Obama, Hard Choices, Bad Decisions


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
These are the highlights. Details at the linked page.

Obama And Hard Choices | Points and Figures

Obama always takes the easy way out, makes the easy choice.

Easy choice: Stimulus to put us far deeper in debt (Salt Water Economics) vs Hard choice: Creating economic incentives for private expansion (Freshwater Economics).

Obama made the easy choice. The stimulus went to his cronies. 99% of it was a waste.

Easy choice, bail out $GM vs Hard choice, allow bankruptcy process to save $GM.

The President made the easy choice. Obama bailed out his cronies in the unions, crushed down the debt and shareholders of GM.

Easy choice, use political majorities to pass socialized Medicine (Obamacare, Affordable Health Care) vs Hard choice of staying focused on the Economy

Ignoring the continuing dire economic situation, Obama took the easy road.

Easy choice, Subsidize Green Energy vs Hard choice, create energy independence

Obama took the easy choice. Obama pursued a green energy agenda when it was already failing in Europe and China. Obama picked winners and losers, funneling millions of dollars to his cronies and losing millions for taxpayers.

Easy choice, Side with teachers unions vs Hard choice of siding with Students/Children

Obama took the easy choice on schools in Washington DC. Obama cast his lot with unions, again.

Easy choice, pass a massive government program and enact Dodd-Frank Bureaucracy vs Hard choice of really reforming the financial system

The President chose “easy” again. Obama passed the Dodd-Frank act. It is going to put middle and small sized banks and financial institutions out of business.

Support Occupy Wall Street vs Telling them to go away

Obama made the easy choice and cast his lot with the squatters of Occupy Wall Street. Instead of telling them to clear out of the parks, stop dirtying the cities and curbing commerce, he sided with them.

It’s pretty easy to answer the question, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”. Millions unemployed with no hope, poor labor participation rates, lower incomes for everyone, destruction of net worth, higher taxes, and inability to get ahead should tell you the country is way worse off than it was.

Unless you are a crony.
These are the highlights. Details at the linked page.

Obama And Hard Choices | Points and Figures

Obama always takes the easy way out, makes the easy choice.

Really? Let's take a look at that!

Easy choice: Stimulus to put us far deeper in debt (Salt Water Economics) vs Hard choice: Creating economic incentives for private expansion (Freshwater Economics).

Obama made the easy choice. The stimulus went to his cronies. 99% of it was a waste.

Reality check. We have NEVER gotten out of a recession without a massive influx of government spending. In the case of Reagan, it wasn't his giveaway's to the rich, it was the fact that he double the level of federal spending in 8 years and tripled the national debt. Bush spent a trillion dollars on a war.

The problem with the stimulus was that it was too small.

Support Occupy Wall Street vs Telling them to go away

Obama made the easy choice and cast his lot with the squatters of Occupy Wall Street. Instead of telling them to clear out of the parks, stop dirtying the cities and curbing commerce, he sided with them.

Yes, how dare these American Citizens express their opinions. Only Teabaggers should be allowed to do that when the Koch Brothers say they can.

Easy choice, bail out $GM vs Hard choice, allow bankruptcy process to save $GM.

The President made the easy choice. Obama bailed out his cronies in the unions, crushed down the debt and shareholders of GM.

The bankruptcy process wouldn't have saved GM. In 2009, the Banks were frozen, credit was dried up, and no one was ready to step in and help GM out. And had GM and Chrysler failed, there would have been a domino effect on all the other companies and small businesses that would have gone out of business as well.

If you want to see where the GOP has truly lost it's way, it's that they think it's a horrible thing that we put the guys who actually assembled the cars ahead of the guys who merely gambled on stock performance.

Easy choice, pass a massive government program and enact Dodd-Frank Bureaucracy vs Hard choice of really reforming the financial system

The President chose “easy” again. Obama passed the Dodd-Frank act. It is going to put middle and small sized banks and financial institutions out of business.

"It's going to" isn't an argument. Dodd-Frank is a flawed legislation, given how much influence the banking industry has on both parties... but it is also a vast improvement.

Of course, more laws aren't the answer. Throwing these guys in big boy jail for repeated sodomy would have a much greater impact.

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