Obama: I won't leave on Jan 20

Putin appreciates your support.
Putin is the most powerful man in the world you could say thank to Obama the big Sissy

Obama is a good example of why we shouldn't be trusting faggots to make important decisions.
Melania Trump is a fine example that you should never allow sluts who have taken porn
Putin is the most powerful man in the world you could say thank to Obama the big Sissy


Putin N Trump together again......Red State rural white voters love the shit out of this photo.
Here we have Donald using the table for cover as he plays /fist Melania's "kit-cat. Look at Melania's face!! She saying to herself....I'm glad Donald has small hands


View attachment 104684
Why don't you post some "Artful" pictures of Melania "slut" Trump from back in the 90's. I can't decide if Melania looks sexy with her clothes on or with her clothes off!

What does conservative America believe???? They have made to many comments either way.......because conservative voting Republicant's are hypocrites anyway.

I dunno Obama's mother was born before her so she did it first.. So you see she taught the women of the world how to sell themselves off as sluts...
Why they do it in Hollywood all the time , they sell their souls though. Just ask Madonna.
Obama is a good example of why we shouldn't be trusting faggots to make important decisions.
Melania Trump is a fine example that you should never allow sluts who have taken porn
Here we have Donald using the table for cover as he plays /fist Melania's "kit-cat. Look at Melania's face!! She saying to herself....I'm glad Donald has small hands


View attachment 104684
Why don't you post some "Artful" pictures of Melania "slut" Trump from back in the 90's. I can't decide if Melania looks sexy with her clothes on or with her clothes off!

What does conservative America believe???? They have made to many comments either way.......because conservative voting Republicant's are hypocrites anyway.
You seem upset about Obama being a faggot and his mother being a whore. Most here have known that for years.

Please stop sharing with us your sexual fantasies about President Obama and his mother
Please stop thinking everyone thinks like you.
George Soros, billionaire, and manipulator of countries and economies, contributor to the far left, and admitted a-moral businessman. His ethics are to making money, no matter what the cost. It is amusing that the left, receiver of millions of dollars from this man, find the time to talk about the evils of the rich, and the plight of the poor, yet accept millions from this man. To get a real taste of this guy, watch this interview. It is fascinating and disturbing.





LOL- Trump the billionaire- champion of the working class.......

But they love useless slaves like you, because they can tell idiots like you anything and you will give it all up so your little Communistic desires can have it all for free..............Oh wait wasn't that Bernie Sanders.
only a moron would NOT believe that at this point.:rofl:

here,get educated.lol

9-11….. Startling New Evidence of a Conspiracy

Since 9/11, however, independent researchers around the world have assembled a large body of evidence that overwhelmingly refutes the notion that airplane impacts and fires caused the destruction of the Twin Towers and WTC 7. This body of evidence, most of which FEMA and NIST omitted from their reports, instead supports the troubling conclusion that all three skyscrapers were destroyed in a process known as “controlled demolition,” where explosives and/or other devices are used to bring down a building.


  1. Rapid onset of destruction,
  2. Constant acceleration at or near free-fall through what should have been the path of greatest resistance,
  3. Numerous eyewitness accounts of explosions including 118 FDNY personnel,
  4. Lateral ejection of multi-ton steel framing members distances of 600 feet at more than 60 mph,
  5. Mid-air pulverization of 90,000 tons of concrete, and large volumes of expanding pyroclastic-like dust clouds,
  6. Isolated explosive ejections 20 to 60 stories below the “crush zone,”
  7. Total destruction and dismemberment of all three buildings, with 220 floors each an acre in size missing from the Twin Towers’ debris pile,
  8. Several tons of molten steel/iron found in the debris piles,
  9. Evidence of thermite incendiaries on steel beams,
  10. Nanothermite composites and iron microspheres found in WTC dust samples.

Articles by AE911Truth

The following articles discuss and analyze the evidence for explosive controlled demolition of the Twin Towers and WTC 7. While most of these articles are intended for a general audience, the articles under “Technical Critiques of the NIST Reports” are geared toward readers with greater technical knowledge.

AE911Truth — Architects & Engineers Investigating the destruction of all three World Trade Center skyscrapers on September 11 - Evidence
JFK lives on an island with Elvis, Jimmy Hoffa, Stevie Ray Vaughan and that missing Malaysian airplane.

Trump is a genious with business acumen who will make america "great" again.
Geniuses don't lose 900 billion dollars... unless they pretend to. But that makes them a crook@
Smart people consider the net. Trump net wealth, Obama net debt.
But You don't understand... Obama had much of that debt handed to him. Trump's debt is HIS alone. And youdon't know how much Trump is worth. He is scared to show his tax returns. Try again.
We're witnessing the desperate attempts of a failed president wanting to make a mark from his time in office.

