Obama fucks over Isreal

This sham with Iran has occurred for the most despicable reasons---to distract Americans from the disaster that is ObamaCare.

It is despicable because Chicago political tricks should be absolutely out-of-bounds when dealing with the Iranian nuclear threat.

Nothing will come of this deal with Iran, other than that Iran gets the sanctions lifted or eased.....but it will help the liar president move on to his next misgovernment project. And Iran will finish up its nuclear program.

And then the Shi'a/Persian push for hegemony in the Middle East will commence in earnest.

Oh, brother...

Can we stick to the issue, or do we need to regurgitate every stupid political argument from the beginning of time?

Good , you guys want to cut shit , cut the biggest welfare state of them all Israel .
If it was a secret, how did we find out about it?

How do ever find out about this sort of thing? Somebody talks... No matter how you slice though, waiting five months to let the cat out of the bag is not exactly "transparent and forthcoming..."

So, he intentionally deceived us?

Or he was not being "transparent?"

Well MC, he didn't tell the American public about this change in policy, so he didn't lie...
How does slightly easing sanctions against Iran "screw Israel"?

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Figure it out Einstein. You think Netenyahu is happy about this? They feel betrayed, and rightfully so.

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Why are Israel's "feelings" relevant to anything at all?

Well, obviously Israel feelings are not relevant to Obama.

But Iran's feeling are!

Hail to the first Islamist American President! :mad:

Totally disgusting.
Ok, maybe you don't hate Israel, but many who deny our strategic alliance with Israel are coming from a place of hate. The U.S. are partners in combating terrorism and there is no more important ally than Israel on that front. Obama stated he had a commitment to Israel's security during presidential election season. Now, not so much.

How exactly is Israel helping us? Did they shoot Bin Laden, did they rebuild our towers?

Mostly, they keep fighting with other countries instead of learning to get along with them.

How is that helping us?


You think there's a chance Israel shares some intelligence with us in regards to our national security? Nahh you're probably right.

I guess (?) What do they know that we could not find out for ourselves?

Do they have access to to Iran's secret files?

Help me out here, because I cannot for the life of me see some kind of advantage to sucking up to Israel.
It is politics, it is a policy decision, Iran are on the balls of their ass right now economically. If this president can do anything to ease tension in the region or stabilize the tentative situation he is duty bound to do so.

The issue is not whether I like the guy or not, rather, it is crucial that he does not sit on his ass while he is in office and let a festering situation get worse.
Figure it out Einstein. You think Netenyahu is happy about this? They feel betrayed, and rightfully so.

Yahoo News Canada - Latest News & Headlines

Why are Israel's "feelings" relevant to anything at all?

Well, obviously Israel feelings are not relevant to Obama.

But Iran's feeling are!

Hail to the first Islamist American President! :mad:

Totally disgusting.

Iran's "feelings" don't matter either. This isn't a fucking group therapy session.
Well, obviously Israel feelings are not relevant to Obama.

But Iran's feeling are!

Hail to the first Islamist American President! :mad:

Totally disgusting.

I have no clue what that means.

All of a sudden, we love Iran and want to copulate with them?

Why are Israel's "feelings" relevant to anything at all?

Well, obviously Israel feelings are not relevant to Obama.

But Iran's feeling are!

Hail to the first Islamist American President! :mad:

Totally disgusting.

Iran's "feelings" don't matter either. This isn't a fucking group therapy session.

Therapy sessions I don't know much about, so I can't talk about it.....but you can bet you sweet eye that Obama is a closet Islamist.

He should be pursuing the murderers of Ambassador Stevens instead of easing sanctions to Iran!
It is politics, it is a policy decision, Iran are on the balls of their ass right now economically. If this president can do anything to ease tension in the region or stabilize the tentative situation he is duty bound to do so.

The issue is not whether I like the guy or not, rather, it is crucial that he does not sit on his ass while he is in office and let a festering situation get worse.

Right, I don't have a problem with people not liking Obama's policies, but the unfounded dislike for him as a human being is kind of laughably irrelevant.

Obama was supposed to open a can of whop-ass on Iran instead, I guess.
Therapy sessions I don't know much about, so I can talk about it.....but you can bet you sweet eye that Obama is a closet Islamist.

He should be pursuing the murderers of Ambassador Stevens instead of easing sanctions to Iran!

You really think that? It's OK if you do, but why are you bringing Steven's name up?

Corn-fussed in Maryland.

If Obama hasn't changed much in life, he must of got his ass kicked often growing up.

People don't become assholes overnight.

Well, obviously Israel feelings are not relevant to Obama.

But Iran's feeling are!

Hail to the first Islamist American President! :mad:

Totally disgusting.

Iran's "feelings" don't matter either. This isn't a fucking group therapy session.

Therapy sessions I don't know much about, so I can't talk about it.....but you can bet you sweet eye that Obama is a closet Islamist.

He should be pursuing the murderers of Ambassador Stevens instead of easing sanctions to Iran!

The fact that you think Obama is a "closet Islamist" really makes your opinions on anything completely irrelevant.

But for the sake of argument, are you under the impression that the US government can only do one thing at a time?
Obama has destroyed everything he's touched

not only us here in this country but our allies now can't rely on us either

it's some sad time we are living through...But his whole administration is made up of people who hate Israel, so this is no surprise
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It is politics, it is a policy decision, Iran are on the balls of their ass right now economically. If this president can do anything to ease tension in the region or stabilize the tentative situation he is duty bound to do so.

The issue is not whether I like the guy or not, rather, it is crucial that he does not sit on his ass while he is in office and let a festering situation get worse.

Neville? Neville Chamberlain? Is that you Neville?

These ayatollahs are every bit as fanatic as Hitler....that is the very dangerous correlation to Nazi Germany...fanaticism.

And when they get nuclear weapons....which as all but assured now...we cwill start to see that fanatism.

And this "festering situation" which Obama seems to have cured, has been festering for about 2800 years. It got real bad about 1400 years ago when The Koran came along...and it is going to really really get bad when a bunch of religious fanatics have a nuclear bomb.

It won't be long before Allah tells them to use it.

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