Obama in a Landslide?

4 more years of Obama and you will be begging for Romeny........



The dumb ass media should pick on Romney hard. Real hard. and it will cost obummer the election Romney will be "chick fil A" king.

keep acting like assholes, the whole nation is fed up with it. Eat more chikken.
JoeB, we all know that you hate Mormonism because you are ex-Mormon. Just let it go.

Joe is anything he needs to be at the moment.

His life is nothing but direct examples of every talking point or to counter talking points.

Well, yeah, it's called life experience. I'd suggest moving out of your parent's basement and getting some.
"Romney struggled against Newt and Rick Santorum."


But then, what happened to Gore against 'W'? How could anyone lose to that - what would you call him? Nincompoop?

One would not need to be a hardened word warrior to triumph over an illiterate.
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There's a "Romney In A Landslide" down in "General Discussions"

why the disparity?
"Romney struggled against Newt and Rick Santorum."


Since you are relatively new here, what is your problem with this statement?

Newt won an upset in South Carolina. Rick Santorum won an upset in Iowa, then went on to win upsets all across the country. And if his daughter hadn't gotten sick, he might have fought Romney the whole way.

Keep in mind, I was specifically talking about the Debates, where Rick and Newt were pleasing the crowd, while there was always a feeling that Romney was faking it.

Now Romney prevailed, mostly because he outspent those guys by a 10-1 margin and they really weren't great shakes to start with. So Republicans took the Dole/McCain approach of nominating Romney because he was "electable"... not because they were enthusiastic about him.

case in point. I live in Dupage County, IL. Pretty much the strongest GOP stronghold in a blue state. During the IL Primary, I didn't see one Romney sign. (Which is a disappointment, I was looking forward to vandalizing them) Lots of Santorum signs.
Obama spent $137 million on negative advertising last month. That's all that shows.

Here's the problem. Obama and the Democrats have been outspent on advertising by Romney and the Republicans all month.

Team Romney’s big ad-spending advantage: While it’s technically correct that the Obama campaign is outspending the Romney campaign in TV advertising in the battleground states, you can’t say the same thing when adding all the outside groups. Right now, Team Romney -- the campaign, the RNC, and all the GOP-leaning outside groups -- is outspending Team Obama (campaign, DNC, outside groups) this week by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, $25 million to $14 million. That $25 million, in fact, is more than we’ve seen from one side during any other week this cycle. Here’s the full breakdown on this week’s ad spending (from July 30 to Aug. 5), according to data from SMG Delta: Obama $12.8 million, Crossroads GPS $9.7 million, Romney $8.1 million, Restore Our Future $3.8 million, RNC $2.5 million, Priorities USA $1 million, American Crossroads $940,000. Note that Crossroads GPS is outspending the Romney camp right now, and the Koch Brothers’ Americans for Prosperity has booked a multimillion buy slated to begin next week.

And it’s been that way for the past month: What’s more, Team Romney has enjoyed this ad-spending edge for much of the past month. Last week (starting July 23), for example, it was Team Romney’s $22 million vs. Team Obama’s nearly $15 million; the week before that (July 16), it was Team Romney’s $19 million vs. Team Obama’s $10 million; and the week before that (July 9), it was Team Romney’s $13 million vs. Team Obama’s $9 million. You have to go back to July 2 to see when there was true parity between the two advertising forces. So while some -- like Karl Rove in today’s Wall Street Journal -- might observe that the Obama campaign’s ad spending hasn’t really moved the needle, you could also make another argument. For the past month, Team Romney has enjoyed a sizable ad-spending advantage, and that hasn’t moved the needle, either. (And considering what’s popping inside some of the polls, you can make an argument that Team Obama appears to be, for now, getting more bang for its buck.)

The difference, as we found out earlier last month, is that Obama's ads are much, much more effective than those of Romney and the Super PACs:

At this point, Obama is the clear winner in the ad wars. Among swing-state voters who say the ads have changed their minds about a candidate, rather than just confirmed what they already thought, 76% now support the president, vs. 16% favoring Romney.

