Obama fucks over Isreal

Obama lifted some sanctions on Iran months ago, without even telling Israel. Give it up for the most transparent administration in history. Obama is on the side of evil folks, there's no doubt about it.

Exclusive: Obama?s Secret Iran Détente - The Daily Beast

That is really fucked.

He was supposed to lift all sanctions. He was supposed to restore US Neutrality.


No sanctions have been eased and will stay in full force until Iran yields it's production and has investigators to see what they are doing.
Listen, if you want to deny or don't know that because of Israel's capabilities and geographic positioning they are very important to us on the intelligence front, then it leads me to believe you have a bias.
Yea, Israel was a great help warning us about 9/11 . :cuckoo:

Not funny - they are close to other countries AND they have that poodle-hair psychic guy.

Considering Obama in a anti-Smite why would we expect him to help Israel?


Obama is an anti-Semite? That's weird, he sure has surrounded himself with Jews.

Rahm Emmanuel
Ezekial Emmanuel
David Axelrod
Cass Sunstein

...and there are plenty more.
Rashid Khalidi

Yes, of course. He had a professor in college who's anti-Israel - that must make him an anti-Semite.

That's completely more relevant than the fact that he picked a Jewish Chief of Staff with strong ties to Israel, and filled the EOP with many Jewish advisors.

(this is sarcasm)
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I still want to know what sanctions were eased by Oblama on Iran.

Dude, I don't know. I'm not an expert on what the sanctions are. All I know is Obama has secretly removed some of them. If you find out I'd be interested to know too.
Considering Obama in a anti-Smite why would we expect him to help Israel?


Do you mean an anti-Semite?

What has he done to give you that notion?

His Hero Rev Wright is a good start.

Michelle Obama and John Kerry to Honor Anti-Semite and 9/11 Fan | The Weekly Standard

Michelle Obama and John Kerry to Honor Anti-Semite and 9/11 Fan

On Friday March 8, Michelle Obama will join John Kerry at a special ceremony at the State Department to present ten women the Secretary of State’s International Women of Courage Award.

Ibrahim frequently uses Twitter to air her anti-Semitic views. Last August 4, commenting on demonstrations in Saudi Arabia, she described the ruling Al Saud family as “dirtier than the Jews.” Seventeen days later she tweeted in reference to Adolf Hitler: “I have discovered with the passage of days, that no act contrary to morality, no crime against society, takes place, except with the Jews having a hand in it. Hitler.”

Jeremiah Wright Endorses Anti-Semitic 'March to Jerusalem'


President Barack Obama’s longtime pastor at Trinity United Church, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, has announced his support for the anti-Semitic “March to Jerusalem” at the end of March. The White House has refused comment.
His Hero Rev Wright is a good start.

Michelle Obama and John Kerry to Honor Anti-Semite and 9/11 Fan | The Weekly Standard

Michelle Obama and John Kerry to Honor Anti-Semite and 9/11 Fan

On Friday March 8, Michelle Obama will join John Kerry at a special ceremony at the State Department to present ten women the Secretary of State’s International Women of Courage Award.

Ibrahim frequently uses Twitter to air her anti-Semitic views. Last August 4, commenting on demonstrations in Saudi Arabia, she described the ruling Al Saud family as “dirtier than the Jews.” Seventeen days later she tweeted in reference to Adolf Hitler: “I have discovered with the passage of days, that no act contrary to morality, no crime against society, takes place, except with the Jews having a hand in it. Hitler.”


President Barack Obama’s longtime pastor at Trinity United Church, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, has announced his support for the anti-Semitic “March to Jerusalem” at the end of March. The White House has refused comment.

Guess he talked about this a lot while he was in church?
His Hero Rev Wright is a good start.

Michelle Obama and John Kerry to Honor Anti-Semite and 9/11 Fan | The Weekly Standard

Michelle Obama and John Kerry to Honor Anti-Semite and 9/11 Fan

On Friday March 8, Michelle Obama will join John Kerry at a special ceremony at the State Department to present ten women the Secretary of State’s International Women of Courage Award.

Ibrahim frequently uses Twitter to air her anti-Semitic views. Last August 4, commenting on demonstrations in Saudi Arabia, she described the ruling Al Saud family as “dirtier than the Jews.” Seventeen days later she tweeted in reference to Adolf Hitler: “I have discovered with the passage of days, that no act contrary to morality, no crime against society, takes place, except with the Jews having a hand in it. Hitler.”


