Obama Girls Benefit from Private School

p.s. Utah, whose schools receive the lowest amount of funding per student per capita routinely outperforms schools in the states with the top ten highest amount of funding.

Coincidence? I think not.

Utah doesn't have minorities (except for a couple guys name Joe and Earl).

Minorities are usually poorer than whites because whites kidnapped their ancestors, dragged them across the sea, forced them into slavery, opressed them for two hundred years after slavery ended (almost 200), and then said, "Why are black people so far behind white people?"


If you love it, move there.

You'll learn quickly: There is no nightlife ANYWHERE in the state of Utah.

No, I'm not exaggerating. Utah is dead after 6pm.

well after this statement you just proved why when it comes to radical extreamist nutjobs....the left wing also wins the show....another Bobo grad....
McCain had it right--he was all for school vouchers & charter schools. Personally I wonder how many Einsteins we missed through lower income Americans being forced to keep their kids in failing inner city schools--"where it's COOl--to be stupid". Where the teachers are all of a sudden are babysisters--not educators.

Who opposed this plan? BARACK OBAMA. Why? Because he's a union man & by God the Teachers Union would never support him if he let loose & said every single child--no matter how poor deserves the opportunity for a good education--"if they're deserving of one".

Instead of lifting those kids that want to learn & are capable---he chose to keep those kids within the group that can't get through their 1-2-3's--& all for his own personal political purposes. The teachers union VOTE.

Yet, these nit-wit parents STILL can't figure out today--who is the party for education. UNBELIEVABLE IGNORANCE on their part.
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The President sending his children to private schools does not upset me.

Conservatives should find a way to save poor children from wretched education. If we cannot do this we should retire & maybe someone who can will step up.

Competition improves quality. Children need the best education possible, especially the disadvantaged children.

Instead of trying to shame liberals into admitting they are slaves to unions & willing to damn the poor to a tough life, maybe the Fed could issue proper "wild cat" licenses to selected firms & teachers, and withhold education funds that would have gone to each state to pay for the vouchers.

Let the dreaded uniform public tests fade away & test the wildcat teachers instead.

Start small. If it works it cannot be stopped.

Gov. Romney, are you listening?
The President sending his children to private schools does not upset me.

Conservatives should find a way to save poor children from wretched education. If we cannot do this we should retire & maybe someone who can will step up.

Competition improves quality. Children need the best education possible, especially the disadvantaged children.

Instead of trying to shame liberals into admitting they are slaves to unions & willing to damn the poor to a tough life, maybe the Fed could issue proper "wild cat" licenses to selected firms & teachers, and withhold education funds that would have gone to each state to pay for the vouchers.

Let the dreaded uniform public tests fade away & test the wildcat teachers instead.

Start small. If it works it cannot be stopped.

Gov. Romney, are you listening?

Meanwhile, in nearby Prince William County....

Performance Pay Being Considered for Pr. William Teachers
By Michael Birnbaum
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, May 10, 2009

A test run of a performance-pay plan for Prince William County teachers could come to classrooms in the 2010-11 school year, drawing the county into a national debate about whether to tie teacher pay to student achievement.


Wonder what would happpen if health care professionals required incentive pay for patient survival....
Not entirely, ever stop to think about why the teachers in public schools do not work in these better paying schools? The quality of the work should always determine the pay rate.

ARe you under the impression that teacher make more money who work in private schools which cost vast fortures?

They don't you know...not typically.

What IS different are the resources that teachers typically have to work with in those private schools.

I've worked as a teacher in both public and private schools. I made much more money working in the public schools, FWTW.

The largest difference between public and private is generally the educator to student ratios.

Of course, the schools themselves and the quality of life in them are also very different.

For example, most truly great private prep schools are also residential schools designed to give those student every advantage and motivation to work hard and achieve.

That's not typically of what most public school kids are working with, either is it?

Based on my admittedly personal experience...

