Obama: I won't leave on Jan 20


View attachment 104684
So Hussein is half Muslim half son of a whore? Wow, what a revelation.

So cowardly assholes attack the dead mother of a the President? Wow, what a revelation.

She is a historical figure, moron, her character, and her deeds are to be discussed and written about, regardless of whether or not she's alive. So nobody is to attack Nixon, because he's dead?

Liberal logic at its finest.

I think we've all come to expect nothing but attacking from you, I mean you really have nothing else. Ever.

Cheese with your whine?
Boy oh boy you conservative neanderthals.......sure WHINE a lot!!! Especially when your ideology and group think mentality is questioned!!!!!

However, Trump is proud of you.....so is Putin.
Beautiful, I love a good police state, and lord knows we've militarized it all up, should be a smooth transition.

A news story should contain no opinions, only facts. Opinion pieces should be in a separate, specifically noted section, sold as an add-on to the paper, not as part of the paper per se.

Opinions are Freedom Speech!!! Putin and Trump would be proud of you!!!!
Ah yes of course, "savages", the term america always returns to when there's a little cleansing to be done.

  • Israeli arms sales to Europe grew from $724M in 2014 to $1.63B in 2015
  • Although the size of New Jersey Israel is one of the top 10 arms dealing nations in the world
  • Israel produces 60% of all drones worldwide and sells to over 50 countries, at times selling to both sides of a given conflict, and Israel fueled the drones arms race between India and Pakistan
Palestine is an open air weapons testing and crowd control laboratory with Palestinians being used in the development phase; Gaza is a lab of mass destruction. US super bunker busters were supplied to the Israelis in 2014 and investors stock shot up; war is just business after all.

The “War in Terror” has been a boon to the industry, you’ve seen what amounts to advertisement in every “news” outlet, we are being whipped up into a frenzy once again. The industry also pioneers crowd control research on the Palestinians, and Israel is involved in the training of American forces and law enforcement. We see this in the militarization of our own police departments, Ferguson was but one example of how our system is prepping to Palestinianize our own population, and in fact Ferguson now has Israeli developed/sold skunk spray post the Ferguson events, although no incidents have yet been reported of use on American streets. It’s pretty clear that the Israeli occupation style power structure is moving toward the same in America; a warehousing of the poor in a post industrial age with diminishing living wage jobs and privatized for profit prisons complete with a return to convict leasing.

Much of the security monitoring and mass surveillance technologies are also produced in Israel and sold across the globe. “Targeted assassination” was invented in Israel, which Obama was quite fond of. Abu Ghraib torture methods? Israel.

The US and Israel are not allies. The US and Israeli arms dealers are allies, and war is the business they are both in. We are all collateral damage.
So what are you saying, we shouldn't be arming ourselves and our allies to fight Islamist savages? Moron.

Sorry, I thought that might not be over your head.
No it's just more conspiracy bullshit and blabber from an ignoramus. The article you copied and pasted is complaining about targeted killings of terrorists and their leaders. Seriously get a fuckin life.

If it's copied and pasted you should be able find that and take me down pretty readily, I'll wait.

Whatever. Nothing wrong with taking out terrorist animals.

When will conservative Republicant's realize......we don't have enough bullets to take out nor win the war on Republican-conservative terror-terrorism.
Beautiful, I love a good police state, and lord knows we've militarized it all up, should be a smooth transition.

A news story should contain no opinions, only facts. Opinion pieces should be in a separate, specifically noted section, sold as an add-on to the paper, not as part of the paper per se.

Can't you figure out for yourself what's real and what's not? Oh wait, nevermind.
Can't you figure out for yourself what's real and what's not? Oh wait, nevermind.

I can, that's why I don't read subscribe to mainstream news outlets..... no actual news. However, by the number of Leftists in this country and their votes in November, the majority of Americans can't.
Can't you figure out for yourself what's real and what's not? Oh wait, nevermind.

I can, that's why I don't read subscribe to mainstream news outlets..... no actual news. However, by the number of Leftists in this country and their votes in November, the majority of Americans can't.

