Obama Girls Benefit from Private School

I'm really curious as to where it was written that just because someone has the means to avail themselves of private school, they can't care about public education.

There seems to be this faux outrage when people who have means actually care about policies that affect the public.

I, for one, didn't say that he didn't care. In fact, I've detailed what he says he cares about -- except OTHER THINGS take priority while OTHER PEOPLE WAIT for the promised change(s).

if i'm following what you said, then i'd have to say that's life. people wait for lots of things to get fixed.... the guy has only been in office three months.

and besides... the poor public school kids having to "wait for change" wasn't the point of the thread. the point of the thread was another whine about obama.
I find it amusing when people tell me that the problem in public education cannot be solved with more money.

Most of those people send their children to schools which cost LOTS of money.

You don't suppose, do you, that perhaps, just perhaps, that extra money might have SOMETHING to do with WHY those schools are able to offer edcuational experiences which is so superior, do you?

ED....when i moved to Cali. from NY back in 67 my folkes were told Cali was like no. 4 nation wide in schooling,and they probably were.....BILLIONS of dollars later we are now no. 48.....
ED....when i moved to Cali. from NY back in 67 my folkes were told Cali was like no. 4 nation wide in schooling,and they probably were.....BILLIONS of dollars later we are now no. 48.....

Isn't it just easier to link to John and Ken's website? It would save you the work of extra typing. :)
I find it amusing when people tell me that the problem in public education cannot be solved with more money.

Most of those people send their children to schools which cost LOTS of money.

You don't suppose, do you, that perhaps, just perhaps, that extra money might have SOMETHING to do with WHY those schools are able to offer edcuational experiences which is so superior, do you?

Not entirely, ever stop to think about why the teachers in public schools do not work in these better paying schools? The quality of the work should always determine the pay rate.

ARe you under the impression that teacher make more money who work in private schools which cost vast fortures?

They don't you know...not typically.

What IS different are the resources that teachers typically have to work with in those private schools.

I've worked as a teacher in both public and private schools. I made much more money working in the public schools, FWTW.

The largest difference between public and private is generally the educator to student ratios.

Of course, the schools themselves and the quality of life in them are also very different.

For example, most truly great private prep schools are also residential schools designed to give those student every advantage and motivation to work hard and achieve.

That's not typically of what most public school kids are working with, either is it?

Between private and public --
1. what is the difference with discipline and respect for the teachers? As a teacher did you have to spend more time dealing with disruptive students in private or public school? Is discipline an issue at all?
2. Are students in general better prepared for class?
3. Which system provides better support to the teachers? Are parents and administratives more supportive in private or public?
Private schools cost lots of money and usually require smarts - not always necessary. So the question then for those who support vouchers is why not make all schools equivalent to private schools? Why? well think about it for a second, public schools accept all students, they have to, and private schools have the power to toss out troublesome students. All the private schools, I am familiar with, cost any where from 15k to 30k, some are even higher. When the tools who criticism Obama for the voucher cutback are willing to pay and support equal educational opportunity they can speak until then it is the usual partisan blather.

26K !!!
$26,000 Cost Pushes Up Barriers to Area Private Schools - washingtonpost.com
Private vs. Public Schools: What's the Difference? - GreatSchools.net
CAPE | Private School Facts
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I find it amusing when people tell me that the problem in public education cannot be solved with more money.

Most of those people send their children to schools which cost LOTS of money.

You don't suppose, do you, that perhaps, just perhaps, that extra money might have SOMETHING to do with WHY those schools are able to offer edcuational experiences which is so superior, do you?

ED....when i moved to Cali. from NY back in 67 my folkes were told Cali was like no. 4 nation wide in schooling,and they probably were.....BILLIONS of dollars later we are now no. 48.....

Yeah I can believe that.

The issue of what makes schools function well or not is very complex and not entirely based on what's happening AT THE SCHOOL.

In fact, what's happening to the students and their families play, as far as I can tell, a much greater role in the educational outcomes of the students.

Of course there are bad schools, and good schools, but that's not the only thing that going on to ruin our educational system.

Mostly what's destroying edcuation are the same things that are destroying the middle class.
I find it amusing when people tell me that the problem in public education cannot be solved with more money.

Most of those people send their children to schools which cost LOTS of money.

You don't suppose, do you, that perhaps, just perhaps, that extra money might have SOMETHING to do with WHY those schools are able to offer edcuational experiences which is so superior, do you?

