Obama in a Landslide?

Wait, you're 65? and you think media matters is a real source of news? Something doesnt seem right here...hmmmmm

Well, prove their facts and sources wrong and maybe I'll agree with you.

BTW, Media Matters is not a "news" organization - it's a media watchdog group "dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media".

Media Matters for America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A 65 year old is not going to use the word awesome when describing something good to them.

That Media Matters link is awesome! It has all the facts and supporting proof.

Punk ass Liberal 20's Somethings are always running around lying about how old they are, How much they make, where they went to school, on Message Boards like this.

I am sure the Right does it as well, but I think because more Young People are Very Liberal, and Also Less mature, They tend to do it more.

This is not the First time I have seen I have personally thought Lakhota does not talk at all like an Older Person. sounds more like a cocky, Arrogant Collage age kid who thinks he knows it all.
who says penn. isn't really up for grabs for starters?

According to the house majority leader of the PA legislature, their voter suppression tactics should have the state locked up for Romney

Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done.”

Turzai: Voter ID Law Means Romney Can Win in PA | PoliticsPA

One more time Requiring someone to show an ID before voting is not voter suppression.
It is when the entire reason you decide to require it is because you know your political opponents are less likely to have one.

Why do I have to show an ID before I buy a gun? No where in the second Amendment does it say I must show an ID to have a gun.

So what?
Liberals don’t want to jinx it. It terrifies the right. And the press would prefer a nail-biter. But the fact is that finding Romney’s path to victory is getting harder every day.

There’s a secret lurking behind everything you’re reading about the upcoming election, a secret that all political insiders know—or should—but few are talking about, most likely because it takes the drama out of the whole business. The secret is the electoral college, and the fact is that the more you look at it, the more you come to conclude that Mitt Romney has to draw an inside straight like you’ve never ever seen in a movie to win this thing. This is especially true now that it seems as if Pennsylvania isn’t really up for grabs. Romney’s paths to 270 are few.

It’s beginning to look like Obama can lose the big Eastern four—Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida: all of ’em!—and still be reelected.​

More: Michael Tomasky on the (Possible) Coming Obama Landslide - The Daily Beast

If it's a close election, then Obama has a big advantage. This is Obama's to lose. If something drastic changes between now and election day, then Romney will win all those close states and he will pretty much win the way GW did. Everyone knows he needs a near clean sweep of the swing states to pull it off. In order to do that he needs to makes something happen that affects a lot of votes in all those swing states.
Wow, what a wishful thinking article.

Go to 270towin.com as it currently stands and light up Nevada, Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Iowa and Wisconsin (all very winnable states) and Romney hits 270. So he can win w/o even getting Ohio and Pennsylvania.
According to the house majority leader of the PA legislature, their voter suppression tactics should have the state locked up for Romney

Turzai: Voter ID Law Means Romney Can Win in PA | PoliticsPA

One more time Requiring someone to show an ID before voting is not voter suppression.
It is when the entire reason you decide to require it is because you know your political opponents are less likely to have one.

Why do I have to show an ID before I buy a gun? No where in the second Amendment does it say I must show an ID to have a gun.

So what?

What makes you think that you can read someones mind? Do you have evidence that agree's with your opinion? You got to show an ID to get and cash those government checks,
Well, prove their facts and sources wrong and maybe I'll agree with you.

BTW, Media Matters is not a "news" organization - it's a media watchdog group "dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media".

Media Matters for America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A 65 year old is not going to use the word awesome when describing something good to them.

That Media Matters link is awesome! It has all the facts and supporting proof.

Punk ass Liberal 20's Somethings are always running around lying about how old they are, How much they make, where they went to school, on Message Boards like this.

I am sure the Right does it as well, but I think because more Young People are Very Liberal, and Also Less mature, They tend to do it more.

This is not the First time I have seen I have personally thought Lakhota does not talk at all like an Older Person. sounds more like a cocky, Arrogant Collage age kid who thinks he knows it all.

True true and true.
One more thing Lakota The Gerontologist is not your friend when you claim to be an age and use certain words that does not fit your age group.
One more time Requiring someone to show an ID before voting is not voter suppression.
It is when the entire reason you decide to require it is because you know your political opponents are less likely to have one.

Why do I have to show an ID before I buy a gun? No where in the second Amendment does it say I must show an ID to have a gun.

So what?

What makes you think that you can read someones mind? Do you have evidence that agree's with your opinion?

"Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done." - PA House Majority Leader Mike Turzai (R-Allegheny)

You got to show an ID to get and cash those government checks,

So what?
It is when the entire reason you decide to require it is because you know your political opponents are less likely to have one.

So what?

What makes you think that you can read someones mind? Do you have evidence that agree's with your opinion?

"Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done." - PA House Majority Leader Mike Turzai (R-Allegheny)

You got to show an ID to get and cash those government checks,

So what?
Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania done." - PA House Majority Leader Mike Turzai (R-Allegheny)
So what it's an opinion of what someone said which means nothing like the below will mean nothing to you also.
Turzai spokesman Stephen Miskin said voter fraud is a real problem.
BTW, Media Matters is not a "news" organization - it's a media watchdog group "dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media".

DEAD giveaway......ding ding ding.....they dont even hide it....like CBS or NBC.....Sorry but the sources you use are highly ideological and partisan....that's why I dont post Rush Limbuagh, Glen Beck, Red State and Media Research Center......they may very well be true, but it's not serious...
Somebody said earlier that this is Obama's election to lose.

I beg to differ. It's Mitt Romney's election to lose.

8.3% unemployment, an ever-growing unpopular war in Afghanistan, a $15 trillion dollar debt headed for $16, a double-dip recession in Europe and a slowdown in China that have helped to cause our recovery to be a fragile one, uncertainty about the direction of our country.

An independent vote of about 6 to 8% that is up in the air and hasn't come down on one side of the fence yet.

On top of that, Romney has more money in his war chest than Obama.

And he's the business guy who should be scoring huge points with a narrative that says he will do with America what he's done with his portfolio, which is fill it with wealth and prosperity.

Sorry, but if you can't win with all that at your back, than there's something wrong with ya.

This is Romney's to lose. All the conditions are ripe to make Obama a one-termer.

The first order of business you have to show to people when it comes to making them think about you as a possible Commander-In-Chief is how you conduct the business of running for President, which includes your effectiveness at communicating a narrative that sticks with the average person, in controlling that narrative and framing the national debate, at picking the right VP choice to compliment the ticket, rallying the troops at the convention, and then, your debate performances.

So far, Mitt Romney is doing surprisingly awful at the business of running for President since he has been the presumptive nominee the past 3 months. He doesn't appear to have any kind of narrative. From one event to the other, he says what specific crowds want to hear, often changing his positions.

And every other day it seems like he says something uninformed or confused and then has to come back out several times to explain and re-explain, ad nauseum.

There is a business aspect to all this that he understood quite well when he totally demolished his Republican competitors earlier this year, but since he's entered the big dance, it actually seems like he doesn't like being in the spotlight.

When he gets asked common sense questions that are challenging, he gives the impression that he either doesn't want to be there or that he feels entitled and shouldn't have to answer the questions.

That's troublesome to me. I don't care what party you represent. When you run for something, it needs to show that you want it bad. You really have to have the fire for it.

He's not like that. He just seems to think he's entitled to it and shouldn't have to go through the tedious process of being grilled about stuff like his own personal taxes, which is so routinely taken care of by all presidential candidates since time immemorial since they reveal years of them.

It's bad business when you can't get your message out because you're constantly having to defend stuff that should have been taken care of long ago.

It's bad business when you start getting into a 3 or a 4 day feud with the Senate Majority Leader. Harry Reid isn't Romney's opponent. The President is.

It's also bad business with people like moderate women I know who really can relate to the latest Obama ads criticizing Romney for wanting to take us back to the 1950's when he picks a fight with them about Planned Parenthood.

I know people who use PP who've never had abortions and Romney's comments are disturbing. It's bad business for him that he seems unaware of the fact that 10 million more women will be voting in this election than men, and they make up the bulk of that 6-8% of undecideds.

The polls in OH, FL, CO, VA lean Obama to this point, but not by much. They should be places where Mitt is scoring points right now, but he's not. He needs to flip three of those just to make this an electoral college race, or forget about it.
Last edited:
Liability, the skewing toward Democrats in polling has definitively been defeated elsewhere above.

Either the TPM gets squarely behind Romney on the issues the way he wants, or the TPM may well cost him the votes in the swing states.

What do you want: Romney victory or TPM ideological purity? You can't have both.

Isn't it kind of incumbant on Romney to lead the Tea Party, not necessarily for the TEA Party to follow?

Ultimately, he's the one who has to set the agenda, not the other way around.

WMR: "OOOOOOHhhhhh, Please, guys you're making me look bad".

TPM "Ummm, no, Guy, you are doing that all by yourself."
Believe me, JoeB, no one thinks it is incumbent to do anything but laugh at your advice for the GOP.
Believe me, JoeB, no one thinks it is incumbent to do anything but laugh at your advice for the GOP.

The RCP Average has him running three points behind Obama. He'd lose the electoral college 332-206 and Intrade has him below 40 again.

