Obama got nearly all he wanted yet the economy goes backwards

Facts. We don't need no stinkin facts!!!!


What's unemployment again? How many have left the workforce?

We were losing jobs at a rate of 600,000 per month when Obama took the office. Six month later that trend was reversed and the recovery began.

As for why the recovery was relatively slow, two words: GOP obstructionism. Republicans were blocking any attempts of additional stimulus. Worse, they were trying to bully Obama into austerity and Fed into tightening its policy.

So, we just didn't print enough money...

Got it!

Facts. We don't need no stinkin facts!!!!


What's unemployment again? How many have left the workforce?

We were losing jobs at a rate of 600,000 per month when Obama took the office. Six month later that trend was reversed and the recovery began.

As for why the recovery was relatively slow, two words: GOP obstructionism. Republicans were blocking any attempts of additional stimulus. Worse, they were trying to bully Obama into austerity and Fed into tightening its policy.

Did you here that Obama disbanded his Jobs Council after everyone noticed that it failed completely?
What's unemployment again? How many have left the workforce?

We were losing jobs at a rate of 600,000 per month when Obama took the office. Six month later that trend was reversed and the recovery began.

As for why the recovery was relatively slow, two words: GOP obstructionism. Republicans were blocking any attempts of additional stimulus. Worse, they were trying to bully Obama into austerity and Fed into tightening its policy.

So, we just didn't print enough money...

Got it!


No, you didn't, nobody suggested that printing more money would help...
America's not a bankrupt and destitute banana republic yet, therefore Baracky Obammunist can't be satisfied. He might be satisfied when America is forced to beg for economic assistance from Baracky's Kenyan homeland.

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