Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma

And...John McCain? He'd have stood on the steps of the Capitol in a KKK outfit with a lit cross if it meant he'd have won the presidency.

The question was not if he would, in some world run a racist campaing, but DID HE.

Did he run a racist campaign?

Because for all your concern about the flag being divisive, you don't seem to care that Obama falsely accused McCain of running a racist campaign.

Now that was divisive!

And you voted for that guy.

So, save your pretense about being concerned about division.

Are you going to concede that millions of Americans view that flag as a symbol of hatred and division?

Are you going to concede that tens of millions of Americans view that flag as a harmless symbol of regional pride?

Do you believe that JOhn McCain ran a racist campaign?

I believe that tens of millions of people view that flag IN PART as a harmless symbol of regional pride.....because that is what they have been taught from birth.

But..... when they fly it knowing that millions see it as a symbol of hatred....they are flying it for another reason altogether.

Sweet, huh?

Not really.

Tens of millions are not some minor number who's views don't count.

I concede that there a lot of liberals who have convinced themselves that the flag is a symbol of racism and hatred.

I just don't see why their view should trump the rights of those that actually want to fly it to celebrate their regional pride.
In modern times the confederate flag was returned to public spaces to protest the granting of civil rights of black people.

We southerners know this.


Do you have any links to show that the flag was not in evidence prior to the 50s in public life?

Are you going to concede that millions of Americans view that flag as a symbol of hatred and division?

Are you going to concede that tens of millions of Americans view that flag as a harmless symbol of regional pride?

Do you believe that JOhn McCain ran a racist campaign?

I believe that tens of millions of people view that flag IN PART as a harmless symbol of regional pride.....because that is what they have been taught from birth.

But..... when they fly it knowing that millions see it as a symbol of hatred....they are flying it for another reason altogether.

Sweet, huh?

Not really.

Tens of millions are not some minor number who's views don't count.

I concede that there a lot of liberals who have convinced themselves that the flag is a symbol of racism and hatred.

I just don't see why their view should trump the rights of those that actually want to fly it to celebrate their regional pride.

I will try one more time. I am not optimistic....but let me try. I'll use a little literary license in order to make the point.

You....Correll....go downtown to a public place and unfurl a confederate flag and stand there waiting for a reaction.

A few hundred people come by and smile.....saying "thank you for celebrating our proud heritage". They shake your hand and maybe even salute the flag itself. They are pleased to see this wonderful flag.

Later, a little black girl comes by and...upon seeing the your flag....bursts into tears and runs away as fast as she can. You've frightened this little girl. To her....you are displaying a symbol of hatred.

Is it worth it to you? Would you consider not displaying this flag knowing that it gets such a reaction? Does it matter?

Are you going to concede that millions of Americans view that flag as a symbol of hatred and division?

Are you going to concede that tens of millions of Americans view that flag as a harmless symbol of regional pride?

Do you believe that JOhn McCain ran a racist campaign?

I believe that tens of millions of people view that flag IN PART as a harmless symbol of regional pride.....because that is what they have been taught from birth.

But..... when they fly it knowing that millions see it as a symbol of hatred....they are flying it for another reason altogether.

Sweet, huh?

Not really.

Tens of millions are not some minor number who's views don't count.

I concede that there a lot of liberals who have convinced themselves that the flag is a symbol of racism and hatred.

I just don't see why their view should trump the rights of those that actually want to fly it to celebrate their regional pride.

I will try one more time. I am not optimistic....but let me try. I'll use a little literary license in order to make the point.

You....Correll....go downtown to a public place and unfurl a confederate flag and stand there waiting for a reaction.

A few hundred people come by and smile.....saying "thank you for celebrating our proud heritage". They shake your hand and maybe even salute the flag itself. They are pleased to see this wonderful flag.

Later, a little black girl comes by and...upon seeing the your flag....bursts into tears and runs away as fast as she can. You've frightened this little girl. To her....you are displaying a symbol of hatred.

Is it worth it to you? Would you consider not displaying this flag knowing that it gets such a reaction? Does it matter?

That little girl obviously has parents who have terrorized her. That is on them, not me.

Or do you believe that that little girl has really had a run in with the Great and Power Klan?!:rofl:
And...John McCain? He'd have stood on the steps of the Capitol in a KKK outfit with a lit cross if it meant he'd have won the presidency.

The question was not if he would, in some world run a racist campaing, but DID HE.