So you need to control that for them. You wise fuck you.
Opinions are Freedom Speech!!! Putin and Trump would be proud of you!!!!

1. I don't believe in Freedom, whether it's of Speech or most anything else.

2. Opinions may be Freedom but they're not NEWS. A NEWSpaper or NEWS show should not include opinions.
Obama is a good example of why we shouldn't be trusting faggots to make important decisions.
Melania Trump is a fine example that you should never allow sluts who have taken porn
Here we have Donald using the table for cover as he plays /fist Melania's "kit-cat. Look at Melania's face!! She saying to herself....I'm glad Donald has small hands


View attachment 104684
So Hussein is half Muslim half son of a whore? Wow, what a revelation.

So cowardly assholes attack the dead mother of a the President? Wow, what a revelation.

She is a historical figure, moron, her character, and her deeds are to be discussed and written about, regardless of whether or not she's alive. So nobody is to attack Nixon, because he's dead?

Liberal logic at its finest.
Obama's mom was not a historical figure, Obama is. Let the woman rest in peace and stop besmirching her memory with your vile allegations. Whatever sins Ann Dunham harbored they should not be resurrected to taint her son. Obama had no say in choosing his parents.

Let's keep it civil and compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges. Trump and Melania vs Obama and Michelle. I know it isn't a fair comparison because Obama and Michelle stand heads above the Trumps in terms of morality, intellect and social conservatism. That is hard to swallow so your alternative is to attack the president's deceased mother.
Opinions are Freedom Speech!!! Putin and Trump would be proud of you!!!!

1. I don't believe in Freedom, whether it's of Speech or most anything else.

2. Opinions may be Freedom but they're not NEWS. A NEWSpaper or NEWS show should not include opinions.

If you're looking for a decent news show, check out HBO's new news 1/2 hour that comes on 6:30 pm CST. It's called VICE News. They do a pretty decent job of reporting, and it's not all politics, it's actual events happening all over the world right now.
And the corporate state will decide the "truth". We're already there pard.

No we're not. When was the last time a reporter was imprisoned for failing to prive the accuracy of a story? The last time a paper was put out of business for printing opinions as facts?

Trump and his Admin. will try to muzzle the press-----what have you been living under a rock eating spoiled fish!!! You do realize due to hate and trying to bring America back to make the county great again, while saying which era you are referring to! The U.S. Republicans will bring on to the world stage....a thinned skinned Con-Man Sociopath called TRUMP!!!! We live in interesting times.

Don't worry the Republicant's will prove to the country and the rest of the Free World.....that the GOP, Trump and his cabinet appoints of out dated 20th century Generals and his cadres of Wall Street Goldman Sachs crooks all of which specialize in BANKRUPTCIES, will try to bankrupt the U.S. economy by any means necessary so long as they make billions or trillions!!!

Ya know why........the GOP can't GOVERN!!!!!! The GOP doesn't know how to Govern for ALL OF AMERICA........the GOP since the election of Reagan has proven they only know how to GOVERN for the 1 percent!!!

This is what Jan 20th 2017 will mean, Trump and the GOP voters will have unleashed hell on America's working poor and the middle class!!!!

Where's the pop corn???? Whats the name of the movie Trump and the GOP plan to unleash on America? It sure won't be called....."Making America Great" again!!!

The GOP now owns the Congress, the supreme court, the military, and the WH!!!! The GOP..........own it all! You have no excuses!!!! Now show the country you can GOVERN if fairness the entire country and not focus on just the 1 percent!!!!!

Good Luck......no Excuses!!!!!
And the corporate state will decide the "truth". We're already there pard.

No we're not. When was the last time a reporter was imprisoned for failing to prive the accuracy of a story? The last time a paper was put out of business for printing opinions as facts?

Trump and his Admin. will try to muzzle the press-----what have you been living under a rock eating spoiled fish!!! You do realize due to hate and trying to bring America back to make the county great again, while saying which era you are referring to! The U.S. Republicans will bring on to the world stage....a thinned skinned Con-Man Sociopath called TRUMP!!!! We live in interesting times.

