obama ignores police request to turn white house blue in honor of slain officers

"obama ignores police request to turn white house blue in honor of slain officers"

Another lie from the reprehensible right.

Conservatives are indeed scum.
rainbow colors for gay marriage, purple for prince. No red white and blue on the 4th of july or blue for murdered cops. Obozo's agenda is very clear to all but the braindead sheep like you.
Now you are somewhat on OP, so no one really cares what you think. The OP is false. I don't have to prove it, you do, and you have failed. As you always do.

then you should easily be able to prove it false. bring it on.
I don't have to, you have to prove the OP, and since you won't you lose.

Its not my OP, so I don't have to prove shit. You called the OP a lie so its up to you to back that up. I really don't care either way because obozo is an incompetent America-hating asshole no matter what colors he shines on the whitehouse
But if you want to me rebut the OP that has no evidence for it, all I have to say is, "Redfish, it has no evidence for it." Now that is up to you to prove me wrong. You can't. End of story.
Now you are somewhat on OP, so no one really cares what you think. The OP is false. I don't have to prove it, you do, and you have failed. As you always do.

then you should easily be able to prove it false. bring it on.
I don't have to, you have to prove the OP, and since you won't you lose.

Its not my OP, so I don't have to prove shit. You called the OP a lie so its up to you to back that up. I really don't care either way because obozo is an incompetent America-hating asshole no matter what colors he shines on the whitehouse

The lie is that it was a police union that made the request.
then who was it? who made the request NOT to light it in red white and blue on the 4th of July? who made the request to rainbow it for gay marriage? who requested purple when Prince died? Its the hypocrisy of Obama that is evident here.
Your hypocrisy is evident here, because all you want to do is quarrel about a defunct OP. Obama did not deny a request.
Obama is a waste. What a fucking asshole. But he will turn it rainbow colored for faggots. Great.
Oh, you poor bobo. What does your hissy fit have to do with OP.

rainbow colors for gay marriage, purple for prince. No red white and blue on the 4th of july or blue for murdered cops. Obozo's agenda is very clear to all but the braindead sheep like you.
Now you are somewhat on OP, so no one really cares what you think. The OP is false. I don't have to prove it, you do, and you have failed. As you always do.

then you should easily be able to prove it false. bring it on.
I don't have to, you have to prove the OP, and since you won't you lose.

Its not my OP, so I don't have to prove shit. You called the OP a lie so its up to you to back that up. I really don't care either way because obozo is an incompetent America-hating asshole no matter what colors he shines on the whitehouse
But if you want to me rebut the OP that has no evidence for it, all I have to say is, "Redfish, it has no evidence for it." Now that is up to you to prove me wrong. You can't. End of story.

Jake, you are correct. When you assert something, you should be able to back it up, with facts. So, again, you asserted that I hate America, are you prepared to back up this assertion with something other than "anyone who reads your post knows you hate America"?
Now you are somewhat on OP, so no one really cares what you think. The OP is false. I don't have to prove it, you do, and you have failed. As you always do.

then you should easily be able to prove it false. bring it on.
I don't have to, you have to prove the OP, and since you won't you lose.

Its not my OP, so I don't have to prove shit. You called the OP a lie so its up to you to back that up. I really don't care either way because obozo is an incompetent America-hating asshole no matter what colors he shines on the whitehouse
But if you want to me rebut the OP that has no evidence for it, all I have to say is, "Redfish, it has no evidence for it." Now that is up to you to prove me wrong. You can't. End of story.

Jake, you are correct. When you assert something, you should be able to back it up, with facts. So, again, you asserted that I hate America, are you prepared to back up this assertion with something other than "anyone who reads your post knows you hate America"?
I did. Your position was antiAmerican, thus hateful. Are you changing your position? Good for you. So you admit that the police union did not request Obama to turn the WH blue, thus you are on the side of honesty. Good for you.
If it is true that Obama REFUSED to turn on the blue lights for the murdered cops------I AM DISGUSTED. I am laughing at the responses of the idiots on this thread

If it is true that Obama REFUSED to turn on the blue lights for the murdered cops------I AM DISGUSTED. I am laughing at the responses of the idiots on this thread
The left showing their care and concern...as usual


What we recognize is that if you do it for these five officers, what happens next week when a cop is killed in the line of duty? Do you do it again? And if a firefighter dies fighting a fire? Do you turn it red?

Its the same reason Presidents are usually given a pass from attending the funerals of women and men they send into harm’s way. If they go for one, they would have to go for all of them.

Placing flags at half mast would be a proper acknowledgement of the tragic event that took place without a speech trying to pin one side against another. We have enough division in this country, what we need is a leader that will speak for the need of a people to come together in supporting one another as we have through every tragedy. Reaching out and identifying with the greater good that is in each and every one of us. This is not who we are as a nation and we must not allow this to define us.
So, once again, give us a list of cops convicted of murdering innocent people or STFU and stop lying.

The point is, even when there is clear evidence such as the bullet wound being in the back of the victim's head when the copper claims they were engaged in a struggle, the cops aren't convicted.

That's why the demo started, and that's why someone felt it was perfectly okay to shoot a few back.
So, once again, give us a list of cops convicted of murdering innocent people or STFU and stop lying.