This appears to be manifesting itself in the swing state polls, where Obama now has the lead in virtually every one (except North Carolina).

If you're waiting for anti-Obama groups and the Romney campaign to unload on Obama and if you're waiting for anti-Obama ads to outnumber anti-Romney ads in key states, you can stop waiting. That's been happening all along.
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"Romney struggled against Newt and Rick Santorum."


Since you are relatively new here, what is your problem with this statement?

Newt won an upset in South Carolina. Rick Santorum won an upset in Iowa, then went on to win upsets all across the country. And if his daughter hadn't gotten sick, he might have fought Romney the whole way.

Keep in mind, I was specifically talking about the Debates, where Rick and Newt were pleasing the crowd, while there was always a feeling that Romney was faking it.

Now Romney prevailed, mostly because he outspent those guys by a 10-1 margin and they really weren't great shakes to start with. So Republicans took the Dole/McCain approach of nominating Romney because he was "electable"... not because they were enthusiastic about him.

case in point. I live in Dupage County, IL. Pretty much the strongest GOP stronghold in a blue state. During the IL Primary, I didn't see one Romney sign. (Which is a disappointment, I was looking forward to vandalizing them) Lots of Santorum signs.

Mighty touchy! Guess it is because of such vociferous opposition.

The '!' was meant as affirmation, as in 'even with those inepts'. I agree.

Obama is probably a better debater than they and most likely better than Romney.
Don't buy into the propaganda that Obama will win in a landslide. They use this same line every year to discourage republicans from voting
Obama spent $137 million on negative advertising last month. That's all that shows.

Here's the problem. Obama and the Democrats have been outspent on advertising by Romney and the Republicans all month.

Team Romney’s big ad-spending advantage: While it’s technically correct that the Obama campaign is outspending the Romney campaign in TV advertising in the battleground states, you can’t say the same thing when adding all the outside groups. Right now, Team Romney -- the campaign, the RNC, and all the GOP-leaning outside groups -- is outspending Team Obama (campaign, DNC, outside groups) this week by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, $25 million to $14 million. That $25 million, in fact, is more than we’ve seen from one side during any other week this cycle. Here’s the full breakdown on this week’s ad spending (from July 30 to Aug. 5), according to data from SMG Delta: Obama $12.8 million, Crossroads GPS $9.7 million, Romney $8.1 million, Restore Our Future $3.8 million, RNC $2.5 million, Priorities USA $1 million, American Crossroads $940,000. Note that Crossroads GPS is outspending the Romney camp right now, and the Koch Brothers’ Americans for Prosperity has booked a multimillion buy slated to begin next week.

And it’s been that way for the past month: What’s more, Team Romney has enjoyed this ad-spending edge for much of the past month. Last week (starting July 23), for example, it was Team Romney’s $22 million vs. Team Obama’s nearly $15 million; the week before that (July 16), it was Team Romney’s $19 million vs. Team Obama’s $10 million; and the week before that (July 9), it was Team Romney’s $13 million vs. Team Obama’s $9 million. You have to go back to July 2 to see when there was true parity between the two advertising forces. So while some -- like Karl Rove in today’s Wall Street Journal -- might observe that the Obama campaign’s ad spending hasn’t really moved the needle, you could also make another argument. For the past month, Team Romney has enjoyed a sizable ad-spending advantage, and that hasn’t moved the needle, either. (And considering what’s popping inside some of the polls, you can make an argument that Team Obama appears to be, for now, getting more bang for its buck.)

The difference, as we found out earlier last month, is that Obama's ads are much, much more effective than those of Romney and the Super PACs:

At this point, Obama is the clear winner in the ad wars. Among swing-state voters who say the ads have changed their minds about a candidate, rather than just confirmed what they already thought, 76% now support the president, vs. 16% favoring Romney.

