Obama has earned four more years


Feb 19, 2011
It has often been said {and written} that a person's vote for a incumbent should be based on what he or she believes that candidate has done to benefit them personally. Well, for the first time in my 49 years on this planet I can honestly state that I personally benefited from the actions of President Barack Obama. Because of him I am a official HAMPster. It may have taken two and one-half years along with a lot of blood, sweat and tears {well maybe not blood unless you include paper cuts} but the effort required
to jump through every financial hoop possible proved to be more than worth it in the end. The interest rate on my mortgage is now the same or similar to what is being offered on the refinance market today. In full disclosure I supported Hilary Clinton for the Democratic Nomination back in 2008 and became somewhat disillusioned and embittered by her defeat. Still in all President Obama has done very well in staying the course of our economy all the while being gridlocked by a party that offers no alternative ideas of it's own.

As for Mr. Romney; he appears to be the "Dagwood Bumstead" of American politics. One pratfall after another leads me to believe that this is the last person we need in the White House. As the old adage instructs "think before you speak." Mr. Romney’s over reactive quips demonstrate a pattern of someone who clearly has not thought the issues through but rather views public service as a business; something to be tinkered with until the right outcome is achieved and then on to the next issue at hand. I can recall Nixon admonishing Reagan’s “war on the poor” as too severe even for his standards. Mr. Romney’s policies will be far worse and drive this country even deeper into division than even the rich are willing to risk.

This election is about a definite choice between someone who represents the few who have never had it so good and someone who represents the many that know we can {and will} do better. His name is Barack Obama and he deserves another four years.

Joe Bialek
Cleveland, OH

PS: The loss of Sesame Street in favor of Wall Street does not resonate well with Main Street.

"Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric." Bertrand Russell
Stopped a Depression
Saved the auto companies and banks
Passed Obamacare
Repealed DADT
Killed bin Laden

Four more years
From 1942 through 2008 there was a total of 39 months of unemployment at 8% or higher.
During Mr Obama's presidency of less than 4 years there have been 39 months of unemployment at 8% or higher.
I'm thinking it's time to fire him.
From 1942 through 2008 there was a total of 39 months of unemployment at 8% or higher.
During Mr Obama's presidency of less than 4 years there have been 39 months of unemployment at 8% or higher.
I'm thinking it's time to fire him.

Funny you start at 1942

That Republican created Depression lasted 12 years. Funny how you expect this Republican induced Great Recession to be over in 4

Republican fuck ups are not that easy to fix
From 1942 through 2008 there was a total of 39 months of unemployment at 8% or higher.
During Mr Obama's presidency of less than 4 years there have been 39 months of unemployment at 8% or higher.
I'm thinking it's time to fire him.

Funny you start at 1942

That Republican created Depression lasted 12 years. Funny how you expect this Republican induced Great Recession to be over in 4

Republican fuck ups are not that easy to fix
1.42 straight months of 8% or higher unemployment

2.RECORD number of 64.7 million Americans on food stamps

3.Americas credit rating down graded not once but twice.

4.Gave aid to America's enemy in Libya


6.Extended the patriot act

7.Had an American citizen assassinated without due process

8.Fast and the Furious cover up

9. Had an ambassador killed by the people he gave aid to in Libya

10.Wasted billions of dollars on the stimulus

11.GM built plants and sent jobs outside the U.S.

12.Gas cost more now than when he first became president.

13.Reinstated off shore drilling ban.

14.Killed the keystone pipeline (reported by the request of Nebraska Governor)

15.Afghan troops killing American troops on the rise.

16.Black unemployment at 14.1 percent

17.obama loses black supporter over his gay marriage stance.

18.obama's cooked labor department unemployment numbers.

19. Signed into law largest tax called obamatax

20. Shovel ready wasn't as shovel ready as he claimed it was.

21.obama give amnesty to 20 million illegals. Even thouigh Congress did not pass the dream act.

22.Used America's military in Libya without congressional approval

23.Gave aid to America's enemy in Libya
Obama has been brilliant.

That is why he is behind or within the margins of every poll as an incumbent.
From 1942 through 2008 there was a total of 39 months of unemployment at 8% or higher.
During Mr Obama's presidency of less than 4 years there have been 39 months of unemployment at 8% or higher.
I'm thinking it's time to fire him.

Funny you start at 1942

That Republican created Depression lasted 12 years. Funny how you expect this Republican induced Great Recession to be over in 4

Republican fuck ups are not that easy to fix

and how many of these @@ did obama follow in his first 2 yrs. Actually all of em
From 1942 through 2008 there was a total of 39 months of unemployment at 8% or higher.
During Mr Obama's presidency of less than 4 years there have been 39 months of unemployment at 8% or higher.
I'm thinking it's time to fire him.

Funny you start at 1942

That Republican created Depression lasted 12 years. Funny how you expect this Republican induced Great Recession to be over in 4

Republican fuck ups are not that easy to fix

I had to go back to 1942 to get the equivalent 39 months.
Can you name another president that has had 39 months of unemployment exceeding 8% in his tenure as president?
From 1942 through 2008 there was a total of 39 months of unemployment at 8% or higher.
During Mr Obama's presidency of less than 4 years there have been 39 months of unemployment at 8% or higher.
I'm thinking it's time to fire him.

Funny you start at 1942

That Republican created Depression lasted 12 years. Funny how you expect this Republican induced Great Recession to be over in 4

Republican fuck ups are not that easy to fix

I had to go back to 1942 to get the equivalent 39 months.
Can you name another president that has had 39 months of unemployment exceeding 8% in his tenure as president?

You have to go back to pre 1942 to find an economy as bad as the one given Obama

He has created 3.5 million jobs. It is just hard to replace the 700,000 jobs a month Republicans were losing before he took office
Funny you start at 1942

That Republican created Depression lasted 12 years. Funny how you expect this Republican induced Great Recession to be over in 4

Republican fuck ups are not that easy to fix

I had to go back to 1942 to get the equivalent 39 months.
Can you name another president that has had 39 months of unemployment exceeding 8% in his tenure as president?

You have to go back to pre 1942 to find an economy as bad as the one given Obama

He has created 3.5 million jobs. It is just hard to replace the 700,000 jobs a month Republicans were losing before he took office

42 straight months with 8% or higher unemployment
Record number of people on food stamps at almost 65 million Americans.
I had to go back to 1942 to get the equivalent 39 months.
Can you name another president that has had 39 months of unemployment exceeding 8% in his tenure as president?

You have to go back to pre 1942 to find an economy as bad as the one given Obama

He has created 3.5 million jobs. It is just hard to replace the 700,000 jobs a month Republicans were losing before he took office

42 straight months with 8% or higher unemployment
Record number of people on food stamps at almost 65 million Americans.

Obama was given an unemployment rate of 7.8 and it is 7.8 now.

Similar to Ron Reagan
You have to go back to pre 1942 to find an economy as bad as the one given Obama

He has created 3.5 million jobs. It is just hard to replace the 700,000 jobs a month Republicans were losing before he took office

42 straight months with 8% or higher unemployment
Record number of people on food stamps at almost 65 million Americans.

Obama was given an unemployment rate of 7.8 and it is 7.8 now.

Similar to Ron Reagan
I'm not surprised I called it back months ago that unemployment would be below 8% as we came closer to election time.
The numbers have been manipulated.

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