Obama knows he's about to go down as being the worst president in American history.
Only in pastures fertilized by shit where insentient sheep like YOU happily graze.
Obama created a shit filled pasture you'll be happy wallowing in.
Wallowing is no where near as nasty as grazing on excrement laden grass and then washing it down with Kool-Aid. That picture enters my mind every time I hear from one of you Trump-Bots. The rest of the world and, judging by his favorability ratings, many Americans will honor Obama as a great president.
It's been rumored for a long , long time Obama was going to serve a 3rd term. H]

Putin appreciates your support.
Putin is the most powerful man in the world you could say thank to Obama the big Sissy

Obama is a good example of why we shouldn't be trusting faggots to make important decisions.
Melania Trump is a fine example that you should never allow sluts who have taken porn
Putin appreciates your support.
Putin is the most powerful man in the world you could say thank to Obama the big Sissy


Putin N Trump together again......Red State rural white voters love the shit out of this photo.
Here we have Donald using the table for cover as he plays /fist Melania's "kit-cat. Look at Melania's face!! She saying to herself....I'm glad Donald has small hands


View attachment 104684

Obama's mother is long dead you irreverent bastard. And the model in those porn scene you seem to be so fond of is reputed to be Marcy Moore. I don't care one way or the other. If it IS her and she would have become the wife of a president elect, I would cast aspersions her way too.

Melania's identity and past is well documented; and, she is on the verge of becoming the First Lady. That being the case, a comparative analysis, if any, should properly be made between Melania and Michelle. Melania doesn't even come close in intellect or in personal achievement. Furthermore, if morality is as pertinent a factor now as it has been in the past, Michelle wins there too.
Since 9/11, however, independent researchers around the world have assembled a large body of evidence that overwhelmingly refutes the notion that airplane impacts and fires caused the destruction of the Twin Towers and WTC 7. This body of evidence, most of which FEMA and NIST omitted from their reports, instead supports the troubling conclusion that all three skyscrapers were destroyed in a process known as “controlled demolition,” where explosives and/or other devices are used to bring down a building.


  1. Rapid onset of destruction,
  2. Constant acceleration at or near free-fall through what should have been the path of greatest resistance,
  3. Numerous eyewitness accounts of explosions including 118 FDNY personnel,
  4. Lateral ejection of multi-ton steel framing members distances of 600 feet at more than 60 mph,
  5. Mid-air pulverization of 90,000 tons of concrete, and large volumes of expanding pyroclastic-like dust clouds,
  6. Isolated explosive ejections 20 to 60 stories below the “crush zone,”
  7. Total destruction and dismemberment of all three buildings, with 220 floors each an acre in size missing from the Twin Towers’ debris pile,
  8. Several tons of molten steel/iron found in the debris piles,
  9. Evidence of thermite incendiaries on steel beams,
  10. Nanothermite composites and iron microspheres found in WTC dust samples.

Articles by AE911Truth

The following articles discuss and analyze the evidence for explosive controlled demolition of the Twin Towers and WTC 7. While most of these articles are intended for a general audience, the articles under “Technical Critiques of the NIST Reports” are geared toward readers with greater technical knowledge.

AE911Truth — Architects & Engineers Investigating the destruction of all three World Trade Center skyscrapers on September 11 - Evidence
JFK lives on an island with Elvis, Jimmy Hoffa, Stevie Ray Vaughan and that missing Malaysian airplane.

Trump is a genious with business acumen who will make america "great" again.
Geniuses don't lose 900 billion dollars... unless they pretend to. But that makes them a crook@
Smart people consider the net. Trump net wealth, Obama net debt.

The american people were not allowed to even glimpse Trump's "net worth", remember?
I think Trump's business success speaks for itself. Obama's increase in fed debt is obvious.
Why do you think Obama will be more popular with the media once he leaves office?
For the same reason he got into office in the first place; he's a left wing media concoction.
Tell that shit to some one in Timbuktu . I hardly ever hear anything from progressive or left wing media. The air waves are dominated by Fox, Limbaugh, Levin, Savage and thousands of copy cat shills.
If you only rely on radio you may have a point. You should look into acquiring a TV or an internet device.
Since 9/11, however, independent researchers around the world have assembled a large body of evidence that overwhelmingly refutes the notion that airplane impacts and fires caused the destruction of the Twin Towers and WTC 7. This body of evidence, most of which FEMA and NIST omitted from their reports, instead supports the troubling conclusion that all three skyscrapers were destroyed in a process known as “controlled demolition,” where explosives and/or other devices are used to bring down a building.


