Obama has earned a second term.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
So he can finish what he has started.

Bush ran a state and a business and he thought he could run a country but he ran it into the ground much like his business ventures. Bush failed at every thing the did. His first four years should have prepared him for the next four years. But it didn’t. He got an “F” after eight years. Obama on the other hand got a “B” after three years.
Obama’s experience as a community organizer has proven to qualified him for president and his first three years in office has prepared him for the next four. “You don’t pull a horse out of the race when he is winning.”

Obama has earned another four years.
----Obama inherited this recession and avoided a depression. When he took office the US had lost 800,000 manufacturing jobs and a total loss of jobs of 1.6 millions. Food stamp recipients rose 14.7 million under Bush. 8 million jobs lost under Bush.
----he tried to work with congress with compromises.
----fought against tax cuts for the rich.
----Obama has constantly created jobs from day one.
----stimulus worked.
----auto industry worked.
----he got Osama Bin Laden.
----he ended the illegal war in Iraq and brought our children home alive.
----he passed Obamacare and it’s working.
Obama has not failed and he has earned anther four years. This is a just drop in the bucket of his first three years of accomplishments.
“You don’t pull a horse out of the race when he is winning.”
Isn't kind of early in the morning to be drinking that much hard liquor??

Just saying

Is that all you got today. Attacks on me? Disprove the post. That is what you radial right wing idiots do when you have no defense. Personal attacks.:cuckoo:
So he can finish what he has started.

Bush ran a state and a business and he thought he could run a country but he ran it into the ground much like his business ventures. Bush failed at every thing the did. His first four years should have prepared him for the next four years. But it didn’t. He got an “F” after eight years. Obama on the other hand got a “B” after three years.
Obama’s experience as a community organizer has proven to qualified him for president and his first three years in office has prepared him for the next four. “You don’t pull a horse out of the race when he is winning.”

Obama has earned another four years.
----Obama inherited this recession and avoided a depression. When he took office the US had lost 800,000 manufacturing jobs and a total loss of jobs of 1.6 millions. Food stamp recipients rose 14.7 million under Bush. 8 million jobs lost under Bush.
----he tried to work with congress with compromises.
----fought against tax cuts for the rich.
----Obama has constantly created jobs from day one.
----stimulus worked.
----auto industry worked.
----he got Osama Bin Laden.
----he ended the illegal war in Iraq and brought our children home alive.
----he passed Obamacare and it’s working.
Obama has not failed and he has earned anther four years. This is a just drop in the bucket of his first three years of accomplishments.
“You don’t pull a horse out of the race when he is winning.”

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: strong is the kool aid of late.
Isn't kind of early in the morning to be drinking that much hard liquor??

Just saying

Is that all you got today. Attacks on me? Disprove the post. That is what you radial right wing idiots do when you have no defense. Personal attacks.:cuckoo:

why waste our time?

Partisan garbage is partisan garbage.

Argue this one by one.:eusa_whistle:
Hurts like hell that Obama is not failing?

President Obama’s 244 Accomplishments, Part 4 - Jack & Jill Politics
Most of the country is laboring under obama's policies. Liberals think he deserves a second term because they want another 10 trillion dollars of debt. The United States is rich and dynamic. There is still a chance for it to pull out from under. obama needs a second term to make sure that the US is crushed so finally and absolutely that it can't struggle out.

It's laid out there in Cloward-Piven, the entire blueprint. Everything obama has done is right out of Cloward-Piven.
So he can finish what he has started.

Bush ran a state and a business and he thought he could run a country but he ran it into the ground much like his business ventures. Bush failed at every thing the did. His first four years should have prepared him for the next four years. But it didn’t. He got an “F” after eight years. Obama on the other hand got a “B” after three years.
Obama’s experience as a community organizer has proven to qualified him for president and his first three years in office has prepared him for the next four. “You don’t pull a horse out of the race when he is winning.”

Obama has earned another four years.
----Obama inherited this recession and avoided a depression. When he took office the US had lost 800,000 manufacturing jobs and a total loss of jobs of 1.6 millions. Food stamp recipients rose 14.7 million under Bush. 8 million jobs lost under Bush.
----he tried to work with congress with compromises.
----fought against tax cuts for the rich.
----Obama has constantly created jobs from day one.
----stimulus worked.
----auto industry worked.
----he got Osama Bin Laden.
----he ended the illegal war in Iraq and brought our children home alive.
----he passed Obamacare and it’s working.
Obama has not failed and he has earned anther four years. This is a just drop in the bucket of his first three years of accomplishments.
“You don’t pull a horse out of the race when he is winning.”

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: strong is the kool aid of late.

You are not capable of more than this?
Every President and every leader other than Adam and Eve have "inherited" the problems of th previous generation and policies and leaders. I really am sick of hearing this as his whiny excuse.
As for "earning" a Second Term. He is entitled to nothing. He will have to make his case that what he has done so far is beneficial and progress for the country. He may or may not make his case. We will see.
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Newt is going to crucify him in the debates

I'd like to see that. He's even gonna let obummer use a teleprompter. shows his generous nature don'tyathink? :eusa_angel:

GOP candidates have given Obama all the ammunition he needs to bring the Newt to his knees. Literally.:clap2:
The Newt is not match for Obama. Watch and listen.

Pull your mouth off of Obama's ass for a moment and smell the coffee.
Newt will destroy man-child Obama in the debates.
Most of the country is laboring under obama's policies. Liberals think he deserves a second term because they want another 10 trillion dollars of debt. The United States is rich and dynamic. There is still a chance for it to pull out from under. obama needs a second term to make sure that the US is crushed so finally and absolutely that it can't struggle out.

It's laid out there in Cloward-Piven, the entire blueprint. Everything obama has done is right out of Cloward-Piven.

What part of 8 years of Bush have you forgotten? Obama has racked up a debt trying the fix the car that Bush wrecked and the do nothing congress has set up road blocks after road blocks to stop him and make sure he fails. They failed. Obama got the car out of the ditch and in his next term he will fix it. :eusa_hand:
LOL! Unbelievable that people still believe the moon is made of cheese and little green men. No doubt Obama will enlist the help of the space aliens who built the pyramids to fix the economy!
obummer is reduced to blaming ATM machines.. I'd love to see him debate that shit.

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