Obama going pro pot?

The true effects of Mary J have not really been studied like alcohol and other so called drugs.
Actually the effects have been extensively studied over the years by simply observing users. The most important observations have revealed that marijuana has never caused death or illness, nor does it incite violent or anti-social behavior. If used in moderation marijuana is absolutely benign.

It should be legalized, but there is no full proof detector to detect if someone is high on Mary J.
A videotaped Field Sobriety Test is sufficient to prove that someone is impaired. If someone is able to pass the test, he/she is not impaired.

Denver, Colorado. Some stoner piece of human excrement hits 2 cop cars while high. Yeah - benign.

Longmont, Colorado. a 7 year old child is rushed to the hospital after injesting a pot brownie. Nearly dies. Yeah - benign.

This is after legalization goes into effect Jan 1. And that's only the beginning. Benign.
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The true effects of Mary J have not really been studied like alcohol and other so called drugs.
Actually the effects have been extensively studied over the years by simply observing users. The most important observations have revealed that marijuana has never caused death or illness, nor does it incite violent or anti-social behavior. If used in moderation marijuana is absolutely benign.

It should be legalized, but there is no full proof detector to detect if someone is high on Mary J.
A videotaped Field Sobriety Test is sufficient to prove that someone is impaired. If someone is able to pass the test, he/she is not impaired.

Denver, Colorado. Some stoner piece of human excrement hits 2 cop cars while high. Yeah - benign.

Longmont, Colorado. a 7 year old child is rushed to the hospital after injesting a pot brownie. Nearly dies. Yeah - benign.

This is after legalization goes into effect Jan 1. And that's only the beginning. Benign.
You've cited exceptional occurrences. There is no sport in which people are never injured or killed. People are killed or injured, or they kill or injure others, by driving carelessly. But these are exceptional occurrence, too. Should we ban all sports, or all automobile usage which is not certified as essential, so we can eliminate these exceptions?
Actually the effects have been extensively studied over the years by simply observing users. The most important observations have revealed that marijuana has never caused death or illness, nor does it incite violent or anti-social behavior. If used in moderation marijuana is absolutely benign.

A videotaped Field Sobriety Test is sufficient to prove that someone is impaired. If someone is able to pass the test, he/she is not impaired.

Denver, Colorado. Some stoner piece of human excrement hits 2 cop cars while high. Yeah - benign.

Longmont, Colorado. a 7 year old child is rushed to the hospital after injesting a pot brownie. Nearly dies. Yeah - benign.

This is after legalization goes into effect Jan 1. And that's only the beginning. Benign.
You've cited exceptional occurrences. There is no sport in which people are never injured or killed. People are killed or injured, or they kill or injure others, by driving carelessly. But these are exceptional occurrence, too. Should we ban all sports, or all automobile usage which is not certified as essential, so we can eliminate these exceptions?

I'll state this again - one more time. Let's see the outcome 20 years from now. I say you're full of crap.
Actually it's not nearly as dangerous as alcohol -- which probably is the most dangerous drug of all.

Alcohol kills hundreds of thousands of Americans every year and makes hundreds of thousands more seriously sick. Alcohol is responsible for most domestic violence and incites thousands of violent crimes as well as thousands of DUI deaths and property loss.

But there is no record anywhere in the annals of medical science that shows marijuana being responsible for one death or illness. Not one. Marijuana is absolutely benign. And those who disagree with that either choose to remain ignorant or are brainwashed, because the truth is readily available to all who are willing to look for it.

One excellent source of information is this book: Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard University.

The strokes, heart attacks and traffic collisions don't count. All the people pothead Jared Loughner killed don't count either. The dead children who died because parents were too potted to take care of them don't count. Ignore the pothead that left the baby on top of the car then drove off sending the kid flying into the street.

Yeah someone is brainwashed.

yea you........ you take all the extreme cases and then act like this happens frequently..... i told you....Reefer Madness was extremely exaggerated.....for people like you....
Katzndogz is the queen of confirmation bias. She utterly fails to see the big picture.
I agree, if he said that. However, one high usually leads to a stronger high, then on, and on, and on. So both are equally bad in that aspect.

Let's see how dangerous "pot" is when these slackers have been toking up everyday - 7 days a week - for the next 20 years.

