Obama Had Better Hope People Don't Find Out What Venture Capitalists Do

So what.

And this is another problem with the Bain model. It's not just the quantity of jobs (which in itself is questionable, Romney wants no responsibility for the GST Layoffs that happened after he left, but wants full credit for the jobs Staples created after he left Bain.)

It's the quality of jobs.

Sorry, creating a minimum wage job at Staples where the taxpayer is going to have to pick up your medical and housing costs doesn't make up for a good paying union job at GST or AmPad where people were contributing to society.

Good job...moving the goal posts and failure to recognize what Bain really did.

Your issue is "I hate Mormons" clouds the real story.

I recognize exactly what Bain and companies like it did. It looted the economy for short term profit at the expense of long term growth and stability, and we are all paying for it now.

But since you want to bring the religious issue into it, i was brought up Catholic, and even though I'm not a practicing Catholic now, I know exactly what the Nuns would say about looting a company and underfunding the pension plan and laying off hundreds of people to make a quick buck.

They would say that was wrong and could point to verses in the bible to back that up.

So I have to wonder what kind of messed up shit they teach in the Mormon Church where that sort of thing is okay.

Probably teh part where they are "only gentiles", so screwing them over is okay.

Joe, you really need to stop and think who Bain is.............perhaps just a quick Wiki google will help.
It's always blame it on Bush.
Solyndra Hearing: Blame It On Bush, Say Obama Officials - ABC News

Note the part where is says the Energy Departments emails made a unanimous decision to shelve Solyndra's application.

Then there is the other 4 companies that was approved under President Obama that went belly up.
Evergreen Spectra Watt, Mountain Plaza, Olsen's Crop Service and Olsen's Mills.

The point is the government should not be putting money into any companies with taxpayer money.
This is why we have venture capitalists who do it with private money, not all of Americans who pay taxes.
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that's all he's ever done his whole political life..
a horrible person and even worse President

No, a horrible person is someone who loots a company and cheats a 38 year Steelworker out of the pension he paid into all of his life.

Since you seem unclear on the concept.

I figure the best position to be in when arguing a point is from a position of authority, not from a position of weakness.

It looks like Obama has made an error in judgment (not his first nor his last) when he took on this subject. Mitt can easily blow him out of the water on this.

Obama is trying to use gossip from a worker that was outside the loop and featuring it in his ads. It will blow up in his face. The Devil is in the details, and Obama hopes to keep them a mystery. Cory Booker was only one example of the folly of this tactic. He has been summarily reprimanded for being honest. That won't happen again till after the election. At least not with Cory Booker.
Our ruling
Plouffe said that the loan guarantee program that awarded half a billion dollars in guarantees to Solyndra "was supported by President Bush." The program was created on Bush's watch by a law he signed and promoted. The program grew under the Obama administration, which ultimately awarded Solyndra's loan guarantee under a new section of the law created by the stimulus. The Bush administration, though, promoted the loan guarantee program, and Bush himself touted it on his way out of office. There's also evidence his administration specifically prioritized Solyndra's project. We find Plouffe's statement Mostly True.​

The loan guarantee program that helped Solyndra "was a program that was supported by President Bush."

This is an "anti profit" administration? Are you smoking crack?

The Fortune 500 list came out today, and it shows record high earnings for the top 500 companies. Their profits increased more than 16 percent from last year to total more than $824 billion. The 500 companies are ranked by revenue, and Exxon Mobil tops the list with a staggering $453 billion.​

New 'Fortune 500' List Shows Record Earnings

Dammit, Wytch, don't go confusing them with facts.

Don't you know that Obama is a secret Kenyan Marxist with a plan to enslave America?

yeah, just to hell with the facts MOST of the companies Obama has LOANED monies to have went BANKUPT leaving us taxpayers holding the bag..

Most of them????? Has ANY of those companies been successful?

How many jobs/businesses did Bain/Romney save and grow?

"Amid anecdotal evidence on both sides, the full record has largely escaped a close look, because so many transactions are involved. The Wall Street Journal, aiming for a comprehensive assessment, examined 77 businesses Bain invested in while Mr. Romney led the firm from its 1984 start until early 1999, to see how they fared during Bain's involvement and shortly afterward.

Among the findings: 22% either filed for bankruptcy reorganization or closed their doors by the end of the eighth year after Bain first invested, sometimes with substantial job losses. An additional 8% ran into so much trouble that all of the money Bain invested was lost.

A spokesman for Bain Capital said its "success rate in growing and turning around businesses in both strong and weak economic periods is very high…" The company called the Journal's analysis "inaccurate and misleading" and said it unfairly put the onus on Bain for events at companies after it no longer owned them."

Romney at Bain Capital: Big Gains, Some Busts - WSJ.com

Comprehend the fact that Bain invested private monies, not TAX dollars.

funny how the right wing now buys into the "save " or "less equals more" aurgument when defending Romney. You saying Bain didn't benefit from tax breaks?

How many jobs/businesses did Bain/Romney save and grow?

"Amid anecdotal evidence on both sides, the full record has largely escaped a close look, because so many transactions are involved. The Wall Street Journal, aiming for a comprehensive assessment, examined 77 businesses Bain invested in while Mr. Romney led the firm from its 1984 start until early 1999, to see how they fared during Bain's involvement and shortly afterward.