Did he run a racist campaign?

Because for all your concern about the flag being divisive, you don't seem to care that Obama falsely accused McCain of running a racist campaign.

Now that was divisive!

And you voted for that guy.

So, save your pretense about being concerned about division.

I remember McCain accusing Obama of playing the race card. When did Obama say that McCain was running a racist campaign?

Are you going to concede that millions of Americans view that flag as a symbol of hatred and division?

Are you going to concede that tens of millions of Americans view that flag as a harmless symbol of regional pride?

Do you believe that JOhn McCain ran a racist campaign?

I believe that tens of millions of people view that flag IN PART as a harmless symbol of regional pride.....because that is what they have been taught from birth.

But..... when they fly it knowing that millions see it as a symbol of hatred....they are flying it for another reason altogether.

Sweet, huh?

Not really.

Tens of millions are not some minor number who's views don't count.

I concede that there a lot of liberals who have convinced themselves that the flag is a symbol of racism and hatred.

I just don't see why their view should trump the rights of those that actually want to fly it to celebrate their regional pride.

I will try one more time. I am not optimistic....but let me try. I'll use a little literary license in order to make the point.

You....Correll....go downtown to a public place and unfurl a confederate flag and stand there waiting for a reaction.

A few hundred people come by and smile.....saying "thank you for celebrating our proud heritage". They shake your hand and maybe even salute the flag itself. They are pleased to see this wonderful flag.

Later, a little black girl comes by and...upon seeing the your flag....bursts into tears and runs away as fast as she can. You've frightened this little girl. To her....you are displaying a symbol of hatred.

Is it worth it to you? Would you consider not displaying this flag knowing that it gets such a reaction? Does it matter?

That little girl obviously has parents who have terrorized her. That is on them, not me.

Or do you believe that that little girl has really had a run in with the Great and Power Klan?!:rofl:

You are, therefore, dismissing the fears and opinions of fellow Americans. That's on you.
And...John McCain? He'd have stood on the steps of the Capitol in a KKK outfit with a lit cross if it meant he'd have won the presidency.

The question was not if he would, in some world run a racist campaing, but DID HE.

Did he run a racist campaign?

Because for all your concern about the flag being divisive, you don't seem to care that Obama falsely accused McCain of running a racist campaign.

Now that was divisive!

And you voted for that guy.

So, save your pretense about being concerned about division.

I remember McCain accusing Obama of playing the race card. When did Obama say that McCain was running a racist campaign?

And...I think McCain blew a few dog whistles. You'd have to be dense to say otherwise.
Do any flags or symbols carry meaning for you?

Sure. But not that one. Do you think the US flag means the same thing to me, an Afghan rebel and a Swiss farmer? How much to you thing the farmer cares about it?

Be honest, did you watch the Dukes of Hazard or did you boycott it because of its racism and hate?
It was an amazingly stupid show.

But were you offended by its racism and hate?
I didn't watch it...it was too stupid. I actually thought it was an insulting portrayal of people in the South.

So, you knew enough about it to think it was insulting to the people of the south. But you weren't offended by the flag. Thank you.
Never got to the point about the flag. Was I supposed to?
"If" is a big word....don't you think? So is the word "implied". Neither of them are factual, but very subjective.

Now....How did the President insult people?

HE said that the flag should be in a museum.

What do you think that implies about those that are flying the flag?
It should be. What's hateful about that?


I posted two sentences. You didn't consider the possibility that the second sentence might be connected to the first?

Try answering the second sentence and see if it is enlightening to the meaning of the first.

What do you think that implies about those that are flying the flag?

If you were to learn that black people felt fear and hate when seeing that flag, would it give you a moment of pause?

I recall a long time ago.

A good friend of mine, a young woman was complaining about another young woman, a very hot rival of hers at a local theater company they both were part of.

The rival, a very hot blond was from the South and sometimes wore a very tight pair of pants with a confederate flag on the one pocket.

My friend opined that this girl was going to get her ass kicked by local blacks.

I didn't say anything at the time. She was venting.

But I remember thinking.

This chick wears a pair of pants, and hypothetically is beaten, and she is the problem?

Wouldn't a reasonable person consider the violent thugs in question the problem?

