Obama Grants Yet AnotherACA Exemption- Labor Unions May Get Health Law Tax Relief

You admit obama lied but still defend him.
I did not defend him, and I pointed out our lies as well.

We can't have TeaPoCrap lies. 80% of America will not vote for TeaP or their Crap.

So what are your thoughts on the lying, thieving, dishonest, scum-sucking, cocksucker of a POS-TUS giving Union Thugs a carve-out that saves them over a half-billion dollars?

At our expense?

Well, not mine -- Yours. Or are you part of the lying, cheating, thieving Union Thug apparatus?

Any thoughts on that?

still waiting
You admit obama lied but still defend him.
I did not defend him, and I pointed out our lies as well.

We can't have TeaPoCrap lies. 80% of America will not vote for TeaP or their Crap.

So what are your thoughts on the lying, thieving, dishonest, scum-sucking, cocksucker of a POS-TUS giving Union Thugs a carve-out that saves them over a half-billion dollars?

I voted for Romney is the answer. We will not let the thug TeaPoCraps take over America.

Better understand that.

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