Obama-haters make noise and nonsense over cabinet nominees


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
John Kerry will be confirmed quickly and without much ado.

Chuck Hagel will be confirmed quickly and without much ado.

All this noise and nonsense from the fringe right and GOP hyper-partisans is nothing more that attempts to muddy the Obama Presidency.

They have to live with Obama for the next four years. He is their President, and, mostly out of spite and hurt feelings, they will throw as much mud and negativity in his direction as they can.

President Obama embarrassed Boehner and the House GOP in the recent 'Cliff' avoidance fight. With little effort, Obama got what he wanted, and gave up little.

It just shows how our current two party adversarial politics is counter-productive. How many minutes a day are spent on the people and how many minutes are spent on the party? When a senator goes to work, is he thinking about his constituents or this party?

And believe you me, if either Kerry or Hagel were men of color, there would be an added negative tone to the attacks on them. Sickening.

I can't stand the fringe, left or right. They are both ignorant. They are ideologues, slaves to their own tunnel vision. PETA, NRA, WBC, Anarchists, ECO-Nazis, Neo-Nazis, Neo-Cons.... All lack the ability to consider reasonable compromise.

What's most sad about the last 4 years is watching the once great man John McCain brought down by his own bitterness and spite. It's like a cancer that now seems most prevalent in the minority party.
So the President should just be rubber stamped? I was under the impression that the Senate had a Constitutional responsiibility to Advice and Consent to the President's nominees. I don't foresee either of these choices being problems though.

But I guess I don't hate President Obama enough. Of course, that's because I don't hate him at all.
McCain said Hagel would be a great pick for this spot back when he was running for office
BTW McCain was never a "great man". Just a man who thought highly of himself. Which is a trait most people have.
I've never seen hate like the left hated bush. They even wrote a book on how to assasinate him. That's true hatred. Now we have a president that lies all the time. His polocies takes away freedoms this country stands for, example forced healthcare, gun control, and wealth distribution to name a few. When we call him out on it we are called racist and haters. I don't hate obama, I just don't like where he is taking this country.

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