Now, I know that when he loses, you are going to blame the TEA Party for his loss. And although I have as much love for the TPM as you do, I'm at least honest enough to admit Romney's biggest problem right now is Romney.

People just don't like or trust him, and the only thing that animates his campaign at all is a bad economy and racism.

If Obama had Bill Clinton's economy and skin tone, this would be a blow-out.
JoeB, we all know that you hate Mormonism because you are ex-Mormon. Just let it go.
JoeB, we all know that you hate Mormonism because you are ex-Mormon. Just let it go.

Duly noted you couldn't asnwer the point...

I told you a year ago he was a bad pick.

You refused to listen. Now he's trailing badly, and the media hasn't even gotten started on him yet.

When Romney loses in November, will you finally admit he was a bad pick, or will you just blame the Tea Party? I'm guessing the latter.
I think this is our election to win.. Just get out and vote.

Kick those bastard Dems the hell out.
Liberals don’t want to jinx it. It terrifies the right. And the press would prefer a nail-biter. But the fact is that finding Romney’s path to victory is getting harder every day.

There’s a secret lurking behind everything you’re reading about the upcoming election, a secret that all political insiders know—or should—but few are talking about, most likely because it takes the drama out of the whole business. The secret is the electoral college, and the fact is that the more you look at it, the more you come to conclude that Mitt Romney has to draw an inside straight like you’ve never ever seen in a movie to win this thing. This is especially true now that it seems as if Pennsylvania isn’t really up for grabs. Romney’s paths to 270 are few.

It’s beginning to look like Obama can lose the big Eastern four—Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida: all of ’em!—and still be reelected.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmcqDBT37SQ]World Reacts to Obama Victory - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxDgRr_Ynvc&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PLA11972639E54C010]Right America Feeling Wronged pt1 - YouTube[/ame]


Somebody said earlier that this is Obama's election to lose.

I beg to differ. It's Mitt Romney's election to lose.

8.3% unemployment, an ever-growing unpopular war in Afghanistan, a $15 trillion dollar debt headed for $16, a double-dip recession in Europe and a slowdown in China that have helped to cause our recovery to be a fragile one, uncertainty about the direction of our country.

An independent vote of about 6 to 8% that is up in the air and hasn't come down on one side of the fence yet.

On top of that, Romney has more money in his war chest than Obama.

And he's the business guy who should be scoring huge points with a narrative that says he will do with America what he's done with his portfolio, which is fill it with wealth and prosperity.

Sorry, but if you can't win with all that at your back, than there's something wrong with ya.

This is Romney's to lose. All the conditions are ripe to make Obama a one-termer.

The first order of business you have to show to people when it comes to making them think about you as a possible Commander-In-Chief is how you conduct the business of running for President, which includes your effectiveness at communicating a narrative that sticks with the average person, in controlling that narrative and framing the national debate, at picking the right VP choice to compliment the ticket, rallying the troops at the convention, and then, your debate performances.

So far, Mitt Romney is doing surprisingly awful at the business of running for President since he has been the presumptive nominee the past 3 months. He doesn't appear to have any kind of narrative. From one event to the other, he says what specific crowds want to hear, often changing his positions.

And every other day it seems like he says something uninformed or confused and then has to come back out several times to explain and re-explain, ad nauseum.

There is a business aspect to all this that he understood quite well when he totally demolished his Republican competitors earlier this year, but since he's entered the big dance, it actually seems like he doesn't like being in the spotlight.

When he gets asked common sense questions that are challenging, he gives the impression that he either doesn't want to be there or that he feels entitled and shouldn't have to answer the questions.

That's troublesome to me. I don't care what party you represent. When you run for something, it needs to show that you want it bad. You really have to have the fire for it.

He's not like that. He just seems to think he's entitled to it and shouldn't have to go through the tedious process of being grilled about stuff like his own personal taxes, which is so routinely taken care of by all presidential candidates since time immemorial since they reveal years of them.

It's bad business when you can't get your message out because you're constantly having to defend stuff that should have been taken care of long ago.

It's bad business when you start getting into a 3 or a 4 day feud with the Senate Majority Leader. Harry Reid isn't Romney's opponent. The President is.

It's also bad business with people like moderate women I know who really can relate to the latest Obama ads criticizing Romney for wanting to take us back to the 1950's when he picks a fight with them about Planned Parenthood.

I know people who use PP who've never had abortions and Romney's comments are disturbing. It's bad business for him that he seems unaware of the fact that 10 million more women will be voting in this election than men, and they make up the bulk of that 6-8% of undecideds.

The polls in OH, FL, CO, VA lean Obama to this point, but not by much. They should be places where Mitt is scoring points right now, but he's not. He needs to flip three of those just to make this an electoral college race, or forget about it.


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