ED....when i moved to Cali. from NY back in 67 my folkes were told Cali was like no. 4 nation wide in schooling,and they probably were.....BILLIONS of dollars later we are now no. 48.....

When california schools were awesome, they used to spend higher than the national average on education/per pupil.

Now, california spends well below the national average/per pupil on education. And the quality of education, oddly, went down. Coincidence? We report, you decide.

Here's another interesting tidbit. In general states that spend more per pupil on education, have higher quailty education. The correlation isn't perfect (obviously DC schools suck) but the correlation is strong and striking. States in the northeast and upper midwest, like Vermont, Conn, Mass, Wisconsin, New Hampshire have top notch public education. And they spend a lot more money than average per pupil. Most bible belt states rank way below average in funding per pupil, and their education generallly sucks.

So, broadly speaking, more spending per pupil equals higher quality education. Coincidence? Again, we report you decide.

US Census Bureau Report on Education, 2006:
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Except I voted for Obama. I'm not an Obama-hater, but I'm sure that helps the koolaid drinkers on the left dismiss this issue, rather than thinking about it in real terms.

The weighted pupil unit in the district, per student, is close to $7k. The voucher program allows DC parents who can't afford to send their kids to private schools to opt out of the failing public school system that already rakes in virtually the same amount, annually, as the vouchers, to educate kids.

So, why would Obama cut a program that allows poor parents to make the same choice to opt out of a failing/unsafe school that he did? Because it pisses off the teacher's union, that's why.

Probably because there's only so much ROOM for all the kids who want to go to private schools? To me, its just another one of those no-brainers. Plus, it was Congress that put the kibosh on future funding for the program, and Obama may tryi to get it restored. He's not an all-pro union person. In fact, during the campaign, Obama raised the ire of the NEA by announcing he endorsed the idea of merit pay at their convention, and elicited boos because of it.
But poor blacks in DC probably wouldn't.


Hit & Run > When It Comes to School Choice For Low-Income DC Residents, Obama Offers Crumb (And Is One) - Reason Magazine

This REALLY, REALLY pisses me off. If Obama believes so much in what this particular urban school district is doing, his kids should be attending there. Put your FAMILY where your mouth is, and then we'll all know you're telling the truth. But instead, he's just thrown a biscuit to the powerful teacher's union, and shown us that he's kind of a hypocrite..."Do as I say, not as I do."

That's why advocating school choice is so ludicrous on its face. There aren't enough Triple A schools to accommodate all the students who wish for a better education than the one they're getting. Most of the private schools are too expensive. Build more schools? The JUST SAY NO BRIGADE doesn't want that to happen either, with federal funding, and states can't afford it.

Obama doesn't want his children attending public school because the quality of education is so low, especially in DC. Why wouldn't he send them to a private school? Anyone would, if they could. It's a no-brainer.

Naturally.... He merely advocates for CHANGE, and the "little people" WAIT for it to happen!

Obama on standardized testing:
“I will provide funds for states to implement a broader range of assessments that can evaluate higher-order skills, including students’ abilities to use technology, conduct research, engage in scientific investigation, solve problems, present and defend their ideas,” says Obama.

Obama on school choice:
“We need to invest in our public schools and strengthen them, not drain their fiscal support,” he says. “In the end, vouchers would reduce the options available to children in need. I fear these children would truly be left behind in a private market system.” Obama is more open to charter schools working within the public school system, calling them “important innovators” which improve healthy competition among public schools. However, Obama says there need to be strong accountability measures in place.

Obama on NCLB:
“Particularly at a time when our nation is facing a shortage in teachers due to retirement and retention problems, it is important to ensure that we can attract, support, and retain high-quality teachers,” he says. How does Obama propose we do this? By experimenting with alternative preparation, mentoring and professional development programs, in addition to providing fresh incentives for serving high-need schools. Specifically, he plans to provide funding for 200 new Teacher Residency Programs, an idea he introduced in the Senate last year. In these programs, individuals completing coursework for teacher certification could serve as apprentices in the classrooms of veteran teachers, as long as they pledged at least three years of service in the sponsoring district.

