Obama Hates Christians

my point is , feck those DUAL CITIZENS which I think the pastor is . Same goes for any dualie that has American citizenship plus another citizenship . I see 'dualies' as disloyal or of having 'dual loyalties' Aris .
off topic comment but the pastor shoulda stayed in prison . I think that the fool pastor went back to iran on his own and shoulda got out on his own . Probably a dual iran / us citizen . ------------------ off topic , off topic , off topic !!! Alert , alert !!
You stay in your bed, it's safe.
At least until the gangbangers kick down your door.
Pathetic you live in an a house they could break into. No one should come to defend you, you're on your own.
off topic comment but the pastor shoulda stayed in prison . I think that the fool pastor went back to iran on his own and shoulda got out on his own . Probably a dual iran / us citizen . ------------------ off topic , off topic , off topic !!! Alert , alert !!
You stay in your bed, it's safe.
At least until the gangbangers kick down your door.
Pathetic you live in an a house they could break into. No one should come to defend you, you're on your own.
---------------------------------------------- GOOD but i'll defend myself in that silly situation you describe . But as I said , feck those DUAL Citizens . If the Pastor wants to travel from the USA and they grab him by his DISLOYAL nuts , well , let him get out of his predicament that he put himself in Weatherman .
off topic comment but the pastor shoulda stayed in prison . I think that the fool pastor went back to iran on his own and shoulda got out on his own . Probably a dual iran / us citizen . ------------------ off topic , off topic , off topic !!! Alert , alert !!
You stay in your bed, it's safe.
At least until the gangbangers kick down your door.
Pathetic you live in an a house they could break into. No one should come to defend you, you're on your own.
---------------------------------------------- i'll defend myself . But as I said , feck those DUAL Citizens . If the Pastor wants to travel from the USA and they grab him by his DISLOYAL nuts , well , let him get out of his predicament that he put himself in Weatherman .
Building orphanages is treason?
Thanks for showing us more of that progressive compassion.
off topic comment but the pastor shoulda stayed in prison . I think that the fool pastor went back to iran on his own and shoulda got out on his own . Probably a dual iran / us citizen . ------------------ off topic , off topic , off topic !!! Alert , alert !!
You stay in your bed, it's safe.
At least until the gangbangers kick down your door.
Pathetic you live in an a house they could break into. No one should come to defend you, you're on your own.
---------------------------------------------- i'll defend myself . But as I said , feck those DUAL Citizens . If the Pastor wants to travel from the USA and they grab him by his DISLOYAL nuts , well , let him get out of his predicament that he put himself in Weatherman .
Building orphanages is treason?
Thanks for showing us more of that progressive compassion.
--------------------------------- I think that the pastor was in Iran , let the Iranians build orphanages Weatherman .
off topic comment but the pastor shoulda stayed in prison . I think that the fool pastor went back to iran on his own and shoulda got out on his own . Probably a dual iran / us citizen . ------------------ off topic , off topic , off topic !!! Alert , alert !!
You stay in your bed, it's safe.
At least until the gangbangers kick down your door.
Pathetic you live in an a house they could break into. No one should come to defend you, you're on your own.
---------------------------------------------- i'll defend myself . But as I said , feck those DUAL Citizens . If the Pastor wants to travel from the USA and they grab him by his DISLOYAL nuts , well , let him get out of his predicament that he put himself in Weatherman .
Building orphanages is treason?
Thanks for showing us more of that progressive compassion.
--------------------------------- I think that the pastor was in Iran , let the Iranians build orphanages Weatherman .
-------------------------------------------- Pastor oughta stay in the USA and build his orphanages in the USA Weatherman .
off topic comment but the pastor shoulda stayed in prison . I think that the fool pastor went back to iran on his own and shoulda got out on his own . Probably a dual iran / us citizen . ------------------ off topic , off topic , off topic !!! Alert , alert !!
You stay in your bed, it's safe.
At least until the gangbangers kick down your door.
Pathetic you live in an a house they could break into. No one should come to defend you, you're on your own.
---------------------------------------------- i'll defend myself . But as I said , feck those DUAL Citizens . If the Pastor wants to travel from the USA and they grab him by his DISLOYAL nuts , well , let him get out of his predicament that he put himself in Weatherman .
Building orphanages is treason?
Thanks for showing us more of that progressive compassion.
--------------------------------- I think that the pastor was in Iran , let the Iranians build orphanages Weatherman .
-------------------------------------------- Pastor oughta stay in the USA and build his orphanages in the USA Weatherman .
---------------------------------------- course , I really wish that he had stayed in 'iran' and had never come to the USA and he shoulda practiced his brand of Christianity in 'iran' Weatherman .
Is this the same guy out stumping churches for money after his wife divorced him for his abusive behavior?

she divorced him after he came from his imprisonment and torture.
------------------------------- mighta been a reason that she divorced him , then again , maybe not , who knows ??
Is this the same guy out stumping churches for money after his wife divorced him for his abusive behavior?

she divorced him after he came from his imprisonment and torture.
I thought that was one in the same. He was abusive and then he attempted to beat her down with the Bible as if she was property. I'll see if I can find the blog where he wrote all his crap down towards her. There is a group of Christian ladies in Idaho that are giving her a base of support.
Is this the same guy out stumping churches for money after his wife divorced him for his abusive behavior?

she divorced him after he came from his imprisonment and torture.
------------------------------- mighta been a reason that she divorced him , then again , maybe not , who knows ??
He is a slimeball. Saved but still slimy.
can you back this up other than a post from a conservative internet site?

I absolutely despise people who need to be spoon fed and have to be given links. If you care about a topic, be willing to do a LITTLE research.

From Fox Business (though I'm sure this site doesn't meet your high standards)

American Hostage Left To Buy His Own Plane Ticket After Iran Release

It's a sign of an amateur to demand you provide them with a source THEY approve. If you provide a source and they don't like it, it's their job to disprove it. Otherwise, they're just playing games. I put people who do that on ignore, they're a waste of time. They have absolutely nothing but ad hom, and they're brainwashed idiots that can't be taught.
can you back this up other than a post from a conservative internet site?

I have provided a positive. It falls to you to prove the negative.


You've got that one flipped around, clown shoes.

The onus of proof lies with the positive claim.
No, you moron. He provided his evidence. Now it's up to the other side to disprove it.

No wonder you come across as a retard.
can you back this up other than a post from a conservative internet site?

I'm sure the Huffington Post will be sure to cover it.
They actually have some good stuff from time to time. I can picture them showing the hypocrisy in this particular guy's life and his groupies that go along with his charades.
So the obamites seem to think that it's okay to make Christians pay their own ticket to the US when they are fleeing persecution from Iran? Is that where we're at?

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