Considering the black on white crime vs the white on black crime, if blacks claimed to be afraid, I would tell them to "toughen up".
Cool story, bro.
No game, just a simple statement of fact. Most people could not care less. The flag means absolutely nothing to them. It certainly means nothing to me. When I watched the Dukes of Hazard, I wasn't offended by the "symbol of racism and hate" on top of the General Lee - named after a confederate general. Neither was anyone else. All I am seeing are two sides screaming at each other at the top of their lungs over a piece of cloth. Entertaining perhaps, but seriously dumb. The only meaning it holds is what you give it.

Do any flags or symbols carry meaning for you?

Sure. But not that one. Do you think the US flag means the same thing to me, an Afghan rebel and a Swiss farmer? How much to you thing the farmer cares about it?

Be honest, did you watch the Dukes of Hazard or did you boycott it because of its racism and hate?

I was a teenager. I was looking at Daisy Duke's ass. It was a TV show. I loved Hogans Heroes and laughed with Shultz. Hoooooogaaaaannnnn!
Absolutely irrelevant.

You just stated that the US flag means different things to different people. The exact same thing can be said about the confederate flag.....yet you arrogantly exclaim "it's just a piece of cloth". It may be to you...and that is fine. But you can certainly see that it carries meaning for others. Yes?

And.....you might give a moment of thought as to why those who are adamantly in favor of it.....appreciate your point of view. Cheers!!

So no. And I bet your parents didn't shut it down to keep you from being exposed to that vile symbol.

A piece of cloth is all it is. Go take a look at one. Just cloth. And perhaps, just a thought now, you might want to give a moment of thought as to why they are adamantly in favor of it rather than just assume that they are in favor of what you are opposed to. Consider that it might not mean to them what it means to you. And.... just for grins and giggles, the other folks might do the same.

Nah.. much more fun to be offended.

By the way....my father was a racist. A regular Italian NYC raised bigot.
They can be some of the worst.
And...John McCain? He'd have stood on the steps of the Capitol in a KKK outfit with a lit cross if it meant he'd have won the presidency.

The question was not if he would, in some world run a racist campaing, but DID HE.

Did he run a racist campaign?

Because for all your concern about the flag being divisive, you don't seem to care that Obama falsely accused McCain of running a racist campaign.

Now that was divisive!

And you voted for that guy.

So, save your pretense about being concerned about division.

I remember McCain accusing Obama of playing the race card. When did Obama say that McCain was running a racist campaign?

Remember "they are going to tell you that he doesn't look like the other guys on those bills"?

Do you need a link?

That was Obama accusing McCain, falsely of running a negative campaign.

That was incredibly divisive.

Do you know that I hoped that the election of a black president would be a big step forward in race relations?

I didn't think it would, but I hoped it would.

For you to let that pass and yet be sooooooo concerned about the Confederate Flag reveals your concern to be hypocritical.
Are you going to concede that tens of millions of Americans view that flag as a harmless symbol of regional pride?

Do you believe that JOhn McCain ran a racist campaign?

I believe that tens of millions of people view that flag IN PART as a harmless symbol of regional pride.....because that is what they have been taught from birth.

But..... when they fly it knowing that millions see it as a symbol of hatred....they are flying it for another reason altogether.

Sweet, huh?

Not really.

Tens of millions are not some minor number who's views don't count.

I concede that there a lot of liberals who have convinced themselves that the flag is a symbol of racism and hatred.

I just don't see why their view should trump the rights of those that actually want to fly it to celebrate their regional pride.

I will try one more time. I am not optimistic....but let me try. I'll use a little literary license in order to make the point.

You....Correll....go downtown to a public place and unfurl a confederate flag and stand there waiting for a reaction.

A few hundred people come by and smile.....saying "thank you for celebrating our proud heritage". They shake your hand and maybe even salute the flag itself. They are pleased to see this wonderful flag.

Later, a little black girl comes by and...upon seeing the your flag....bursts into tears and runs away as fast as she can. You've frightened this little girl. To her....you are displaying a symbol of hatred.

Is it worth it to you? Would you consider not displaying this flag knowing that it gets such a reaction? Does it matter?

That little girl obviously has parents who have terrorized her. That is on them, not me.

Or do you believe that that little girl has really had a run in with the Great and Power Klan?!:rofl:

You are, therefore, dismissing the fears and opinions of fellow Americans. That's on you.

Why should whatever goof balls filled that little girl full of lies and fear define how American society is, instead of all the rest of the people in your story?
And...John McCain? He'd have stood on the steps of the Capitol in a KKK outfit with a lit cross if it meant he'd have won the presidency.

