Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma

Dude.....everyone saw what I posted. It's clear. Why fight it?

Everyone saw some chubby hyper-partisan idiot whining, and now they see you making a fool of yourself. Nobody saw McCain making ANY racist comments as you claimed.

I never claimed that McCain made any comments. Nice try though.

No, it's even better! Any comment he made that wasn't racist was really racist if some fat idiot says so. Brilliant.
It's funny Uncletardo sees racist comments except when he wants to pretend otherwise.
Then, by all means, pack you bags, tell the rest of us to fuck off, and go to some country where your tender ears will not be harmed. Or... and this is just a suggestion, grow up.

Or we can just change the laws to outlaw Nazis and Racists.

That works for me.
You're confusing it with the Hillary primary campaign.

No I'm not.

Well, then you should have no trouble providing unambiguous support for your claim.

Yes. Here you go. Unambiguous. Although....as a bright guy like you knows..the ideal dog whistle is decidedly ambiguous.

Watched it. All that video was a guy giving his opinion. The only clip of McCain he just talked about taxes. Utter and complete garbage if you are trying to make a point.

The example was there. And I added a couple more since I knew you'd need something really sexy. You got it. Dog whistles heard by the dogs. Lots of them.

The example wasn't there. Not even vaguely. It was just another talking head telling you what to think.
No. But you can leave. We prefer to be free.

I prefer not putting up with racists and assholes. I like the fact that the racists at my workplace have to keep their mouths shut because they'll lose their jobs...

Sounds like a law suit.


Not really. Go share your views on the coloreds at work tomorrow, see how long you still have a job.

The people at your job really don't 'have' to do anything at all. They make a choice


Obama Aide Concedes Dollar Bill Remark Referred to His Race - ABC News

"Sen. Barack Obama's chief strategist conceded that the Democratic presidential candidate was referring to his race when he said Republicans were trying to scare voters by suggesting Obama "doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

The comment had triggered a charge Thursday from Sen. John McCain's campaign manager that Obama had "played the race card... from the bottom of the deck."

Playing the Race Card
Obama's camp initially denied the remark was a reference to Obama's race."

Now that is some serious dividing.

Do you know that I hoped that the election of a black president would be a big step forward in race relations?

I didn't think it would, but I hoped it would.

For you to let that pass and yet be sooooooo concerned about the Confederate Flag reveals your concern to be hypocritical.

I didn't let anything pass. The comment WAS a dog whistle. Obama called it what it was.

He made up that comment. NO one said it but him.

So, what reason NOW do you have for giving him a pass?

Nope. He was responding to thee tone of the McCain/Palin campaign and the general idea that Obama isn't "one of us". You must have had your head buried in a bowl of grits to miss it.

Need some video as a reminder?

Yes I do, if you are claiming that John McCain ran a racist campaign.

I am claiming that McCain and Palin ran a campaign loaded with DOG WHISTLES and their supporters heard them.

And you offered video to prove it.

So, provide it.

Otherwise admit you can't and that Obama was a race baiting asshole and you gave him a pass.

Which invalidates your supposed concern about the "divisiveness" of the Confederate Flag.
NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Well, no, I want to lock them up for being bigots and haters... and being stupid in general.


Your bigotry and hatred are leading you to assume that any difference must be a intellectual and/or moral deficiency on their part.

And you want to lock them up because they are different than you.

You are the hater here.
The fact that we have a black President is an outrage to everything the Confederate flag stands for

I don't blame them for waving it at Obama

No, it is not.

It is an outrage to everything you want to pretend the flag stands for.
It's great....how people try to revise history. That campaign was filthy and filled with racist overtones. Everyone knows it. McCain knew it. He let it go.

Dude. THat clip was pathetic.

If that is the best you have, then you have nothing to support yours, and Obama's accusation of racism.

Obama made a false, unsupportable claim.

For you to excuse some serious, like a false accusation of racism in a Presidential Campaign, and to claim to be so offended by the flying of the confederate flag reveals you to be a hypocrite who is just using slander to advance your ideological agenda.

BTW, posting a 6 minute video that is mostly opinion was a jerk move too. I normally don't watch videos just because of lack of consideration like that.

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