The point is, even when there is clear evidence such as the bullet wound being in the back of the victim's head when the copper claims they were engaged in a struggle, the cops aren't convicted.

That's why the demo started, and that's why someone felt it was perfectly okay to shoot a few back.

which case was that? give us the details or admit that you are making it up as you go.

Michael Brown was trying to kill the cop, Obama lied about it, Sharpton lied about it, BLM is still lying about it, and apparently so are you.
So, once again, give us a list of cops convicted of murdering innocent people or STFU and stop lying.

The point is, even when there is clear evidence such as the bullet wound being in the back of the victim's head when the copper claims they were engaged in a struggle, the cops aren't convicted.

That's why the demo started, and that's why someone felt it was perfectly okay to shoot a few back.

there was no clear evidence----you evince the mindset of the pig, Muhummad----which is---IF ONE OF YOURS DIES----the the '----NON-YOU is OBVIOUSLY GUILTY-----but if one of THEM die----the THAT infant, elderly cripple or defenseless woman DESERVED TO DIE_-----because "allah abu kanzeer, AKBAR"
so give us a list of cops that have been convicted or murdering innocent citizens

The cases where US police have faced killing charges - BBC News

That's much of the problem; the corrupt system lets them off, even when it's very clear the cop is a liar.

facing charges is not the same as being convicted. The cops in the Baltimore case were falsely charged and found innocent.

So, once again, give us a list of cops convicted of murdering innocent people or STFU and stop lying.

The lack of convictions is part of the problem. OJ wasn't convicted, remember?
so give us a list of cops that have been convicted or murdering innocent citizens

The cases where US police have faced killing charges - BBC News

That's much of the problem; the corrupt system lets them off, even when it's very clear the cop is a liar.

facing charges is not the same as being convicted. The cops in the Baltimore case were falsely charged and found innocent.

So, once again, give us a list of cops convicted of murdering innocent people or STFU and stop lying.

The lack of convictions is part of the problem. OJ wasn't convicted, remember?

So you equate OJ being let off by a biased jury to cops being wrongly charged? Ok, sure, let me pour you some more koolaid.
so give us a list of cops that have been convicted or murdering innocent citizens

The cases where US police have faced killing charges - BBC News

That's much of the problem; the corrupt system lets them off, even when it's very clear the cop is a liar.

facing charges is not the same as being convicted. The cops in the Baltimore case were falsely charged and found innocent.

So, once again, give us a list of cops convicted of murdering innocent people or STFU and stop lying.

The lack of convictions is part of the problem. OJ wasn't convicted, remember?

So you equate OJ being let off by a biased jury to cops being wrongly charged? Ok, sure, let me pour you some more koolaid.

I have not noticed any actual NEGATIVE FALL OUT-----
related to the fact that OJ was acquitted. It was just
TALK OF THE TOWN-----and ------that's about it
so give us a list of cops that have been convicted or murdering innocent citizens

The cases where US police have faced killing charges - BBC News

That's much of the problem; the corrupt system lets them off, even when it's very clear the cop is a liar.

facing charges is not the same as being convicted. The cops in the Baltimore case were falsely charged and found innocent.

So, once again, give us a list of cops convicted of murdering innocent people or STFU and stop lying.

The lack of convictions is part of the problem. OJ wasn't convicted, remember?

So you equate OJ being let off by a biased jury to cops being wrongly charged? Ok, sure, let me pour you some more koolaid.

I equate it to cops getting off too easy. We saw it in Rodney King case. It's nothing new.
so give us a list of cops that have been convicted or murdering innocent citizens

The cases where US police have faced killing charges - BBC News

That's much of the problem; the corrupt system lets them off, even when it's very clear the cop is a liar.

facing charges is not the same as being convicted. The cops in the Baltimore case were falsely charged and found innocent.

So, once again, give us a list of cops convicted of murdering innocent people or STFU and stop lying.

The lack of convictions is part of the problem. OJ wasn't convicted, remember?

So you equate OJ being let off by a biased jury to cops being wrongly charged? Ok, sure, let me pour you some more koolaid.

I have not noticed any actual NEGATIVE FALL OUT-----
related to the fact that OJ was acquitted. It was just
TALK OF THE TOWN-----and ------that's about it

a guilty man was set free because he was a famous black man. Is that what you call equal justice?
so give us a list of cops that have been convicted or murdering innocent citizens

The cases where US police have faced killing charges - BBC News

That's much of the problem; the corrupt system lets them off, even when it's very clear the cop is a liar.

facing charges is not the same as being convicted. The cops in the Baltimore case were falsely charged and found innocent.

So, once again, give us a list of cops convicted of murdering innocent people or STFU and stop lying.

The lack of convictions is part of the problem. OJ wasn't convicted, remember?

So you equate OJ being let off by a biased jury to cops being wrongly charged? Ok, sure, let me pour you some more koolaid.

I equate it to cops getting off too easy. We saw it in Rodney King case. It's nothing new.

some cops have gotten off too easy. Some have been overly prosecuted, some have been wrongly charged (Freddy Gray case in Baltimore).

The problem is that Obama has created a black war on cops by his rhetoric and by speaking out before the facts are known. He is causing a race war in this country. Why does he want that? Think about it.

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