  1. Rapid onset of destruction,
  2. Constant acceleration at or near free-fall through what should have been the path of greatest resistance,
  3. Numerous eyewitness accounts of explosions including 118 FDNY personnel,
  4. Lateral ejection of multi-ton steel framing members distances of 600 feet at more than 60 mph,
  5. Mid-air pulverization of 90,000 tons of concrete, and large volumes of expanding pyroclastic-like dust clouds,
  6. Isolated explosive ejections 20 to 60 stories below the “crush zone,”
  7. Total destruction and dismemberment of all three buildings, with 220 floors each an acre in size missing from the Twin Towers’ debris pile,
  8. Several tons of molten steel/iron found in the debris piles,
  9. Evidence of thermite incendiaries on steel beams,
  10. Nanothermite composites and iron microspheres found in WTC dust samples.

Articles by AE911Truth

The following articles discuss and analyze the evidence for explosive controlled demolition of the Twin Towers and WTC 7. While most of these articles are intended for a general audience, the articles under “Technical Critiques of the NIST Reports” are geared toward readers with greater technical knowledge.

AE911Truth — Architects & Engineers Investigating the destruction of all three World Trade Center skyscrapers on September 11 - Evidence
JFK lives on an island with Elvis, Jimmy Hoffa, Stevie Ray Vaughan and that missing Malaysian airplane.

Trump is a genious with business acumen who will make america "great" again.
Geniuses don't lose 900 billion dollars... unless they pretend to. But that makes them a crook@
Smart people consider the net. Trump net wealth, Obama net debt.
But You don't understand... Obama had much of that debt handed to him. Trump's debt is HIS alone. And youdon't know how much Trump is worth. He is scared to show his tax returns. Try again.
First off, people don't have a right to others' tax returns. Secondly, any personal Trump fiscal issues are his personal issues. Ringing up federal debt is an issue of the people. Obama's fed debt is our problem, Trump's personal finances are his issue.
You don't???

As I stated, doesn't really matter to me, it was leveraged and used in the manner it was leveraged and used, and america has a long and rich history of whipping up the masses to go to war under false premises.

yep,yep,and yep.:thup: word of advise,dont try and tell him Reagan betratyed the lower and middle class familys and was a mass murderer.He will get angry and go into meltdown mode throwing temper tantrems angry about hearing that little truth.:D I am convinced that Reagan was a distant cousin of his since i have never seen anyone take it so personally and have spasms as he does when his hero is exposed for the criminal he really was.:rolleyes:

Well, the indoctrination/socialization in this society is constant and formidable.
Surely you're referring to the indoctrinization and propaganda promoted non stop by the corrupt biased Democrat run media.

Your media is owned and operated by concentrated corporate wealth and power. Clinton deregulated the FCC and now everything is in the hands of 5-6, depending upon the latest mergers, multinational corporations. You're too emotional to be coherent and rational. By design son. So keep a watching.
Blah blah blah. Enjoy your your failed CNN - Communist Network News, PMSNBC, and Merry Ramadung, Joehammad.
It's been rumored for a long , long time Obama was going to serve a 3rd term. H]

Putin appreciates your support.
Putin is the most powerful man in the world you could say thank to Obama the big Sissy

Obama is a good example of why we shouldn't be trusting faggots to make important decisions.
Melania Trump is a fine example that you should never allow sluts who have taken porn
Putin appreciates your support.
Putin is the most powerful man in the world you could say thank to Obama the big Sissy


Putin N Trump together again......Red State rural white voters love the shit out of this photo.
Here we have Donald using the table for cover as he plays /fist Melania's "kit-cat. Look at Melania's face!! She saying to herself....I'm glad Donald has small hands


View attachment 104684
So Hussein is half Muslim half son of a whore? Wow, what a revelation.
Putin appreciates your support.
Putin is the most powerful man in the world you could say thank to Obama the big Sissy

Obama is a good example of why we shouldn't be trusting faggots to make important decisions.
Melania Trump is a fine example that you should never allow sluts who have taken porn
Putin is the most powerful man in the world you could say thank to Obama the big Sissy


Putin N Trump together again......Red State rural white voters love the shit out of this photo.
Here we have Donald using the table for cover as he plays /fist Melania's "kit-cat. Look at Melania's face!! She saying to herself....I'm glad Donald has small hands


View attachment 104684
So Hussein is half Muslim half son of a whore? Wow, what a revelation.

