Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma

me who said anything about me personally

only you did ya loser

Oh...so you are claiming he was divisive even though you have no personal experience with that supposed divisiveness. Thanks for clearing up that you have no experience or proof of Obama dividing you against anything.

Now we're getting somewhere.

Okay, then surely you can identify groups that were aligned in 2007 that are now at each other's throats and tell us SPECIFICALLY what Obama did to divide them.

The floor is yours.

yes look around you

wtf you are back to the 2007 bs again

what a joke you are

And the tap-dance continues. Again, 100% of those who call Obama divisive cannot cite a divisive thing he has done. Don't feel bad at your impotence. Most middle aged hate filled men suffer from it or so I'm told.

you are the queen of tap dancing

Thanks for the batting practice this morning.

well it was a swing and a miss

i had been gone a couple of hours

The fact that we have a black President is an outrage to everything the Confederate flag stands for

I don't blame them for waving it at Obama
that they are trying real hard to forget slavery and pretend their ancestors were honorable people
Just think how many Confederate soldiers died so that we would NEVER have a black president

President Obama is an insult to the proud tradition of the Confederate flag

Obama Aide Concedes Dollar Bill Remark Referred to His Race - ABC News

"Sen. Barack Obama's chief strategist conceded that the Democratic presidential candidate was referring to his race when he said Republicans were trying to scare voters by suggesting Obama "doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

The comment had triggered a charge Thursday from Sen. John McCain's campaign manager that Obama had "played the race card... from the bottom of the deck."

Playing the Race Card
Obama's camp initially denied the remark was a reference to Obama's race."

Now that is some serious dividing.

Do you know that I hoped that the election of a black president would be a big step forward in race relations?

I didn't think it would, but I hoped it would.

For you to let that pass and yet be sooooooo concerned about the Confederate Flag reveals your concern to be hypocritical.

I didn't let anything pass. The comment WAS a dog whistle. Obama called it what it was.

He made up that comment. NO one said it but him.

So, what reason NOW do you have for giving him a pass?

Nope. He was responding to thee tone of the McCain/Palin campaign and the general idea that Obama isn't "one of us". You must have had your head buried in a bowl of grits to miss it.

Need some video as a reminder?

Yes I do, if you are claiming that John McCain ran a racist campaign.

I am claiming that McCain and Palin ran a campaign loaded with DOG WHISTLES and their supporters heard them.

You're confusing it with the Hillary primary campaign.
I didn't let anything pass. The comment WAS a dog whistle. Obama called it what it was.

He made up that comment. NO one said it but him.

So, what reason NOW do you have for giving him a pass?

Nope. He was responding to thee tone of the McCain/Palin campaign and the general idea that Obama isn't "one of us". You must have had your head buried in a bowl of grits to miss it.

Need some video as a reminder?

Yes I do, if you are claiming that John McCain ran a racist campaign.

I am claiming that McCain and Palin ran a campaign loaded with DOG WHISTLES and their supporters heard them.

You're confusing it with the Hillary primary campaign.

No I'm not. That was fucked up too. And Obama was right to call that out too. Hillary and Bill are not above using race to get elected.

Question: Are you ever going to post something on any forum that doesn't make you come off like a petty jerk off? You have a brain and some interesting life experience.....but can anyone here claim to have had a pleasant exchange with you?

I, for one, haven't given you much thought other than to be impressed with your interest in Sumo and other things Japanese. Yet...you consistently nip at my heels.....even if I don't acknowledge you. Is it something you can't control?
The sole purpose of the confederacy was to ensure forever that a black man could be equal to a white

A black president is an affront to that proud tradition
He made up that comment. NO one said it but him.

So, what reason NOW do you have for giving him a pass?

Nope. He was responding to thee tone of the McCain/Palin campaign and the general idea that Obama isn't "one of us". You must have had your head buried in a bowl of grits to miss it.

Need some video as a reminder?

Yes I do, if you are claiming that John McCain ran a racist campaign.

I am claiming that McCain and Palin ran a campaign loaded with DOG WHISTLES and their supporters heard them.

You're confusing it with the Hillary primary campaign.

No I'm not.

Well, then you should have no trouble providing unambiguous support for your claim.
wow. just wow.

what should the punishment be for having a coffee cup with a confederate flag on it? 6 months in prison?

Works for me. The Confederate Flag should be treated like a Swastika flag.

Let me guess, you also think we should be like Germany and do away with freedom of speech?