This appears to be manifesting itself in the swing state polls, where Obama now has the lead in virtually every one (except North Carolina).

If you're waiting for anti-Obama groups and the Romney campaign to unload on Obama and if you're waiting for anti-Obama ads to outnumber anti-Romney ads in key states, you can stop waiting. That's been happening all along.

Another thing to consider is that it ain't all about ads...

Since the beginning of last year, Mr. Obama and the Democrats have burned through millions of dollars to find and register voters. They have spent almost $50 million subsidizing Democratic state parties to hire workers, pay for cellphones and update voter lists. They have spent tens of millions of dollars on polling, online advertising and software development to turn Mr. Obama’s fallow volunteers corps into a grass-roots army.

Food and gas prices are on the rise. Unemployment is on the rise. Production is at a crawl.

Yeah obama in a landslide.

He's slipping already. He's below 50% and that doesn't spell landslide.
He's slipping already. He's below 50% and that doesn't spell landslide.

You're missing the point of the OP. The article is focusing on the fact that "horse race" coverage often focuses on the latest national polling numbers, where Obama has a slim lead. However, presidents are elected via the Electoral College, which today means we essentially aggregate state-level popular votes.

And Obama is outperforming his national numbers in key swing states. So "he's below 50%, this could slip either way!" coverage and reactions ignore the fact that, for now at least, Obama is dominating the Electoral College.

Certainly that could change and folks can debate how likely that is to change. But the fact remains that Romney supporters do have to hope that something changes because if things continue as they have then Obama will win. And he'll win convincingly in the Electoral College, even if the popular vote numbers make it look a little closer.
Food and gas prices are on the rise. Unemployment is on the rise. Production is at a crawl.

Yeah obama in a landslide.

He's slipping already. He's below 50% and that doesn't spell landslide.

Gas prices are way down.

You have ODS big time.

Stop posting about it.

You're looking stupid.

And I have to type one sentence at a time.

Because you're so slow.
Food and gas prices are on the rise. Unemployment is on the rise. Production is at a crawl.

Yeah obama in a landslide.

He's slipping already. He's below 50% and that doesn't spell landslide.

Gas prices are way down.

You have ODS big time.

Stop posting about it.

You're looking stupid.

And I have to type one sentence at a time.

Because you're so slow.

Gas prices in the NYC metro area are close to 4 fucking dollars a fucking gallon.

WTF do you pretend to "mean" when you claim gas prices are "down?"

You idiot.

Gas prices are only "down" in some recent weeks from the fucking HIGH they reached under the Obama Administration. http://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=EMM_EPMR_PTE_NUS_DPG&f=W

You Obamaphiles just can't suck his dick enough, regardless of how much you have to spin. That's a polite way of calling you on your outright lie, you fuckwit.
We spent $3.09 a gallon yesterday in Utah, where the average price is $3.29. It is $3.45 in Houston, $3.27 in New Orleans, $3.33 in Pensacola, and $3.24 in Mobile. That is where we normally buy gas.
Food and gas prices are on the rise. Unemployment is on the rise. Production is at a crawl.

Yeah obama in a landslide.

He's slipping already. He's below 50% and that doesn't spell landslide.

Gas prices are way down.

You have ODS big time.

Stop posting about it.

You're looking stupid.

And I have to type one sentence at a time.

Because you're so slow.

Gas prices in the NYC metro area are close to 4 fucking dollars a fucking gallon.

WTF do you pretend to "mean" when you claim gas prices are "down?"

You idiot.

Gas prices are only "down" in some recent weeks from the fucking HIGH they reached under the Obama Administration. Weekly U.S. Regular All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon)

You Obamaphiles just can't suck his dick enough, regardless of how much you have to spin. That's a polite way of calling you on your outright lie, you fuckwit.

Gas prices are down from what they were, but rising quickly. The trend is back up. If you notice a 5 cent per gallon reduction is dramatic, but a 23 cent increase is minor. The gas prices never got close to what they were, even what they were before the recent spike.

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