Don't worry the Republicant's will prove to the country and the rest of the Free World.....that the GOP, Trump and his cabinet appoints of out dated 20th century Generals and his cadres of Wall Street Goldman Sachs crooks all of which specialize in BANKRUPTCIES, will try to bankrupt the U.S. economy by any means necessary so long as they make billions or trillions!!!

Ya know why........the GOP can't GOVERN!!!!!! The GOP doesn't know how to Govern for ALL OF AMERICA........the GOP since the election of Reagan has proven they only know how to GOVERN for the 1 percent!!!

This is what Jan 20th 2017 will mean, Trump and the GOP voters will have unleashed hell on America's working poor and the middle class!!!!

Where's the pop corn???? Whats the name of the movie Trump and the GOP plan to unleash on America? It sure won't be called....."Making America Great" again!!!

The GOP now owns the Congress, the supreme court, the military, and the WH!!!! The GOP..........own it all! You have no excuses!!!! Now show the country you can GOVERN if fairness the entire country and not focus on just the 1 percent!!!!!

Good Luck......no Excuses!!!!!

I don't disagree with any of that, but neoliberalism has been no better for society, it is the same mindset; societal wealth extraction.
And the corporate state will decide the "truth". We're already there pard.

No we're not. When was the last time a reporter was imprisoned for failing to prive the accuracy of a story? The last time a paper was put out of business for printing opinions as facts?

Trump and his Admin. will try to muzzle the press-----what have you been living under a rock eating spoiled fish!!! You do realize due to hate and trying to bring America back to make the county great again, while saying which era you are referring to! The U.S. Republicans will bring on to the world stage....a thinned skinned Con-Man Sociopath called TRUMP!!!! We live in interesting times.

Don't worry the Republicant's will prove to the country and the rest of the Free World.....that the GOP, Trump and his cabinet appoints of out dated 20th century Generals and his cadres of Wall Street Goldman Sachs crooks all of which specialize in BANKRUPTCIES, will try to bankrupt the U.S. economy by any means necessary so long as they make billions or trillions!!!

Ya know why........the GOP can't GOVERN!!!!!! The GOP doesn't know how to Govern for ALL OF AMERICA........the GOP since the election of Reagan has proven they only know how to GOVERN for the 1 percent!!!

This is what Jan 20th 2017 will mean, Trump and the GOP voters will have unleashed hell on America's working poor and the middle class!!!!

Where's the pop corn???? Whats the name of the movie Trump and the GOP plan to unleash on America? It sure won't be called....."Making America Great" again!!!

The GOP now owns the Congress, the supreme court, the military, and the WH!!!! The GOP..........own it all! You have no excuses!!!! Now show the country you can GOVERN if fairness the entire country and not focus on just the 1 percent!!!!!

Good Luck......no Excuses!!!!!

I don't disagree with any of that, but neoliberalism has been no better for society, it is the same mindset; societal wealth extraction.

Societal wealth since the 1981 has been structured for the 1 percent to benefit from! Its time for the wealth of this country to be extracted from the bottom upward!, in terms of earning a living wage and a "catch-up" of salary's and pay raises to reflect the COLA over the 33 years!
If you're looking for a decent news show, check out HBO's new news 1/2 hour that comes on 6:30 pm CST. It's called VICE News. They do a pretty decent job of reporting, and it's not all politics, it's actual events happening all over the world right now.

No HBO in this house.
And the corporate state will decide the "truth". We're already there pard.

No we're not. When was the last time a reporter was imprisoned for failing to prive the accuracy of a story? The last time a paper was put out of business for printing opinions as facts?

Trump and his Admin. will try to muzzle the press-----what have you been living under a rock eating spoiled fish!!! You do realize due to hate and trying to bring America back to make the county great again, while saying which era you are referring to! The U.S. Republicans will bring on to the world stage....a thinned skinned Con-Man Sociopath called TRUMP!!!! We live in interesting times.