Between private and public --
1. what is the difference with discipline and respect for the teachers? As a teacher did you have to spend more time dealing with disruptive students in private or public school?

A lot more time dealing with disruptive kids in public schools

Is discipline an issue at all?

Yes, in both

2. Are students in general better prepared for class?

Not really

3. Which system provides better support to the teachers?

In my experience private schools demanded much more personal time spent with the students since the private school I worked for was a resdiential school.

Basically as extremely underpaid teachers we were expected to give about 60 hours a week to the school.

Are parents and administratives more supportive in private or public?

Parents were far more supportive in private schools the form of paying huge tuitions.

That tuition bought the students a great student teacher ratio, and whatever materials we thought the kids needed.

The parents were seldom seen in the schools though, since these schools were basically warehousing their kids.

The kids in private schools were generally easier to get along with, though.
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poverty and education and not good bedfellows....

many (not all) public schools first have to overcome the mindsets that go with poverty before they can even begin to teach.

poverty and education and not good bedfellows....

many (not all) public schools first have to overcome the mindsets that go with poverty before they can even begin to teach.


Cannot be done.

When kids are living in hell, which is what real poverty is, the hopelessness and anger not only make it impossible for the teacher to overcome it in the kids, but it actually infects the teachers, too.

Sure we all love the stories about those rare cases where some inspired teacher turns on a few kids.

But those happy days stories are nothing but WILLY MAYS rationalizations for why we don't have to do something real about the problem.

I do so get sick of that kind of rationalizing right wing anti-education, anti-teacher classist blather, Jill.

Schools are sick because society is sick.

Health care is sick because society is sick.

Our justice system is sick because our society is sick.

And society is sick because our value system is a series of interlocking rationalizing lies designed to justify the enormous injustices which we mete upon our own people.
There's truth there...

so what's the answer? giving up isn't it.

Allowing the rightwingnuts to give the finger to a good chunk of our society isn't...

so what is?

I don't believe that the "right" did any such thing. NCLB was well-intentioned, albeit not implemented properly. On the other hand, "dreams" doesn't cut it either. A good place to start would be with educator evaluations and cutting the "tenured" crap.
There's truth there...

so what's the answer? giving up isn't it.

Allowing the rightwingnuts to give the finger to a good chunk of our society isn't...

so what is?

Here one aspect of our values that have changed. I believe education is an important foundation for a developing and advancing society. To have a strong education, the family unit needs to be strong which I think has digressed over the past 100 years. Divorce has risen substantially and the family unit has eroded. Circumstances that society once looked negatively towards (children out wedlock, divorce, extra marital affairs) have been generally accepted and one that used to be accepted (corporal punishment for children) is looked unfavorably.

Single parents have a very difficult life. They have to raise the children and provide for the household (one job if lucky some with multiple jobs).

I am not a sociologist but I bet these societal changes have moved America’s value system.
But poor blacks in DC probably wouldn't.


Hit & Run > When It Comes to School Choice For Low-Income DC Residents, Obama Offers Crumb (And Is One) - Reason Magazine

President Obama, proud father of two daughters attending private school, has relented as little as possible when it comes to continuing the proven-effective, cost-effective DC school voucher program, which gives 1,700 kids up to $7,500 per year to get the hell out of the DC public school system. From the Wash Post and following a rally for the program yesterday:

This REALLY, REALLY pisses me off. If Obama believes so much in what this particular urban school district is doing, his kids should be attending there. Put your FAMILY where your mouth is, and then we'll all know you're telling the truth. But instead, he's just thrown a biscuit to the powerful teacher's union, and shown us that he's kind of a hypocrite..."Do as I say, not as I do."

He's the fucking president idiot. And when you make the kind of money the Messiah makes, you too can send your kids to private schools.

The difference is, you want us to pay for your kids to go to a private school that discriminates and probably doesn't pay taxes like Churches don't. Fuck that. You want to send your little kids to private school, pay for it.