Obama on Improvements to Science, Math and Technology Education
Recruit High Quality Math and Science Teachers
Focus on Science Instruction
Test Skills, not Facts

Obama has tallied the expenses for his education plan at a cool $18 billion. Wondering where he’ll get the money? According to his campaign web site, he plans to delay a NASA project for five years, auction surplus federal property, close tax loopholes for executives, and use “a small portion of the savings associated with fighting the war in Iraq,” among other sources.

This is all part and parcel of Obama’s “historic commitment” to education. The president-elect will need to address many challenging issues, education chief among them, when he steps into office next January. Whether Americans will see Obama's education platform promises become realties, only time will tell.

Barack Obama on Education

The clock is ticking....

Your point? If only everything Obama WANTED could magically come true. It's not up to HIM to decide many of these issues, including this one. Would you prefer he ran the government by Executive Order only?
I find it amusing when people tell me that the problem in public education cannot be solved with more money.

Most of those people send their children to schools which cost LOTS of money.

You don't suppose, do you, that perhaps, just perhaps, that extra money might have SOMETHING to do with WHY those schools are able to offer edcuational experiences which is so superior, do you?

Not entirely, ever stop to think about why the teachers in public schools do not work in these better paying schools? The quality of the work should always determine the pay rate.

So let's have all private schools. Who will build them, and who will control the curriculum which must include knowledge of the primary areas of learning that people have to know in order to function in the real world? With more private schools than public schools, here comes the competitive factor all over again, and even private schools would eventually be required to employ lesser quality teachers because there aren't enough really dedicated smarter ones to go around. Since pay scales for teachers varies from state to state, we'd still have the problem unless the federal government set the pay scale and reguirements for meritorious wage increases.
I find it amusing when people tell me that the problem in public education cannot be solved with more money.

Most of those people send their children to schools which cost LOTS of money.

You don't suppose, do you, that perhaps, just perhaps, that extra money might have SOMETHING to do with WHY those schools are able to offer edcuational experiences which is so superior, do you?

Not entirely, ever stop to think about why the teachers in public schools do not work in these better paying schools? The quality of the work should always determine the pay rate.

So let's have all private schools. Who will build them, and who will control the curriculum which must include knowledge of the primary areas of learning that people have to know in order to function in the real world? With more private schools than public schools, here comes the competitive factor all over again, and even private schools would eventually be required to employ lesser quality teachers because there aren't enough really dedicated smarter ones to go around. Since pay scales for teachers varies from state to state, we'd still have the problem unless the federal government set the pay scale and reguirements for meritorious wage increases.

Yea all private schools ran just like they are now. Kick out the troubled kids who always make it harder for everyone in public schools to learn and 30 to 40 % would probably not be there,now less teachers needed,less schools needed,put some in the Army to learn discipline as there parents will not teach them, others can do the work of the illegals. See how many problems can be solved with private schools. My oh my what a smart idea..wait a minute
this would be toooo good can't do that.
That's why advocating school choice is so ludicrous on its face. There aren't enough Triple A schools to accommodate all the students who wish for a better education than the one they're getting. Most of the private schools are too expensive. Build more schools? The JUST SAY NO BRIGADE doesn't want that to happen either, with federal funding, and states can't afford it.

Obama doesn't want his children attending public school because the quality of education is so low, especially in DC. Why wouldn't he send them to a private school? Anyone would, if they could. It's a no-brainer.

Naturally.... He merely advocates for CHANGE, and the "little people" WAIT for it to happen!

Obama on standardized testing:
“I will provide funds for states to implement a broader range of assessments that can evaluate higher-order skills, including students’ abilities to use technology, conduct research, engage in scientific investigation, solve problems, present and defend their ideas,” says Obama.

Obama on school choice:
“We need to invest in our public schools and strengthen them, not drain their fiscal support,” he says. “In the end, vouchers would reduce the options available to children in need. I fear these children would truly be left behind in a private market system.” Obama is more open to charter schools working within the public school system, calling them “important innovators” which improve healthy competition among public schools. However, Obama says there need to be strong accountability measures in place.

Obama on NCLB:
“Particularly at a time when our nation is facing a shortage in teachers due to retirement and retention problems, it is important to ensure that we can attract, support, and retain high-quality teachers,” he says. How does Obama propose we do this? By experimenting with alternative preparation, mentoring and professional development programs, in addition to providing fresh incentives for serving high-need schools. Specifically, he plans to provide funding for 200 new Teacher Residency Programs, an idea he introduced in the Senate last year. In these programs, individuals completing coursework for teacher certification could serve as apprentices in the classrooms of veteran teachers, as long as they pledged at least three years of service in the sponsoring district.