Bet you a wooden nickel that, just like cigarettes, we find out that there is just as much as a correlation between pot and lung cancer as there is between cigarettes and lung cancer.

Want to take that bet?

So then, who do we blame? The states that "legalized" it? The growers that were allowed to market it? Total BS.
What makes you think a large portion of the population hasn't already been toking up 7 days a week for the last 20 years? Because it's been illegal? What a joke. And how naive of you.
I agree, if he said that. However, one high usually leads to a stronger high, then on, and on, and on. So both are equally bad in that aspect.

Let's see how dangerous "pot" is when these slackers have been toking up everyday - 7 days a week - for the next 20 years.

Bet you a wooden nickel that, just like cigarettes, we find out that there is just as much as a correlation between pot and lung cancer as there is between cigarettes and lung cancer.

Want to take that bet?

So then, who do we blame? The states that "legalized" it? The growers that were allowed to market it? Total BS.
I'll take that bet. Screw your wooden nickel. Let's go for a solid million. Go big or go home. What do you say?

Marijuana does not cause lung cancer because someone throughout history would have been diagnosed by now. They haven't. Not one, ever. Not even in countries that have already legalized it again. Not even during the heavy pot-smoking 60s. Marijuana smoke does not contain the same toxic chemical additives and preservatives that are in commercial tobacco cigarettes. This is why people who only use marijuana have never been diagnosed with lung cancer and never will unless RJ Reynolds starts selling packs of joints laced with toxic chemicals and preservatives, which wouldn't happen anyway when everyone can grow their own organic weed in their homes.
Who the heck cares? Marijuana is the least important thing to worry about as national policies. While the people sit around wondering what Obama's position on pot is, he is screwing the people over with more taxes and more regulation.

Why should we care?

Think about it. If you wanted to move the country further towards tyranny, wouldn't you want as many people as possible to be like this guy.

They have done a pretty good job disarming America with an educational system that ranks 48th in the world, laws like Obamacare that gut the middle class and our purchasing power, and laws that begin to physically disarm us as well. But there is always more work to be done. The best shackles are ones that we put on ourselves.
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Since you've mentioned it, the fact is peanuts are indeed more dangerous than marijuana. Peanuts are dangerously allergenic to some people and many have died from the effects of that allergy. If you don't believe that, Google it.

So are you going to run right out and buy a pound if marijuana is legalized? Or do you expect that kind of behavior only from others, none of whom are not as wise and proper as you?

what do you think will happen if weed is legalized? It's common sense there will be more users, and since is well documented that weed is in fact a gateway drug, we'll have more people using harder drugs.

i knew dozens of people over the years who would not smoke any weed even though it was being passed around right in front of them.....are you saying they would start if it was now legal?..

Of course not everyone's going to use it, but there will be a greater amount of people using it if it's legal.

As a general rule anything that gets you high is not good for you. How bad for you is pot? Hasn't been determine yet. There are many in the medical community that believe it can lead to psychotic episodes in mentally ill people, there even a study that links pot to schizophrenia. A pothead will of course argue that pot is greatest thing in the world because he/she is really trying convince themselves that they can smoke without any consequence to their mind and body.
Of course Progressives like Obama is going pro pot

not only have citizenry low information but stoned on top of it, they see CONTROL of the sheeple
Every word these people speak has an objective. My guess is that this will soon be added to the DNC platform.

Now the platform will look like this.

1. Abortion
2. Gay sex
3. Limitless spending
4. Pot
5. Free everything

Sounds like a real "party" to me!! :cool:
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The brain is, in large part, a mystery to modern science. Using psychoactive drugs may not be the best thing to do.:lol:
The brain is, in large part, a mystery to modern science. Using psychoactive drugs may not be the best thing to do.:lol:

Nope, he has proven that pot has no effect on the brain.


See, he even won a Nobel Peace prize. After all, have you ever met a violent stoner?
Denver, Colorado. Some stoner piece of human excrement hits 2 cop cars while high. Yeah - benign.
Here's that story. No one was injured, and the guy broke the law. People shouldn't drive while they're high. That's not any reason to outlaw marijuana for everyone at all times. By your logic here, because marijuana may impair a person's ability to safely operate a motor vehicle, it should be illegal for everyone? Is that your argument? What about alcohol? Alcohol causes thousands of more car crashes and fatalities every year, so should we make alcohol illegal?