Remember, people like you fought universal education, just like now you fight against universal healthcare. Am I right? Now you realize that you aren't a Republican. If you really were, you wouldn't have a problem affording private school.

So you are voting outside of your tax bracket. Stop that. Then maybe public schools will be better funded and your kids will do better.

PS. Public schools are better than private anyways. Don't raise a bunch of private school pussies.

Projecting out your ass, as usual.
Again, instead of offering real solutions to our economy and to our country, the Republicans just attack everyone else. This IS the party of no. The party of no more elections... as in the Republicans will never be elected to the White House again.

Yours is about as lame a response as it gets. Been taking notes from sillybooboo, have you?
US Census Bureau Report on Education, 2006:

Please note that DC, with some of the worst public schools in the country, spends one of the highest amounts per capita on education:

$13,000+ per year.

And yet, the schools are still failing the vast majority who attend. This IS NOT about money. It's about requiring schools, teachers and administrators to ensure that they are using proven methods in the classrooms (something the NEA has resisted, strenuously, for some reason), and ensuring that the dollars MAKE IT TO THE CLASSROOM instead of getting hung up on administrative costs (a huge issue in inner city schools).

The voucher program allows a limited number of poor, yet talented kids, to escape these failing schools and get a good education. It impacts primarily black inner city kids who are already struggling against multiple barriers in their lives:

high crime neighborhoods
family dysfunction

AND, it works.

Yet, Obama would deny these poor black students the same opportunities his kids have.

I don't get it.

And no, this isn't about partisan politics, for me at least. THIS IS ABOUT PANDERING TO TEACHERS UNIONS who in some cases seem committed to failure.

p.s. Utah, whose schools receive the lowest amount of funding per student per capita routinely outperforms schools in the states with the top ten highest amount of funding.

Coincidence? I think not.

DC is a city, not a state. And an expensive city at that. I don't think you can compare dense urban cities to states. Cities have higher overhead expenses, higher salaries, and higher infrastructure costs than some po-dunk town in wyoming. I think you'll find that DC per student expenditures isn't significanlty different than San Francisco or New York City.

I have a hard time buying the republican assertion that the less we spend on public schools they better they will perform. Republicans never make that argument about the Pentagon. It makes no sense at all as a broad proposition. I know that money isn't the only answer. But well funded public schools are undoubtedly better, in general, than underfunded public schools. There are always exceptions, but there's not doubt that its broadly true.

Here's a map of school expenditures per pupil, on a county basis. Interesting that the deep south and bible belts which have the worst public education, are also the least well funded. And that the northeastern, and upper midwest states are better funded and generally have better public schools.

Finally, I think every single middle class republican with kids on this board would not knowingly choose to put their child in the lowest funded public school district in their city or state. I think that, rather, every single one of them seeks out and chooses to live in a school district with a robust property tax base, and a district that is well funded.
But poor blacks in DC probably wouldn't.


Hit & Run > When It Comes to School Choice For Low-Income DC Residents, Obama Offers Crumb (And Is One) - Reason Magazine

President Obama, proud father of two daughters attending private school, has relented as little as possible when it comes to continuing the proven-effective, cost-effective DC school voucher program, which gives 1,700 kids up to $7,500 per year to get the hell out of the DC public school system. From the Wash Post and following a rally for the program yesterday:

This REALLY, REALLY pisses me off. If Obama believes so much in what this particular urban school district is doing, his kids should be attending there. Put your FAMILY where your mouth is, and then we'll all know you're telling the truth. But instead, he's just thrown a biscuit to the powerful teacher's union, and shown us that he's kind of a hypocrite..."Do as I say, not as I do."

That's why advocating school choice is so ludicrous on its face. There aren't enough Triple A schools to accommodate all the students who wish for a better education than the one they're getting. Most of the private schools are too expensive. Build more schools? The JUST SAY NO BRIGADE doesn't want that to happen either, with federal funding, and states can't afford it.

Obama doesn't want his children attending public school because the quality of education is so low, especially in DC. Why wouldn't he send them to a private school? Anyone would, if they could. It's a no-brainer.