So cowardly assholes attack the dead mother of a the President? Wow, what a revelation.
It's been rumored for a long , long time Obama was going to serve a 3rd term. H]

Putin appreciates your support.
Putin is the most powerful man in the world you could say thank to Obama the big Sissy

Obama is a good example of why we shouldn't be trusting faggots to make important decisions.
Melania Trump is a fine example that you should never allow sluts who have taken porn
Putin appreciates your support.
Putin is the most powerful man in the world you could say thank to Obama the big Sissy


Putin N Trump together again......Red State rural white voters love the shit out of this photo.
Here we have Donald using the table for cover as he plays /fist Melania's "kit-cat. Look at Melania's face!! She saying to herself....I'm glad Donald has small hands


Why does Mindwars feel compelled to share his porn surfing habit with USMB?

FK U ass hole, because I only posted one pictures of Obamas mother when she was younger.

You are the fucking asshole who searches the internet for porn and calls it President Obama's mother.

Another fucking cowardly porn searching asshole.
JFK lives on an island with Elvis, Jimmy Hoffa, Stevie Ray Vaughan and that missing Malaysian airplane.

Trump is a genious with business acumen who will make america "great" again.
Geniuses don't lose 900 billion dollars... unless they pretend to. But that makes them a crook@
Smart people consider the net. Trump net wealth, Obama net debt.
But You don't understand... Obama had much of that debt handed to him. Trump's debt is HIS alone. And youdon't know how much Trump is worth. He is scared to show his tax returns. Try again.
First off, people don't have a right to others' tax returns. Secondly, any personal Trump fiscal issues are his personal issues. Ringing up federal debt is an issue of the people. Obama's fed debt is our problem, Trump's personal finances are his issue.

Presidential candidates have as a a matter of transparency, released multiple years of tax returns until now. Trump has changed all of that. Now, from this point on, I doubt if any candidate will release their tax returns ever again. But it does peeve me that he was one of the leading voices calling for Obama to release his birth certificate. Now he chooses to thumb his nose at those who cal for him to show his tax returns. If you don't see the duplicity in that, something is seriously wrong with you!

The context of bringing up Trump's personal debt:

Trump is a genious with business acumen who will make america "great" again.

Trump claims he lost 900 billion, I questioned Trump's "genius." I also made the observation that we don't know Trump's worth because we haven't seen his tax returns.

You jumped in with this:

Smart people consider the net. Trump net wealth, Obama net debt.

You speculated that Trump is wealthy because he says he is. And in a silly comparative analogy you then suggested that Obama's net debt is diametrically opposite of Trumps purported wealth. You compare apples to oranges then you want to lecture me for keeping the dialogue going in that context.

For all you know, all of Trump's purported assets might have liens on them. Smart people don't talk about things they know nothing about.
Trump is a genious with business acumen who will make america "great" again.
Geniuses don't lose 900 billion dollars... unless they pretend to. But that makes them a crook@
Smart people consider the net. Trump net wealth, Obama net debt.
But You don't understand... Obama had much of that debt handed to him. Trump's debt is HIS alone. And youdon't know how much Trump is worth. He is scared to show his tax returns. Try again.
First off, people don't have a right to others' tax returns. Secondly, any personal Trump fiscal issues are his personal issues. Ringing up federal debt is an issue of the people. Obama's fed debt is our problem, Trump's personal finances are his issue.

Presidential candidates have as a a matter of transparency, released multiple years of tax returns until now. Trump has changed all of that. Now, from this point on, I doubt if any candidate will release their tax returns ever again. But it does peeve me that he was one of the leading voices calling for Obama to release his birth certificate. Now he chooses to thumb his nose at those who cal for him to show his tax returns. If you don't see the duplicity in that, something is seriously wrong with you!

The context of bringing up Trump's personal debt:

Trump is a genious with business acumen who will make america "great" again.

Trump claims he lost 900 billion, I questioned Trump's "genius." I also made the observation that we don't know Trump's worth because we haven't seen his tax returns.

You jumped in with this:

Smart people consider the net. Trump net wealth, Obama net debt.

You speculated that Trump is wealthy because he says he is. And in a silly comparative analogy you then suggested that Obama's net debt is diametrically opposite of Trumps purported wealth. You compare apples to oranges then you want to lecture me for keeping the dialogue going in that context.

For all you know, all of Trump's purported assets might have liens on them. Smart people don't talk about things they know nothing about.
Trump's investments are fluid and he has been elected president as a result. That is tangible. Voluntary release of tax returns is voluntary. We don't have a right to anyone's tax returns. We do have a right to know where our tax money goes.
Obama has been a comprehensive failure. Irrefutable.
Obama will not go away and media will assist in that. That is what this thread is about.

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