Obama: I won't leave on Jan 20

No we're not. When was the last time a reporter was imprisoned for failing to prive the accuracy of a story? The last time a paper was put out of business for printing opinions as facts?

Trump and his Admin. will try to muzzle the press-----what have you been living under a rock eating spoiled fish!!! You do realize due to hate and trying to bring America back to make the county great again, while saying which era you are referring to! The U.S. Republicans will bring on to the world stage....a thinned skinned Con-Man Sociopath called TRUMP!!!! We live in interesting times.

Don't worry the Republicant's will prove to the country and the rest of the Free World.....that the GOP, Trump and his cabinet appoints of out dated 20th century Generals and his cadres of Wall Street Goldman Sachs crooks all of which specialize in BANKRUPTCIES, will try to bankrupt the U.S. economy by any means necessary so long as they make billions or trillions!!!

Ya know why........the GOP can't GOVERN!!!!!! The GOP doesn't know how to Govern for ALL OF AMERICA........the GOP since the election of Reagan has proven they only know how to GOVERN for the 1 percent!!!

This is what Jan 20th 2017 will mean, Trump and the GOP voters will have unleashed hell on America's working poor and the middle class!!!!

Where's the pop corn???? Whats the name of the movie Trump and the GOP plan to unleash on America? It sure won't be called....."Making America Great" again!!!

The GOP now owns the Congress, the supreme court, the military, and the WH!!!! The GOP..........own it all! You have no excuses!!!! Now show the country you can GOVERN if fairness the entire country and not focus on just the 1 percent!!!!!

Good Luck......no Excuses!!!!!

I don't disagree with any of that, but neoliberalism has been no better for society, it is the same mindset; societal wealth extraction.

Societal wealth since the 1981 has been structured for the 1 percent to benefit from! Its time for the wealth of this country to be extracted from the bottom upward!, in terms of earning a living wage and a "catch-up" of salary's and pay raises to reflect the COLA over the 33 years!

Sure, take it off "the people", go ahead. Be a great show. Although, perhaps I misread " ... to be extracted from the bottom upward!, ..."?

Tax the greed.

The greed is on the bottom?
Trump and his Admin. will try to muzzle the press-----what have you been living under a rock eating spoiled fish!!! You do realize due to hate and trying to bring America back to make the county great again, while saying which era you are referring to! The U.S. Republicans will bring on to the world stage....a thinned skinned Con-Man Sociopath called TRUMP!!!! We live in interesting times.

Don't worry the Republicant's will prove to the country and the rest of the Free World.....that the GOP, Trump and his cabinet appoints of out dated 20th century Generals and his cadres of Wall Street Goldman Sachs crooks all of which specialize in BANKRUPTCIES, will try to bankrupt the U.S. economy by any means necessary so long as they make billions or trillions!!!

Ya know why........the GOP can't GOVERN!!!!!! The GOP doesn't know how to Govern for ALL OF AMERICA........the GOP since the election of Reagan has proven they only know how to GOVERN for the 1 percent!!!

This is what Jan 20th 2017 will mean, Trump and the GOP voters will have unleashed hell on America's working poor and the middle class!!!!

Where's the pop corn???? Whats the name of the movie Trump and the GOP plan to unleash on America? It sure won't be called....."Making America Great" again!!!

The GOP now owns the Congress, the supreme court, the military, and the WH!!!! The GOP..........own it all! You have no excuses!!!! Now show the country you can GOVERN if fairness the entire country and not focus on just the 1 percent!!!!!

Good Luck......no Excuses!!!!!

I don't disagree with any of that, but neoliberalism has been no better for society, it is the same mindset; societal wealth extraction.

Societal wealth since the 1981 has been structured for the 1 percent to benefit from! Its time for the wealth of this country to be extracted from the bottom upward!, in terms of earning a living wage and a "catch-up" of salary's and pay raises to reflect the COLA over the 33 years!

Sure, take it off "the people", go ahead. Be a great show. Although, perhaps I misread " ... to be extracted from the bottom upward!, ..."?

Tax the greed.

The greed is on the bottom?
You're wrong. Income inequality over the 36 years has caused voters to vote for a Con Man in Chief to be our next Authoritative Dictator!!!

This video shows the damages of 36 years of income inequality.
Trump and his Admin. will try to muzzle the press-----what have you been living under a rock eating spoiled fish!!! You do realize due to hate and trying to bring America back to make the county great again, while saying which era you are referring to! The U.S. Republicans will bring on to the world stage....a thinned skinned Con-Man Sociopath called TRUMP!!!! We live in interesting times.

Hopefully Trump destroys the press rather than just muzzling it. I'm no fan of Trump. He's no ideologue and I'm a Conservative not a Republican. It will be interesting to watch.

This is what Jan 20th 2017 will mean, Trump and the GOP voters will have unleashed hell on America's working poor and the middle class!!!!

Most of the poor deserve to have Hell unleashed on them. They can get used to it before they die and go there permanently.

The GOP now owns the Congress, the supreme court, the military, and the WH!!!! The GOP..........own it all! You have no excuses!!!! Now show the country you can GOVERN if fairness the entire country and not focus on just the 1 percent!!!!!

True. The GOP will show their true colors in the next two years..... UNLESS the Democrats place so many hurdles in their way that the GOP can claim their power was subverted. Sort of a Catch22 for Democrats..... Impede and you give the GOP a chance to campaign for a Super majority. Advise but don't Impede and you risk Trump policies improving things.
Trump and his Admin. will try to muzzle the press-----what have you been living under a rock eating spoiled fish!!! You do realize due to hate and trying to bring America back to make the county great again, while saying which era you are referring to! The U.S. Republicans will bring on to the world stage....a thinned skinned Con-Man Sociopath called TRUMP!!!! We live in interesting times.