Been taking notes from Obama, have you? That's a pretty long-winded non-solution to anything you've offered up, blindly defending Obama's non-solution.
Can private schools provide a better education than public schools? Of course and that is why those that can afford a private education will continue to to do so.

The idea that the Obama's should sent their kids to public school with all the inherent issues of safety and security to the First children is just so much blather.

This is really just a cover for those that want to destroy public education.

No, it's just a sampling of a daily rant against Obama. Ho-hum.

I can't think of any other children of presidents who attended a DC public school except Amy Carter, who hated it.

As yours is a sampling of defending the indefensible via deflection.
But poor blacks in DC probably wouldn't.


Hit & Run > When It Comes to School Choice For Low-Income DC Residents, Obama Offers Crumb (And Is One) - Reason Magazine

This REALLY, REALLY pisses me off. If Obama believes so much in what this particular urban school district is doing, his kids should be attending there. Put your FAMILY where your mouth is, and then we'll all know you're telling the truth. But instead, he's just thrown a biscuit to the powerful teacher's union, and shown us that he's kind of a hypocrite..."Do as I say, not as I do."

Barack Obama on Education

Americans voted in Barack Hussein Obama as president of the United States in an election weighted down with the harsh realities of a down-turning economy and two costly wars. Now that the dust is beginning to settle, many Americans are wondering what the new president will do to improve their children's education.

Throughout his campaign, Barack Obama has said he plans to take a fresh, objective look at the age-old debate over education issues. “A truly historic commitment to education – a real commitment will require new resources and new reforms,” Obama says. “It will require a willingness to break free from the same debates that Washington has been engaged in for decades – Democrat versus Republican; vouchers versus the status quo; more money versus more accountability. And most of all, it will take a President who is honest about the challenges we face – who doesn’t just tell everyone what they want to hear, but what they need to hear.” Where does Obama stand specifically on the most pressing education issues? Here’s our cheat sheet on education according to Obama:

Barack Obama on Education

Quite a mouthful....

Your point? Obama wants quality education for ALL children. Obviously, he is able to give HIS OWN CHILDREN that opportunity. What part of this aren't you, er, UNeducated fools not getting?

I'll take uneducated over willful partisan blindness and glaringly obvious hypocrisy any day. Especially when it's an uneducated fool calling me one.

Obama has taken action to deny funds for alternative and better education that he himself ensures his children receive.

He has taken NO action in regard to this "quality education for all children" you claim he is for.

The fact is, he is just another one of you "do as I say not as I do," leftwingnut, wannabe-elitists. You think your shit doesn't stink while the reality is you're smelling up the entire country.
Again, instead of offering real solutions to our economy and to our country, the Republicans just attack everyone else. This IS the party of no. The party of no more elections... as in the Republicans will never be elected to the White House again.

people said the same thing about dems a few years ago.....

But Dems were united, and thanks to Howard Dean's state-by-state strategy, poised to assume control. The GOP now stands for the Grand Obsolete Party.

"We don't need to go on a listening tour; we need to go on a teaching tour."
~~ Herr Limbaugh

Except I voted for Obama. I'm not an Obama-hater, but I'm sure that helps the koolaid drinkers on the left dismiss this issue, rather than thinking about it in real terms.

The weighted pupil unit in the district, per student, is close to $7k. The voucher program allows DC parents who can't afford to send their kids to private schools to opt out of the failing public school system that already rakes in virtually the same amount, annually, as the vouchers, to educate kids.

So, why would Obama cut a program that allows poor parents to make the same choice to opt out of a failing/unsafe school that he did? Because it pisses off the teacher's union, that's why.
like I stated before why don't they take the 12 million or more dollars of tax dollars they are sending to a private organization and spend it on improving the schools that are unsafe and failing?

Why don't you ask Obama or his posse that controls Congress and funding? I don't see then realigning the funds, nor offering anything to public education. They're just taking.

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