Among the findings: 22% either filed for bankruptcy reorganization or closed their doors by the end of the eighth year after Bain first invested, sometimes with substantial job losses. An additional 8% ran into so much trouble that all of the money Bain invested was lost.

A spokesman for Bain Capital said its "success rate in growing and turning around businesses in both strong and weak economic periods is very high…" The company called the Journal's analysis "inaccurate and misleading" and said it unfairly put the onus on Bain for events at companies after it no longer owned them."

Romney at Bain Capital: Big Gains, Some Busts - WSJ.com

Comprehend the fact that Bain invested private monies, not TAX dollars.

funny how the right wing now buys into the "save " or "less equals more" aurgument when defending Romney. You saying Bain didn't benefit from tax breaks?

Are you saying the Taxpayers benefited from Obama's investments?? :eek:

How many jobs/businesses did Bain/Romney save and grow?

"Amid anecdotal evidence on both sides, the full record has largely escaped a close look, because so many transactions are involved. The Wall Street Journal, aiming for a comprehensive assessment, examined 77 businesses Bain invested in while Mr. Romney led the firm from its 1984 start until early 1999, to see how they fared during Bain's involvement and shortly afterward.

Among the findings: 22% either filed for bankruptcy reorganization or closed their doors by the end of the eighth year after Bain first invested, sometimes with substantial job losses. An additional 8% ran into so much trouble that all of the money Bain invested was lost.

A spokesman for Bain Capital said its "success rate in growing and turning around businesses in both strong and weak economic periods is very high…" The company called the Journal's analysis "inaccurate and misleading" and said it unfairly put the onus on Bain for events at companies after it no longer owned them."

Romney at Bain Capital: Big Gains, Some Busts - WSJ.com

Comprehend the fact that Bain invested private monies, not TAX dollars.

funny how the right wing now buys into the "save " or "less equals more" aurgument when defending Romney. You saying Bain didn't benefit from tax breaks?

If you can find the law that makes it illegal go for it.
I could just hear the moans from his media when he announced he was gonna demonize one of the engines that runs job growth.

Friggen idiot.
May be legal...but moral and legal aren't synonymous, are they? Oh shit....I keep forgetting....morality is what conservatives stand for.....unless it's this....and gouging consumers....and fucking over labor....and excessive greed...and.....well just about anything that doesn't have to do with someone's bedroom or social programs....then immorality is a sin against God.
Does Obama realize that by attacking businesses, particularly Bain Capital which profits by making businesses succeed, is just going to energize the Conservative base and make them coalesce around Romney?

Does he also realize that if he wants to attack Venture Capital, he shouldnt go the same day to get money from them?
I think everyone who got bought out, downsized and outsourced are pretty familiar with what venture capitalists do. The American people are all too familiar with their methods. They are not a net benefit to society no matter how you spin it.
I think everyone who got bought out, downsized and outsourced are pretty familiar with what venture capitalists do. The American people are all too familiar with their methods. They are not a net benefit to society no matter how you spin it.
If you say so.

Bain was running at roughly an 80% success rate for their clients.

What has Obama's success rate been for his publicly-funded endeavors? We all suffer for that BS.
I think everyone who got bought out, downsized and outsourced are pretty familiar with what venture capitalists do. The American people are all too familiar with their methods. They are not a net benefit to society no matter how you spin it.

So, in other words, you have no ideda what venture capitalists do and, instead you opt to believe that the small percentage of failure stories are the norm for venture capitalists.

Hmmm...I wonder why venture capitalism is so common if it is more often than not a failure.
Bain capital is mostly operating in foreign nations, Bain does own one American company i know of, Burger king.
Bain capital is mostly operating in foreign nations, Bain does own one American company i know of, Burger king.

so, in other words, you know nothing about Bain Capital.

Sports Authority
Guitar Center
Hospital Corporation of America
Clear Channel Communications
Staples Inc
D&M Holdings
Domino's Pizza
The Weather Channel
Burger King
Sealy Coporation
Burlington Coat Factory
Dunkin Donuts
I think everyone who got bought out, downsized and outsourced are pretty familiar with what venture capitalists do. The American people are all too familiar with their methods. They are not a net benefit to society no matter how you spin it.

So, in other words, you have no ideda what venture capitalists do and, instead you opt to believe that the small percentage of failure stories are the norm for venture capitalists.

Hmmm...I wonder why venture capitalism is so common if it is more often than not a failure.

Our manufacturing base in ruins is proof enough that these people have no interest in any American job. If they create jobs they are in foreign countries, if they save an American job it is at the cost of wages and benefits. If they are indeed "job creators" then they suck at their task, at least as far as America is concerned.
May be legal...but moral and legal aren't synonymous, are they? Oh shit....I keep forgetting....morality is what conservatives stand for.....unless it's this....and gouging consumers....and fucking over labor....and excessive greed...and.....well just about anything that doesn't have to do with someone's bedroom or social programs....then immorality is a sin against God.

hahahahahah a lefty talking about morality. That's pretty funny. :rofl:

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