Obama fucks over Isreal

If I were President, I'd apologize to the Islamic world for Israel's creation.

The holocaust was Germany's crime. it was a crime of Europeans. The Arabs did nothing to deserve having their land stolen.

Instead of punishing the Germans and other Europeans for their ethnic cleansing of Jews, we instead reversed the Roman Empire's ethnic cleansing from 2nd century BC. Frankly, it was way too late for that. Other people moved in by then, and have a better right to the land now.

We had Europe occupied and could have forced, at gunpoint, the Europeans to live peacefully with their longtime Jewish countrymen, or we could have encouraged the Jews to come live in America.
His Hero Rev Wright is a good start.

Michelle Obama and John Kerry to Honor Anti-Semite and 9/11 Fan | The Weekly Standard

Michelle Obama and John Kerry to Honor Anti-Semite and 9/11 Fan

On Friday March 8, Michelle Obama will join John Kerry at a special ceremony at the State Department to present ten women the Secretary of State’s International Women of Courage Award.

Ibrahim frequently uses Twitter to air her anti-Semitic views. Last August 4, commenting on demonstrations in Saudi Arabia, she described the ruling Al Saud family as “dirtier than the Jews.” Seventeen days later she tweeted in reference to Adolf Hitler: “I have discovered with the passage of days, that no act contrary to morality, no crime against society, takes place, except with the Jews having a hand in it. Hitler.”

Jeremiah Wright Endorses Anti-Semitic 'March to Jerusalem'


President Barack Obama’s longtime pastor at Trinity United Church, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, has announced his support for the anti-Semitic “March to Jerusalem” at the end of March. The White House has refused comment.

Do you really not see how silly this is?

For every "anti-Semite" that you can tenuously link to Obama, I can name 2 major policy advisors who are Jewish.

The difference here is Wright is one of Obama's mentors. His puppet staff, not so much


"Mentor"? Where do you get that from?

How do you know who Obama's "mentors" are?
Obama lifted some sanctions on Iran months ago, without even telling Israel. Give it up for the most transparent administration in history. Obama is on the side of evil folks, there's no doubt about it.

Exclusive: Obama?s Secret Iran Détente - The Daily Beast

I'm against dealing with Iran because they hurt American troops with munitions the sent over the border to the terrorists that were raising the casualties

2011: U.S. military commanders in Iraq say Iranian-made weaponry is killing American troops there at an unprecedented pace, posing new dangers to the remaining forces and highlighting Tehran’s intensifying push to gain influence over post-U.S. Iraq. Record Number of U.S. Troops Killed by Iranian Weapons - NationalJournal.com

September 27, 2012: IEDs continue to kill and maim U.S. troops

About 6,572 U.S. troops have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, and 2,483 of those deaths are IED related, according to the Washington Post. IEDs are the top killer of U.S. troops. Thousands more have been wounded by them.
Dr. Steven Scott, a physician at the James A. Haley VA Medical Center in Tampa, recognized early in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that he was seeing different kinds of wounds. They were more complex and challenging. Some were invisible, traumatic brain injuries every bit as debilitating as a lost limb. Often, severe blast injuries created havoc with many parts of the body at once. Advances in medicine resulted in Haley doctors seeing more profoundly wounded soldiers than ever before. IEDs continue to kill and maim U.S. troops despite multibillion dollar effort | Tampa Bay Times

Obama has no business palling up with people who want to be supported while they're still murdering our troops by sending over more sophisticated IEDs to blow through stronger and stronger Humvees. I remember the Congress passing emergency funds to reinforce Humvees in or around 2004, after millions were spent reinforcing Humbees to a grade that would stop some of the killings. Iran responded with developing IEDs quickly to outdo the old ones and got them over the Afghan and Iraqi borders as soon as they possibly could.

Obama should be making plans to blow up a few of the Iranian plans to kill everybody in the world they don't like, which is just about everyone, to be exact, except for Hugo Chavez who died not long ago, still blaming the United States for his demise as he did everything else we did not do.
Obama lifted some sanctions on Iran months ago, without even telling Israel. Give it up for the most transparent administration in history. Obama is on the side of evil folks, there's no doubt about it.

Exclusive: Obama?s Secret Iran Détente - The Daily Beast

I'm against dealing with Iran because they hurt American troops with munitions the sent over the border to the terrorists that were raising the casualties

2011: U.S. military commanders in Iraq say Iranian-made weaponry is killing American troops there at an unprecedented pace, posing new dangers to the remaining forces and highlighting Tehran’s intensifying push to gain influence over post-U.S. Iraq. Record Number of U.S. Troops Killed by Iranian Weapons - NationalJournal.com

September 27, 2012: IEDs continue to kill and maim U.S. troops

About 6,572 U.S. troops have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, and 2,483 of those deaths are IED related, according to the Washington Post. IEDs are the top killer of U.S. troops. Thousands more have been wounded by them.
Dr. Steven Scott, a physician at the James A. Haley VA Medical Center in Tampa, recognized early in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that he was seeing different kinds of wounds. They were more complex and challenging. Some were invisible, traumatic brain injuries every bit as debilitating as a lost limb. Often, severe blast injuries created havoc with many parts of the body at once. Advances in medicine resulted in Haley doctors seeing more profoundly wounded soldiers than ever before. IEDs continue to kill and maim U.S. troops despite multibillion dollar effort | Tampa Bay Times

Obama has no business palling up with people who want to be supported while they're still murdering our troops by sending over more sophisticated IEDs to blow through stronger and stronger Humvees. I remember the Congress passing emergency funds to reinforce Humvees in or around 2004, after millions were spent reinforcing Humbees to a grade that would stop some of the killings. Iran responded with developing IEDs quickly to outdo the old ones and got them over the Afghan and Iraqi borders as soon as they possibly could.

