Zone1 Obama hasn't damaged race relations enough, now he's attacking Tim Scott.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Obama just can't stop beating the victim hood dead horse. As if he didn't do enough damage to America, he has to keep running his mouth. Tim Scott brings is a positive role model for Black people and brings a positive message. Obama plays the same old saw of "400 years of oppression". Enough already, just shut up and enjoy your mansion in Whitey's Ville.

Obama is your typical Democrat: anyone who doesn’t fall in line behind the liberal mantra - in this case, it’s that blacks can’t be held responsible for their own poor choices and failures - gets demonized, delegitimized, scolded, and silenced.
Obama just can't stop beating the victim hood dead horse. As if he didn't do enough damage to America, he has to keep running his mouth. Tim Scott brings is a positive role model for Black people and brings a positive message. Obama plays the same old saw of "400 years of oppression". Enough already, just shut up and enjoy your mansion in Whitey's Ville.

One must be the "right" kind of Negro.
Obama is your typical Democrat: anyone who doesn’t fall in line behind the liberal mantra - in this case, it’s that blacks can’t be held responsible for their own poor choices and failures - gets demonized, delegitimized, scolded, and silenced.
Why didn't systemic racism hold Obummer back. Is he not black? I should be so fortunate to have lived the life of luxury that he has enjoyed due to the fact that he lived in the greatest nation on earth.
Why didn't systemic racism hold Obummer back. Is he not black? I should be so fortunate to have lived the life of luxury that he has enjoyed due to the fact that he lived in the greatest nation on earth.
Yup. It’s like when Michelle Obama met with a group of black middle school girls and bemoaned how impossible it is for black females to advance. WTH? She was the First Lady of the United States!

What she SHOULD have done is say that except for some fringe lunatics, racism has been so minimal that we now have a black president - and that there is nothing holding you back other than your own abilities and motivation.
Why didn't systemic racism hold Obummer back. Is he not black? I should be so fortunate to have lived the life of luxury that he has enjoyed due to the fact that he lived in the greatest nation on earth.
He could have been such a positive role model just like Tim Scott, but he hates America and wanted to divide it and transform it. Sadly, it looks like he was successful.
Obama just can't stop beating the victim hood dead horse. As if he didn't do enough damage to America, he has to keep running his mouth. Tim Scott brings is a positive role model for Black people and brings a positive message. Obama plays the same old saw of "400 years of oppression". Enough already, just shut up and enjoy your mansion in Whitey's Ville.

Most black Americans are part of the same heritage, of people who were originally abducted from Africa, and brought to America to be used as glorified farm animals, who were mistreated for centuries, and who, finally, have achieved legal equality.

Tim Scott is part of that heritage. Barack Obama has no part at all in that heritage (other that that perhaps he may have had ancestors on his white side that were involved in trading and owning and otherwise abusing black slaves). Obama's only black/African ancestry comes by way of his deadbeat Kenyan father, who has never had any part in America other than having knocked up an American porn star, and then abandoned her and the resulting child.

And yet, Obama arrogantly presumes to speak for and on behalf of African-Americans.
Why didn't systemic racism hold Obummer back. Is he not black? I should be so fortunate to have lived the life of luxury that he has enjoyed due to the fact that he lived in the greatest nation on earth.
Obama started life on second base.

Scott started in the dugout.
Most black Americans are part of the same heritage, of people who were originally abducted from Africa, and brought to America to be used as glorified farm animals, who were mistreated for centuries, and who, finally, have achieved legal equality.

Tim Scott is part of that heritage. Barack Obama has no part at all in that heritage (other that that perhaps he may have had ancestors on his white side that were involved in trading and owning and otherwise abusing black slaves). Obama's only black/African ancestry comes by way of his deadbeat Kenyan father, who has never had any part in America other than having knocked up an American porn star, and then abandoned her and the resulting child.

And yet, Obama arrogantly presumes to speak for and on behalf of African-Americans.
All very true, and to that his anti-American upbringing and spending 20 years in Rev. Wright's anti-American Church. He was chosen by the Democrats for his charisma and his hatred of America and White people.
Tim Scott is a descendant of slaves, a Black man who grew up in the Deep South, a successful entrepreneur. Obama is a descendant of slaveowners who grew up in an elite privileged white culture in Hawaii. His greatest success leading up to the Presidency was being a Community Organizer.

Tim Scott is an inspiration to all Americans. He reminds each of us how great America is and the opportunities it provides.

Obama is a downer when it comes to inspiration. His relevance is predicated on keeping alive America’s missteps and mistakes.
Obama started life on second base.

Scott started in the dugout.
Obama started in the dugout. Tim Scott's family had some wealth. Don't go for that story because Scotts family owned a lot of land.
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Why didn't systemic racism hold Obummer back. Is he not black? I should be so fortunate to have lived the life of luxury that he has enjoyed due to the fact that he lived in the greatest nation on earth.
So if I decided all whites are racist by using one example of white racism, would you agree with that?
Tim Scott is a descendant of slaves, a Black man who grew up in the Deep South, a successful entrepreneur. Obama is a descendant of slaveowners who grew up in an elite privileged white culture in Hawaii. His greatest success leading up to the Presidency was being a Community Organizer.

Tim Scott is an inspiration to all Americans. He reminds each of us how great America is and the opportunities it provides.

Obama is a downer when it comes to inspiration. His relevance is predicated on keeping alive America’s missteps and mistakes.
Wrong. Obama is the descendant of a colonized African man. And he faced racism growing up here in America just like Scott. The only reason you defend Scott is because he takes the racism.

Now why do whites like you right wingers believe you get to complain basically about nothing but all non white people have to shut up and take it?

Tim Scott is no inspiration. He's weak. He doesn't remind me of anything but a man willing to sell his soul for power. Do you know what a community organizer does? It's a much tougher job than selling insurance and that's what Scott did.

Obama is right. And Scott needs to man up.
Obama started in the dugout. Tim Scot's family had some wealth. Don't go for that story because Scotts family owned a lot of land.
Obama’s father was a 1 percenter elite as was Obama’s white mother. Obama himself grew up with white privilege in Hawaii. Tim Scott grew up the son of a Black mother in The South.

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