is that helping us?


You think there's a chance Israel shares some intelligence with us in regards to our national security? Nahh you're probably right.

I guess (?) What do they know that we could not find out for ourselves?

Do they have access to to Iran's secret files?

Help me out here, because I cannot for the life of me see some kind of advantage to sucking up to Israel.

Listen, if you want to deny or don't know that because of Israel's capabilities and geographic positioning they are very important to us on the intelligence front, then it leads me to believe you have a bias.
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Neville? Neville Chamberlain? Is that you Neville?

These ayatollahs are every bit as fanatic as Hitler....that is the very dangerous correlation to Nazi Germany...fanaticism.

And when they get nuclear weapons....which as all but assured now...we cwill start to see that fanatism.

And this "festering situation" which Obama seems to have cured, has been festering for about 2800 years. It got real bad about 1400 years ago when The Koran came along...and it is going to really really get bad when a bunch of religious fanatics have a nuclear bomb.

It won't be long before Allah tells them to use it.

I never said "cured" you did.

However, you want to see some ass kicking there? You be the first to go and we shall see what your assessment is after a few days. This type is warfare that this administration has wielded has had a positive effect as I pointed out in my earlier post, this does not include screwing with there computers with the Stuxnet worm which attacked Iran's nuclear facilities. There is always the opportunity for conventional warfare, however, once that genii is let out of the bottle it cannot be put back in.


Apparently, there is going to be the opportunity for non-conventional warfare as well.

I pointed out two examples one economic and one cyber war related.
Listen, if you want to deny or don't know that because of Israel's capabilities and geographic positioning they are very important to us on the intelligence front, then it leads me to believe you have a bias.

Be sure and pass that along to the proper authorities ~

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