Obama fucks over Isreal

We should stay out of other country's garbage.

I hope we lift all sanctions and stop making stupid alliances.

Where would we get our oil from?

Obama keeps preventing us from using our own.

Where would we get all of our cheap shit from?

We can't manufacture anything cheaply because of the God-damned unions.

Just to join you in off-topic heaven- As of 2012, Unions make up around 11.3% of the total work force. The membership has been steadily dropping even under that socialist-commie, the Big "O"! That makes your comment rather absurd.
lol.. The questions that were asked are akin to asking why I think the sun rises in the East


You've already shown pretty clearly that you have no ability to rationally back up your claim that Obama is anti-Semitic, yet you still chose to believe it, passionately.

That is entertaining to me.

Let's just call it Circumstantial evidence


Or, we can call it really wanting to believe it.
You've already shown pretty clearly that you have no ability to rationally back up your claim that Obama is anti-Semitic, yet you still chose to believe it, passionately.

That is entertaining to me.

Let's just call it Circumstantial evidence


Or, we can call it really wanting to believe it.


This is an entertaining exchange between the Heartland American with some common sense and the condescending elitist pinhead.

The pinhead has demanded proof that Obama hates Jews, and so thinks he has won the argument, when the good ole boy can't prove that which is virtually beyond proof...and the pinhead has successfully avoided the real issue---which is that it is obvious to anyone with a lick of common sense, that Obama has completely thrown our old allies, Israel, the only civilized people over there......to the wolves.

And he did it for a headline that will get Obamacare off the front page for a day or so.

It had never occurred to me that Machiavelli was from Chicago. But I see now that he is.
Let's just call it Circumstantial evidence


Or, we can call it really wanting to believe it.


This is an entertaining exchange between the Heartland American with some common sense and the condescending elitist pinhead.

The pinhead has demanded proof that Obama hates Jews, and so thinks he has won the argument, when the good ole boy can't prove that which is virtually beyond proof...and the pinhead has successfully avoided the real issue---which is that it is obvious to anyone with a lick of common sense, that Obama has completely thrown our old allies, Israel, the only civilized people over there......to the wolves.

And he did it for a headline that will get Obamacare off the front page for a day or so.

It had never occurred to me that Machiavelli was from Chicago. But I see now that he is.

You really think that's what happened?

Obama did no such thing, you guys were in so much of a rush to have Obama deported, that you failed to grasp that NO SANCTIONS were lifted.

Well, obviously Israel feelings are not relevant to Obama.

But Iran's feeling are!

Hail to the first Islamist American President! :mad:

Totally disgusting.

Iran's "feelings" don't matter either. This isn't a fucking group therapy session.

Therapy sessions I don't know much about, so I can't talk about it.....but you can bet you sweet eye that Obama is a closet Islamist.

He should be pursuing the murderers of Ambassador Stevens instead of easing sanctions to Iran!

What does Benghazi have to do with Iran? You realize that Iran opposes Al Qaeda right? The same Al Qaeda forces that killed our men in Benghazi are trying to overthrow the Assad Regime of Syria, which Iran supports. So my question is, why do you oppose those who aggressively fight Al Qaeda(a group that has killed thousands of Americans). Who is your loyalty with? America or Israel? You sound like a Zionist Fifth Columnist.
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You think there's a chance Israel shares some intelligence with us in regards to our national security? Nahh you're probably right.

I guess (?) What do they know that we could not find out for ourselves?

Do they have access to to Iran's secret files?

Help me out here, because I cannot for the life of me see some kind of advantage to sucking up to Israel.

Listen, if you want to deny or don't know that because of Israel's capabilities and geographic positioning they are very important to us on the intelligence front, then it leads me to believe you have a bias.
Well, I know the Israeli government spies on all Americans, we are pretty important to them as an "intelligence front" apparently.
The NSA is sharing data with Israel. Before filtering out Americans? information.
Shady Companies With Ties to Israel Wiretap the U.S. for the NSA | Threat Level | Wired.com

Piss on them.
Did the Israelis tell us before they attacked Syrian/Russian shipments last week?