Don't worry the Republicant's will prove to the country and the rest of the Free World.....that the GOP, Trump and his cabinet appoints of out dated 20th century Generals and his cadres of Wall Street Goldman Sachs crooks all of which specialize in BANKRUPTCIES, will try to bankrupt the U.S. economy by any means necessary so long as they make billions or trillions!!!

Ya know why........the GOP can't GOVERN!!!!!! The GOP doesn't know how to Govern for ALL OF AMERICA........the GOP since the election of Reagan has proven they only know how to GOVERN for the 1 percent!!!

This is what Jan 20th 2017 will mean, Trump and the GOP voters will have unleashed hell on America's working poor and the middle class!!!!

Where's the pop corn???? Whats the name of the movie Trump and the GOP plan to unleash on America? It sure won't be called....."Making America Great" again!!!

The GOP now owns the Congress, the supreme court, the military, and the WH!!!! The GOP..........own it all! You have no excuses!!!! Now show the country you can GOVERN if fairness the entire country and not focus on just the 1 percent!!!!!

Good Luck......no Excuses!!!!!

I don't disagree with any of that, but neoliberalism has been no better for society, it is the same mindset; societal wealth extraction.

Societal wealth since the 1981 has been structured for the 1 percent to benefit from! Its time for the wealth of this country to be extracted from the bottom upward!, in terms of earning a living wage and a "catch-up" of salary's and pay raises to reflect the COLA over the 33 years!

Sure, take it off "the people", go ahead. Be a great show. Although, perhaps I misread " ... to be extracted from the bottom upward!, ..."?
If you're looking for a decent news show, check out HBO's new news 1/2 hour that comes on 6:30 pm CST. It's called VICE News. They do a pretty decent job of reporting, and it's not all politics, it's actual events happening all over the world right now.

No HBO in this house.

Go back to the 20th Century!!! The 21st Century won't be kind to you because you have lost the ability to EVOLVE.
And the corporate state will decide the "truth". We're already there pard.

No we're not. When was the last time a reporter was imprisoned for failing to prive the accuracy of a story? The last time a paper was put out of business for printing opinions as facts?

Trump and his Admin. will try to muzzle the press-----what have you been living under a rock eating spoiled fish!!! You do realize due to hate and trying to bring America back to make the county great again, while saying which era you are referring to! The U.S. Republicans will bring on to the world stage....a thinned skinned Con-Man Sociopath called TRUMP!!!! We live in interesting times.

Don't worry the Republicant's will prove to the country and the rest of the Free World.....that the GOP, Trump and his cabinet appoints of out dated 20th century Generals and his cadres of Wall Street Goldman Sachs crooks all of which specialize in BANKRUPTCIES, will try to bankrupt the U.S. economy by any means necessary so long as they make billions or trillions!!!

Ya know why........the GOP can't GOVERN!!!!!! The GOP doesn't know how to Govern for ALL OF AMERICA........the GOP since the election of Reagan has proven they only know how to GOVERN for the 1 percent!!!

This is what Jan 20th 2017 will mean, Trump and the GOP voters will have unleashed hell on America's working poor and the middle class!!!!

Where's the pop corn???? Whats the name of the movie Trump and the GOP plan to unleash on America? It sure won't be called....."Making America Great" again!!!

The GOP now owns the Congress, the supreme court, the military, and the WH!!!! The GOP..........own it all! You have no excuses!!!! Now show the country you can GOVERN if fairness the entire country and not focus on just the 1 percent!!!!!

Good Luck......no Excuses!!!!!

I don't disagree with any of that, but neoliberalism has been no better for society, it is the same mindset; societal wealth extraction.

Societal wealth since the 1981 has been structured for the 1 percent to benefit from! Its time for the wealth of this country to be extracted from the bottom upward!, in terms of earning a living wage and a "catch-up" of salary's and pay raises to reflect the COLA over the 33 years!

Sure, take it off "the people", go ahead. Be a great show. Although, perhaps I misread " ... to be extracted from the bottom upward!, ..."?

Tax the greed.

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