Obama should be making plans to blow up a few of the Iranian plans to kill everybody in the world they don't like, which is just about everyone, to be exact, except for Hugo Chavez who died not long ago, still blaming the United States for his demise as he did everything else we did not do.

"IED" stands for "Improvised Explosive Device". By definition, they are not "sophisticated" in any way.

They are not manufactured, they are improvised from other materials, such as blasting caps, plastic explosives or even unfired artillery shells.
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Obama has no business palling up with people who want to be supported while they're still murdering our troops by sending over more sophisticated IEDs to blow through stronger and stronger Humvees. I remember the Congress passing emergency funds to reinforce Humvees in or around 2004, after millions were spent reinforcing Humbees to a grade that would stop some of the killings. Iran responded with developing IEDs quickly to outdo the old ones and got them over the Afghan and Iraqi borders as soon as they possibly could.

Obama should be making plans to blow up a few of the Iranian plans to kill everybody in the world they don't like, which is just about everyone, to be exact, except for Hugo Chavez who died not long ago, still blaming the United States for his demise as he did everything else we did not do.

Did you seriously not read the part about congress being in control of sanctions?
We should stay out of other country's garbage.

I hope we lift all sanctions and stop making stupid alliances.

Where would we get our oil from?

Obama keeps preventing us from using our own.

Where would we get all of our cheap shit from?

We can't manufacture anything cheaply because of the God-damned unions.
If Israel is compelled by Obabble's failures to attack Iran on their own, it should be the last straw...Obabble will have to go,
"Mentor"? Where do you get that from?

How do you know who Obama's "mentors" are?

How do you know who they are not?


YOU are the one making the claim - not the Doc. Care to back that up?

You folks believe what you want. I will do the same. If it walks like a duck..

Rev. Wright Was a Second Father to Obama


Published: March 6, 2007
CHICAGO, March 5 — The Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., senior pastor of the popular Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago and spiritual mentor to Senator Barack Obama, thought he knew what he would be doing on Feb. 10, the day of Senator Obama’s presidential announcement.
We should stay out of other country's garbage.

I hope we lift all sanctions and stop making stupid alliances.

Where would we get our oil from?

Obama keeps preventing us from using our own.

Where would we get all of our cheap shit from?

We can't manufacture anything cheaply because of the God-damned unions.

"It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world": it was George Washington's Farewell Address to us. The inaugural pledge of Thomas Jefferson was no less clear: "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none."

(folds arms and taps foot...)

Where the hell are you constitution, founding father ding-bats when I need you???

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Obama lifted some sanctions on Iran months ago, without even telling Israel. Give it up for the most transparent administration in history. Obama is on the side of evil folks, there's no doubt about it.

Exclusive: Obama?s Secret Iran Détente - The Daily Beast

I'm against dealing with Iran because they hurt American troops with munitions the sent over the border to the terrorists that were raising the casualties

2011: U.S. military commanders in Iraq say Iranian-made weaponry is killing American troops there at an unprecedented pace, posing new dangers to the remaining forces and highlighting Tehran’s intensifying push to gain influence over post-U.S. Iraq. Record Number of U.S. Troops Killed by Iranian Weapons - NationalJournal.com

September 27, 2012: IEDs continue to kill and maim U.S. troops

About 6,572 U.S. troops have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, and 2,483 of those deaths are IED related, according to the Washington Post. IEDs are the top killer of U.S. troops. Thousands more have been wounded by them.
Dr. Steven Scott, a physician at the James A. Haley VA Medical Center in Tampa, recognized early in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that he was seeing different kinds of wounds. They were more complex and challenging. Some were invisible, traumatic brain injuries every bit as debilitating as a lost limb. Often, severe blast injuries created havoc with many parts of the body at once. Advances in medicine resulted in Haley doctors seeing more profoundly wounded soldiers than ever before. IEDs continue to kill and maim U.S. troops despite multibillion dollar effort | Tampa Bay Times

Obama has no business palling up with people who want to be supported while they're still murdering our troops by sending over more sophisticated IEDs to blow through stronger and stronger Humvees. I remember the Congress passing emergency funds to reinforce Humvees in or around 2004, after millions were spent reinforcing Humbees to a grade that would stop some of the killings. Iran responded with developing IEDs quickly to outdo the old ones and got them over the Afghan and Iraqi borders as soon as they possibly could.

Excuse me dickhead, would anybody be trying to kill them if they were home where they belong?!?!?!?!?

Obama should be making plans to blow up a few of the Iranian plans to kill everybody in the world they don't like,.

Excuse me shitstain, can you identify the last country Iran invaded?

How do you know who they are not?


YOU are the one making the claim - not the Doc. Care to back that up?

You folks believe what you want. I will do the same. If it walks like a duck..

Rev. Wright Was a Second Father to Obama


Published: March 6, 2007
CHICAGO, March 5 — The Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., senior pastor of the popular Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago and spiritual mentor to Senator Barack Obama, thought he knew what he would be doing on Feb. 10, the day of Senator Obama’s presidential announcement.


You think I'm trying to convince you of anything? I know that's hopeless. See my signature.

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