Interesting, Israel is on the side of Al Qaeda in Syria.

This begs the question, who are neo-cons more loyal to? America or Israel?
Considering Obama in a anti-Smite why would we expect him to help Israel?


Obama is an anti-Semite? That's weird, he sure has surrounded himself with Jews.

Rahm Emmanuel
Ezekial Emmanuel
David Axelrod
Cass Sunstein

...and there are plenty more.
Rashid Khalidi
Obama's biggest donors are also Jews.
Mega-Donors Give Obama a Boost ? Forward.com

The idea he is anti-semitic or anti-Israel is absurd.
Kerry has said that "Gaps" must be overcome before a deal can be reached.

I hope the US is deferential, humble and apologetic in our efforts to bridge these gaps. We need to give the Iranians more in return for a deal.
Good grief... Obama craps all over the United States, so Israel had it coming too. Like Obama to Wright, guilt by association

How does slightly easing sanctions against Iran "screw Israel"?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

well, lets say it doesn't help them, its makes it just a tad easier for Iran to complete their task.

In truth, the clerics have started and continued despite any pressure via sanctions, whatever and they won't stop unless the country throws them out via revolution.

Iran is clever, they appointed, oops, I mean elected what the world would consider and they could peddle as a moderate (Rouhani being a moderate is ludicrous, hes just more disciplined and smarter ) I do agree that after Ahmadinejad Attila the Hun might seem moderate.

They saw obamas gasping grasping mismanagement in the ME and guessed correctly, any branch no matter how slim or brittle, if offered in a velvet glove would get buy them more time and Obama would jump at the chance for 'peace in our time'.

The sturm and drang is no longer necessary..... this means they are close, very close to the tipping point, and they want as calm a waters as they can manage.
Good grief... Obama craps all over the United States, so Israel had it coming too. Like Obama to Wright, guilt by association


What exactly did Wright do?

You do know that Jeb asked his poppa George Bush to give Orlando Bosch asylum in the US right?

That's the same Orlando Bosch that bombed a Cuban airliner killing nearly 100 people.

And you do know that George W. Bush bought a controlling interest in Arbusto from the brother of Osama Bin Laden? That's the same Osama Bin Laden his daddy supported in Afghanistan.

Talk about guilt by association.

Which one of Obama's association was responsible for killing close to 3000 Americans?

You know..like George W. Bush's associations?
Good grief... Obama craps all over the United States, so Israel had it coming too. Like Obama to Wright, guilt by association


What exactly did Wright do?

You do know that Jeb asked his poppa George Bush to give Orlando Bosch asylum in the US right?

That's the same Orlando Bosch that bombed a Cuban airliner killing nearly 100 people.

And you do know that George W. Bush bought a controlling interest in Arbusto from the brother of Osama Bin Laden? That's the same Osama Bin Laden his daddy supported in Afghanistan.

Talk about guilt by association.

Which one of Obama's association was responsible for killing close to 3000 Americans?

You know..like George W. Bush's associations?


Oh, no.... (((((yawn))))))

Not the Bush card.. Hey, did you hear about the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor?

Obama lifted some sanctions on Iran months ago, without even telling Israel. Give it up for the most transparent administration in history. Obama is on the side of evil folks, there's no doubt about it.

Exclusive: Obama?s Secret Iran Détente - The Daily Beast
"The following is a list of United Nations resolutions that concern both Israel and Palestine and bordering states such as Lebanon. The Human Rights Council has adopted more resolutions condemning Israel than it has all other states combined."

If your definition of "evil" includes repeated invasions of neighboring sovereign states, Israel is a much larger threat to global security than Iran which hasn't invaded any of its neighbors in over a hundred years.

List of the UN resolutions concerning Israel and Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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