The question was not if he would, in some world run a racist campaing, but DID HE.

Did he run a racist campaign?

Because for all your concern about the flag being divisive, you don't seem to care that Obama falsely accused McCain of running a racist campaign.

Now that was divisive!

And you voted for that guy.

So, save your pretense about being concerned about division.

I remember McCain accusing Obama of playing the race card. When did Obama say that McCain was running a racist campaign?

And...I think McCain blew a few dog whistles. You'd have to be dense to say otherwise.

Link to the worst one. Don't waste my time with a shotgun fallacy approach.
HE said that the flag should be in a museum.

What do you think that implies about those that are flying the flag?
It should be. What's hateful about that?


I posted two sentences. You didn't consider the possibility that the second sentence might be connected to the first?

Try answering the second sentence and see if it is enlightening to the meaning of the first.

What do you think that implies about those that are flying the flag?

If you were to learn that black people felt fear and hate when seeing that flag, would it give you a moment of pause?

I recall a long time ago.

A good friend of mine, a young woman was complaining about another young woman, a very hot rival of hers at a local theater company they both were part of.

The rival, a very hot blond was from the South and sometimes wore a very tight pair of pants with a confederate flag on the one pocket.

My friend opined that this girl was going to get her ass kicked by local blacks.

I didn't say anything at the time. She was venting.

But I remember thinking.

This chick wears a pair of pants, and hypothetically is beaten, and she is the problem?

Wouldn't a reasonable person consider the violent thugs in question the problem?

Considering the black on white crime vs the white on black crime, if blacks claimed to be afraid, I would tell them to "toughen up".
Cool story, bro.

It is revealing as to how liberals think today.

The person wearing pants was the problem, not the hypothetical violent thugs who would have assaulted her.

Are you going to concede that millions of Americans view that flag as a symbol of hatred and division?

Are you going to concede that tens of millions of Americans view that flag as a harmless symbol of regional pride?

Do you believe that JOhn McCain ran a racist campaign?

I believe that tens of millions of people view that flag IN PART as a harmless symbol of regional pride.....because that is what they have been taught from birth.

But..... when they fly it knowing that millions see it as a symbol of hatred....they are flying it for another reason altogether.

Sweet, huh?

Not really.

Tens of millions are not some minor number who's views don't count.

I concede that there a lot of liberals who have convinced themselves that the flag is a symbol of racism and hatred.

I just don't see why their view should trump the rights of those that actually want to fly it to celebrate their regional pride.
Who is stopping them from flying the loser flag? I didn't hear of anyone getting arrested for waving that loser flag in Oklahoma. But don't try to fool us by claiming it's "regional pride". Not buying that crap.
It should be. What's hateful about that?


I posted two sentences. You didn't consider the possibility that the second sentence might be connected to the first?

Try answering the second sentence and see if it is enlightening to the meaning of the first.

What do you think that implies about those that are flying the flag?

If you were to learn that black people felt fear and hate when seeing that flag, would it give you a moment of pause?

I recall a long time ago.

A good friend of mine, a young woman was complaining about another young woman, a very hot rival of hers at a local theater company they both were part of.

The rival, a very hot blond was from the South and sometimes wore a very tight pair of pants with a confederate flag on the one pocket.

My friend opined that this girl was going to get her ass kicked by local blacks.

I didn't say anything at the time. She was venting.

But I remember thinking.

This chick wears a pair of pants, and hypothetically is beaten, and she is the problem?

Wouldn't a reasonable person consider the violent thugs in question the problem?

Considering the black on white crime vs the white on black crime, if blacks claimed to be afraid, I would tell them to "toughen up".
Cool story, bro.

It is revealing as to how liberals think today.

The person wearing pants was the problem, not the hypothetical violent thugs who would have assaulted her.
My goodness, who has made THAT claim?
Welcome to America


A few protesters waving large Confederate battle flags greeted President Obama as he arrived at his hotel in Oklahoma City on Wednesday.

Local media reported that Confederate flag supporters also staged an event at an earlier Obama stop in Durant, Okla.

Obama has criticized the flag as a symbol of hate and applauded South Carolina's decision to remove it from the State House grounds after nine African Americans were killed at a church in Charleston.

Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma

it is absurd to claim that the millions of people with confederate flags on their bumpers and coffee cups are haters.

If the flag fits, show it!

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