President Barack Obama’s longtime pastor at Trinity United Church, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, has announced his support for the anti-Semitic “March to Jerusalem” at the end of March. The White House has refused comment.

Guess he talked about this a lot while he was in church?

Nah, probably while having sex

Considering Obama in a anti-Smite why would we expect him to help Israel?


Do you mean an anti-Semite?

What has he done to give you that notion?

His Hero Rev Wright is a good start.

Michelle Obama and John Kerry to Honor Anti-Semite and 9/11 Fan | The Weekly Standard

Michelle Obama and John Kerry to Honor Anti-Semite and 9/11 Fan

On Friday March 8, Michelle Obama will join John Kerry at a special ceremony at the State Department to present ten women the Secretary of State’s International Women of Courage Award.

Ibrahim frequently uses Twitter to air her anti-Semitic views. Last August 4, commenting on demonstrations in Saudi Arabia, she described the ruling Al Saud family as “dirtier than the Jews.” Seventeen days later she tweeted in reference to Adolf Hitler: “I have discovered with the passage of days, that no act contrary to morality, no crime against society, takes place, except with the Jews having a hand in it. Hitler.”

Jeremiah Wright Endorses Anti-Semitic 'March to Jerusalem'


President Barack Obama’s longtime pastor at Trinity United Church, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, has announced his support for the anti-Semitic “March to Jerusalem” at the end of March. The White House has refused comment.

Do you really not see how silly this is?

For every "anti-Semite" that you can tenuously link to Obama, I can name 2 major policy advisors who are Jewish.
Do you mean an anti-Semite?

What has he done to give you that notion?

His Hero Rev Wright is a good start.

Michelle Obama and John Kerry to Honor Anti-Semite and 9/11 Fan | The Weekly Standard

Michelle Obama and John Kerry to Honor Anti-Semite and 9/11 Fan

On Friday March 8, Michelle Obama will join John Kerry at a special ceremony at the State Department to present ten women the Secretary of State’s International Women of Courage Award.

Ibrahim frequently uses Twitter to air her anti-Semitic views. Last August 4, commenting on demonstrations in Saudi Arabia, she described the ruling Al Saud family as “dirtier than the Jews.” Seventeen days later she tweeted in reference to Adolf Hitler: “I have discovered with the passage of days, that no act contrary to morality, no crime against society, takes place, except with the Jews having a hand in it. Hitler.”

Jeremiah Wright Endorses Anti-Semitic 'March to Jerusalem'


President Barack Obama’s longtime pastor at Trinity United Church, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, has announced his support for the anti-Semitic “March to Jerusalem” at the end of March. The White House has refused comment.

Do you really not see how silly this is?

For every "anti-Semite" that you can tenuously link to Obama, I can name 2 major policy advisors who are Jewish.

The difference here is Wright is one of Obama's mentors. His puppet staff, not so much

His Hero Rev Wright is a good start.

Michelle Obama and John Kerry to Honor Anti-Semite and 9/11 Fan | The Weekly Standard

Michelle Obama and John Kerry to Honor Anti-Semite and 9/11 Fan

On Friday March 8, Michelle Obama will join John Kerry at a special ceremony at the State Department to present ten women the Secretary of State’s International Women of Courage Award.

Ibrahim frequently uses Twitter to air her anti-Semitic views. Last August 4, commenting on demonstrations in Saudi Arabia, she described the ruling Al Saud family as “dirtier than the Jews.” Seventeen days later she tweeted in reference to Adolf Hitler: “I have discovered with the passage of days, that no act contrary to morality, no crime against society, takes place, except with the Jews having a hand in it. Hitler.”

Jeremiah Wright Endorses Anti-Semitic 'March to Jerusalem'


President Barack Obama’s longtime pastor at Trinity United Church, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, has announced his support for the anti-Semitic “March to Jerusalem” at the end of March. The White House has refused comment.

Do you really not see how silly this is?

For every "anti-Semite" that you can tenuously link to Obama, I can name 2 major policy advisors who are Jewish.

The difference here is Wright is one of Obama's mentors. His puppet staff, not so much


Which is Oblama, bad Christian or good Muslim?

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