Obama on Improvements to Science, Math and Technology Education
Recruit High Quality Math and Science Teachers
Focus on Science Instruction
Test Skills, not Facts

Obama has tallied the expenses for his education plan at a cool $18 billion. Wondering where he’ll get the money? According to his campaign web site, he plans to delay a NASA project for five years, auction surplus federal property, close tax loopholes for executives, and use “a small portion of the savings associated with fighting the war in Iraq,” among other sources.

This is all part and parcel of Obama’s “historic commitment” to education. The president-elect will need to address many challenging issues, education chief among them, when he steps into office next January. Whether Americans will see Obama's education platform promises become realties, only time will tell.

Barack Obama on Education

The clock is ticking....

Your point? If only everything Obama WANTED could magically come true. It's not up to HIM to decide many of these issues, including this one. Would you prefer he ran the government by Executive Order only?

No, I would prefer that he (and ALL damned politicians) not make broad policy statements (promises) that they know damned well they don't have control over, and that the "little people" who only heard HOPE and CHANGE would understand that fact.

By the way, this issue isn't only about private schools as a choice. And yes, I've read the other comments that assert that the "bad" district will only get worse if the "good" kids are taken out. Another fact: The "bad" kids aren't going to improve because they have no motivation (parental or self, and often educator) to improve, so it certainly get any worse. I see no problem using tax dollars to send kids to a better public school district if their public school district is failing them!
Again, instead of offering real solutions to our economy and to our country, the Republicans just attack everyone else. This IS the party of no. The party of no more elections... as in the Republicans will never be elected to the White House again.

Like a judge said of pornography.........." I know it when I see It." Good answers to our countries problems reveal themselves to everyone. So far Obama's answers make sense only to him,an ill-chosen cabinet, and fewer of those who voted him in every day. Borrowing and spending at the greatest rate in history, and a world apology tour,and castrating our intellegence services appear pornographic.
US Census Bureau Report on Education, 2006:

Please note that DC, with some of the worst public schools in the country, spends one of the highest amounts per capita on education:

$13,000+ per year.

And yet, the schools are still failing the vast majority who attend. This IS NOT about money. It's about requiring schools, teachers and administrators to ensure that they are using proven methods in the classrooms (something the NEA has resisted, strenuously, for some reason), and ensuring that the dollars MAKE IT TO THE CLASSROOM instead of getting hung up on administrative costs (a huge issue in inner city schools).

The voucher program allows a limited number of poor, yet talented kids, to escape these failing schools and get a good education. It impacts primarily black inner city kids who are already struggling against multiple barriers in their lives:

high crime neighborhoods
family dysfunction

AND, it works.

Yet, Obama would deny these poor black students the same opportunities his kids have.

I don't get it.

And no, this isn't about partisan politics, for me at least. THIS IS ABOUT PANDERING TO TEACHERS UNIONS who in some cases seem committed to failure.

p.s. Utah, whose schools receive the lowest amount of funding per student per capita routinely outperforms schools in the states with the top ten highest amount of funding.

Coincidence? I think not.
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ED....when i moved to Cali. from NY back in 67 my folkes were told Cali was like no. 4 nation wide in schooling,and they probably were.....BILLIONS of dollars later we are now no. 48.....

Isn't it just easier to link to John and Ken's website? It would save you the work of extra typing. :)
why?...i dont need those too morons to tell me what every Californian should already know...
I bet the reason his kids are in a secluded private school is that some right wing nutjob would probably be stalking them outside the DC public school.

When it comes to radical, nutjob extremists, the right wing wins the show. They are all NUTS.
p.s. Utah, whose schools receive the lowest amount of funding per student per capita routinely outperforms schools in the states with the top ten highest amount of funding.

Coincidence? I think not.

Utah doesn't have minorities (except for a couple guys name Joe and Earl).

Minorities are usually poorer than whites because whites kidnapped their ancestors, dragged them across the sea, forced them into slavery, opressed them for two hundred years after slavery ended (almost 200), and then said, "Why are black people so far behind white people?"


If you love it, move there.

You'll learn quickly: There is no nightlife ANYWHERE in the state of Utah.

No, I'm not exaggerating. Utah is dead after 6pm.

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