Confederate flag should be treated as Swastika flag. They served the same purpose. Oppression.
Nope. He was responding to thee tone of the McCain/Palin campaign and the general idea that Obama isn't "one of us". You must have had your head buried in a bowl of grits to miss it.

Need some video as a reminder?

Yes I do, if you are claiming that John McCain ran a racist campaign.

I am claiming that McCain and Palin ran a campaign loaded with DOG WHISTLES and their supporters heard them.

You're confusing it with the Hillary primary campaign.

No I'm not.

Well, then you should have no trouble providing unambiguous support for your claim.

Yes. Here you go. Unambiguous. Although....as a bright guy like you knows..the ideal dog whistle is decidedly ambiguous.

They reject the idea that there can be any other viewpoint than their own.

Yep. Both sides. You can't tell who the players are without a program.

Nope. I have not told that they cannot have their own opinion of the flag and what it means.

They dismiss ours, I do not dismiss theirs.

You don't? You are aware and accepting of the fact that this flag is a symbol of hate and causes fear in many people? Is that the case?

I am aware that YOU think of it as a symbol of hate, and that you believe that is cause fear in many people.

On the other hand, you dismiss the stated claims of those who fly the flag, ie that it is a symbol of regional pride and heritage.

You see the difference here?

Are you aware that LOTS OF PEOPLE,..not me....feel that way....afraid....when they see the flag? Millions of Americans see it as a symbol of hatred. Are you willing to accept that fact?

I'll accept it. So what?
And...John McCain? He'd have stood on the steps of the Capitol in a KKK outfit with a lit cross if it meant he'd have won the presidency.

No, he wouldn't have. That is total nonsense. When confronted by a crowd that claimed Obama was an Arab and booed him for not agreeing he responded, "No, ma'am. He's a decent family man [and] citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues and that's what this campaign's all about. He's not [an Arab]."

McCain was and is a man of honor and just because you don't agree with him is no reason to slander him.
Sure. But not that one. Do you think the US flag means the same thing to me, an Afghan rebel and a Swiss farmer? How much to you thing the farmer cares about it?

Be honest, did you watch the Dukes of Hazard or did you boycott it because of its racism and hate?
It was an amazingly stupid show.

But were you offended by its racism and hate?
I didn't watch it...it was too stupid. I actually thought it was an insulting portrayal of people in the South.

So, you knew enough about it to think it was insulting to the people of the south. But you weren't offended by the flag. Thank you.
Never got to the point about the flag. Was I supposed to?

That was the question I asked. I didn't ask about the characters. Since you didn't say "yes" but you had clearly seen enough of the show to form opinions about the characters I could only presume you did not have a reaction to the flag.
Yep. Both sides. You can't tell who the players are without a program.

Nope. I have not told that they cannot have their own opinion of the flag and what it means.

They dismiss ours, I do not dismiss theirs.

You don't? You are aware and accepting of the fact that this flag is a symbol of hate and causes fear in many people? Is that the case?

I am aware that YOU think of it as a symbol of hate, and that you believe that is cause fear in many people.

On the other hand, you dismiss the stated claims of those who fly the flag, ie that it is a symbol of regional pride and heritage.

You see the difference here?

Are you aware that LOTS OF PEOPLE,..not me....feel that way....afraid....when they see the flag? Millions of Americans see it as a symbol of hatred. Are you willing to accept that fact?

I'll accept it. So what?

Not talking to YOU! But since u ask. It means that a compassionate person would not fly the bitch. GET IT?
Yes I do, if you are claiming that John McCain ran a racist campaign.

I am claiming that McCain and Palin ran a campaign loaded with DOG WHISTLES and their supporters heard them.

You're confusing it with the Hillary primary campaign.

No I'm not.

Well, then you should have no trouble providing unambiguous support for your claim.

Yes. Here you go. Unambiguous. Although....as a bright guy like you knows..the ideal dog whistle is decidedly ambiguous.

Watched it. All that video was a guy giving his opinion. The only clip of McCain he just talked about taxes. Utter and complete garbage if you are trying to make a point.
Yes I do, if you are claiming that John McCain ran a racist campaign.

I am claiming that McCain and Palin ran a campaign loaded with DOG WHISTLES and their supporters heard them.

You're confusing it with the Hillary primary campaign.

No I'm not.

Well, then you should have no trouble providing unambiguous support for your claim.

Yes. Here you go. Unambiguous.

The only unambiguous part was some nobody halfwit, hyper-partisan, hysterical fool throwing a hissy fit and McCain making no "racist" remarks at all.

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