Obama: Gun Rights Cause Mass Shootings (What An Idiot!)

Only a POS like Obama would seize upon an opportunity to exploit a tragedy like this to push a political agenda.
This is our culture. Guns were an integral part of the forming of our nation, the expansion of our nation, and the defense or our nation. Obama has had nearly 8 years to "fundamentally transform" this country. But our fundamentals need no transformation. Some of our citizens, however, need a good ass-kicking.

Yet Obama kicks good citizens to the curb while cultivating the seeds of hate, racism, bigotry, class warfare, and gender confusion.

We have become a nation of contorted values, mores, and behavior models.

This President is a "leader" in name only. And he has led us down a path of self-destruction and certain ruin.
If all guns in the US were confiscated and melted down the left would go right on using deaths and tragedies for political gain blaming (fill in the blank). You have to understand you are dealing with lowlife scum, that's who they are.
He's just representing his commie constituents, can't let a crisis go to waste.
I heard a term on the news this evening. It was a dandy. A new Liberal coinage. Something like "domestic race terrorism".

Liberals and minorities are always finding new ways to hate White People, and coming up with the vocabulary to match.
The 2nd Amendment was passed in 1791. The University of Texas mass shooting was in 1965. How many mass shootings have we had in the past 50 years? Go into history and find any record of any mass shootings of innocents in the 174 years since the passing of the 2nd Amendment. I would imagine that any psycho terrorist intent on shooting up a schoolhouse would have met his fate staring down the barrel of a gun himself.

What changed in the last 50 years was behavior, in particular, less personal accountability. Go ahead, take away gun rights and see what happens. Think the stray bullets won't stop flying in Chicago? Mexican Drug lords will have a new market.
The bodies were not even cold yet and lefties were already hastily exploring the Charleston incident to push their agenda of gun control and racial division. Of course, they can't let any crisis to go to waste, so they fabricate myths how whites are always those who are committing violent "hate crimes" against blacks. But what really is the truth?


Justice Department figures show that blacks comprise 13% of hate crimes victims, and that figure is in line with their population numbers. On the other hand, white people comprise 65% of hate crimes victims. Now, if blacks are responsible for half of all homicides in US, despite making only 13% of population, there is clearly a problem with violent criminality within black community, but hardly anyone is talking about it. Despite being outnumbered by whites 5 to 1, according to FBI statistics, blacks commit eight times more crimes against whites then vice versa.

Then you read headlines like this... Gun rights cause mass shootings. He doesn't care to explain how many mass shootings are committed by legally owned guns? Neither the mainstream media that universally ignore and censor black crimes and especially black on white crimes. How much longer?

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