Hopefully Trump destroys the press rather than just muzzling it. I'm no fan of Trump. He's no ideologue and I'm a Conservative not a Republican. It will be interesting to watch.

This is what Jan 20th 2017 will mean, Trump and the GOP voters will have unleashed hell on America's working poor and the middle class!!!!

Most of the poor deserve to have Hell unleashed on them. They can get used to it before they die and go there permanently.

The GOP now owns the Congress, the supreme court, the military, and the WH!!!! The GOP..........own it all! You have no excuses!!!! Now show the country you can GOVERN if fairness the entire country and not focus on just the 1 percent!!!!!

True. The GOP will show their true colors in the next two years..... UNLESS the Democrats place so many hurdles in their way that the GOP can claim their power was subverted. Sort of a Catch22 for Democrats..... Impede and you give the GOP a chance to campaign for a Super majority. Advise but don't Impede and you risk Trump policies improving things.

Ummmmmmmm......actually the Democrats need to impede, obstruct, sabotage and filibuster the Trump Dictatorship the same way Republicans impeded, obstructed, sabotaged and filibustered President Obama!!!!
Ummmmmmmm......actually the Democrats need to impede, obstruct, sabotage and filibuster the Trump Dictatorship the same way Republicans impeded, obstructed, sabotaged and filibustered President Obama!!!!

You do realize that means a LARGER Republican majority on 2018, right? One that might have enough seats to lock the Democrats out ENTIRELY from the process. Is that really what you want?
Trump just said..."If I am Impeached----I will unleash the U.S. Military and jail my Enemies!!!!!
Since 1066 eh? I guess that means you believe that diseases are caused by demons and still think that the Earth is flat, and the Sun revolves around it.

Pretty much.

So tell me, is it magic that makes the words appear on that funny little window attached to your keyboard, or evil spirits that write them?

And..............did you figure out how they put the people in there?
So Hussein is half Muslim half son of a whore? Wow, what a revelation.

So cowardly assholes attack the dead mother of a the President? Wow, what a revelation.

She is a historical figure, moron, her character, and her deeds are to be discussed and written about, regardless of whether or not she's alive. So nobody is to attack Nixon, because he's dead?

Liberal logic at its finest.

I think we've all come to expect nothing but attacking from you, I mean you really have nothing else. Ever.

Cheese with your whine?
Boy oh boy you conservative neanderthals.......sure WHINE a lot!!! Especially when your ideology and group think mentality is questioned!!!!!

However, Trump is proud of you.....so is Putin.
You hit the nail on the head. Groupthink is the perfect descriptor for Trump's Kool-Aid drinkers. These guys were weaned on hate. Genocide is as much a part of their agenda as it was in Nazi Germany. Trump is the symptomatic manifestation of deep seated hatred that has risen to the surface methodically as a populist boil.

Groupthink, populism and a Final Solution:

In a not so far fetched scenario,Trump has likely commissioned Putin as a mentor in orchestrating an impending ethnic "purge." Don't dismiss that statement as frivolity. Almost 100 years ago the Jews of Europe had been lulled into complacency too. They didn't heed the warning signs until it was too late. Those of us who are observant need to sound the alarms well in advance.

Trump's overtures towards Putin:
Putin, after all, is a master in the techniques of mass liquidation, surreptitiously or blatantly.
What better teacher could the Donald employ to instruct his cabinet of villains in the task of rounding up millions of Mexicans or in initiating an apartheid police state. Consider that Muslims, Blacks and Mexicans would be subjected to a sort of social triage where their civil rights are suspended to treat trumped up societal symptoms that exist only in the minds of Rw psychopaths. That is the groupthink that nightmares are made of and it is coming to a neighbor hood near YOU!
Trump just said..."If I am Impeached----I will unleash the U.S. Military and jail my Enemies!!!!!

Link? I'd like to know if he actually said something like that.

Where does it say President Obama refuses to leave the WH after 8 years?????

Mindwars provided a "Fake News" OP-ad!!!!

Well, they've been screaming lies about Obama for the past 8 years, and it seems they've gotten used to doing so.

Gonna be funny to see Obama go peacefully on the 20th, and watch them with their mouths hanging open, wondering how they could get it so wrong.

Nope, Trump is gonna get sworn in, Obama is gonna go and be a retired president.
Trump just said..."If I am Impeached----I will unleash the U.S. Military and jail my Enemies!!!!!

Link? I'd like to know if he actually said something like that.

Where does it say President Obama refuses to leave the WH after 8 years?????

Mindwars provided a "Fake News" OP-ad!!!!

Point is Mindwars started this thread with an Op ed from Republican newspaper known as the Washington Examiner!!!!
Trump just said..."If I am Impeached----I will unleash the U.S. Military and jail my Enemies!!!!!

Link? I'd like to know if he actually said something like that.

Where does it say President Obama refuses to leave the WH after 8 years?????

Mindwars provided a "Fake News" OP-ad!!!!

Point is Mindwars started this thread with an Op ed from Republican newspaper known as the Washington Examiner!!!!

I already knew the OP was b.s. when they said that Obama wouldn't leave. That is a clearly false statement. However, what you said kinda sounds like something Trump may have said, so I asked for the link, because like I said, if he said that, I'd like to know.

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