Longmont, Colorado. a 7 year old child is rushed to the hospital after injesting a pot brownie. Nearly dies. Yeah - benign.
Here's that story. It doesn't say anything about the kid "almost dying" because marijuana has never caused a single overdose in human history.
7NEWS - Longmont toddler tests positive for THC; Mother says girl ate a pot cookie she found - Local Story
Longmont 2-Year-Old Tests Positive For Pot « CBS Denver

This is after legalization goes into effect Jan 1. And that's only the beginning. Benign.
And for the 75 years that it's been illegal, and for the thousands of years before that when it was not only legal but also encouraged, so it's not "only the beginning" if it's been around for thousands of years and has not caused one single overdose in men, women or children in any country throughout all of recorded history.
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These same TWO FACED hypocrites who wail how smoking cigarettes are bad for you and have taxed it so high it only hurts the poor people... are now pushing smoking pot isn't bad for you

How amazing eh?
Every word these people speak has an objective. My guess is that this will soon be added to the DNC platform.

Now the platform will look like this.

1. Abortion
2. Gay sex
3. Limitless spending
4. Pot
5. Free everything

Sounds like a real "party" to me!! :cool:
What does this say?:

This is how the US Navy won World War II and preserved our freedom. What does it say? Producer of what? Marihuana. Also known as Marijuana. Producer of Marijuana. Is it in English? Do you understand? Marijuana was legalized. It was outlawed in 1937 as the most dangerous drug in history and then legalized again in 1942 to save the world. Do you understand?

Are Republican voters really so pathetic that you can disregard American history in favor of the DEA's big government lies? Don't bother answering because everyone can already tell from your posts in this thread that the answer is "yes".
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These same TWO FACED hypocrites who wail how smoking cigarettes are bad for you and have taxed it so high it only hurts the poor people... are now pushing smoking pot isn't bad for you

How amazing eh?

Cigarettes cause cancer. Marijuana treats cancer. It isn't the stoners saying this. It's the US Federal government. Read this:
Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute

and it doesn't cause lung damage, brain damage, etc etc?
what does that have to so with what I posted?
nevermind, have another toke
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and it doesn't cause lung damage, brain damage, etc etc
what does that have to what I posted
nevermind, have another toke

No, marijuana doesn't have to cause any lung damage because people can vaporize it, eat it or drink it. How can anyone get lung cancer from eating a brownie or drinking a cup of tea? It's not too common to see people cooking with tobacco. It's very common for people to cook with Cannabis. There are hundreds of books on the subject but we haven't seen too many books on tobacco cuisine.

The 1972 Shafer Commission report was supposed to be the final word on this topic. Nixon expected the report to confirm all of America's worst fears about marijuana. Instead, the report concluded after reviewing all available data on the subject that marijuana use is less damaging to American society than marijuana prohibition, and that Cannabis Sativa should no longer be illegal.

So, naturally, like a good Republican, Nixon scoffed at the science, history, and facts, and started the war on drugs.

Look it up. Everyone knows that you won't but I have to say it anyway. "Look it up."
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and it doesn't cause lung damage, brain damage, etc etc
what does that have to what I posted
nevermind, have another toke

No, marijuana doesn't have to cause any lung damage because people can vaporize it, eat it or drink it. How can anyone get lung cancer from eating a brownie or drinking a cup of tea? It's not too common to see people cooking with tobacco. It's very common for people to cook with Cannabis. There are hundreds of books on the subject but we haven't seen too many books on tobacco cuisine.

The 1972 Shafer Commission report was supposed to be the final word on this topic. Nixon expected the report to confirm all of America's worst fears about marijuana. Instead, the report concluded after reviewing all available data on the subject that marijuana use is less damaging to American society than marijuana prohibition, and that Cannabis Sativa should no longer be illegal.

So, naturally, like a good Republican, Nixon scoffed at the science, history, and facts, and started the war on drugs.

Look it up. Everyone knows that you won't but I have to say it anyway. "Look it up."

ok, the snooty drug expert here

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