Obama in a Landslide?

I love that libs here are trying to sell us on the GOP taking the Senate. Nobody really knows. But they want people to think well if the GOP has the Senate then it'd be a good balance for Obama to have the WH. No__ Obama's a fuck-up no matter what.

Actually, by all rights, the GOP should take the Senate. All the seats they won in 2006 are now up.

But they aren't. They may well lose three seats- Nevada, Indiana and Massachusetts. the lost Maine, which should have been an easy retain for them.

They had a chance in Michigan, until the Teabagger candidate decided to run an offensive racist commercial.

My predictions.

Obama wins re-election, with every state he won in 2008 except NC and IN.

Dems retain the Senate.

Dems take back 10 seats in the House, minimum.

You're that sure that Obama will take Colorado, Virginia, Nevada, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Florida, Missouri, New Mexico and New Hampshire?

I think you're the teabagger. Cos you're all over Obama's nuts with that prediction.
I was really worried Romney would pick Portman.

That was his only real chance.

Now he is toast.
Now that Ryan seems to be Romney's pick, Obama will win a landslide! This sr. citizen won't be voting for Romney for certain!
Over the next three months, expect to hear a lot of variations on this analysis, from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities:

Chairman Ryan’s sweeping budget plan has been labeled “courageous,” but it’s a cowardly budget in a crucial respect. It proposes a dramatic reverse-Robin-Hood approach that gets the lion’s share of its budget cuts from programs for low-income Americans — the politically and economically weakest group in America and the politically safest group for Ryan to target— even as it bestows extremely large tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans. Taken together, its proposals would produce the largest redistribution of income from the bottom to the top in modern U.S. history, while increasing poverty and inequality more than any measure in recent times and possibly in the nation’s history.​

More: Paul Ryan to Be Romney's Running Mate | Mother Jones
I love that libs here are trying to sell us on the GOP taking the Senate. Nobody really knows. But they want people to think well if the GOP has the Senate then it'd be a good balance for Obama to have the WH. No__ Obama's a fuck-up no matter what.

Actually, by all rights, the GOP should take the Senate. All the seats they won in 2006 are now up.

But they aren't. They may well lose three seats- Nevada, Indiana and Massachusetts. the lost Maine, which should have been an easy retain for them.

They had a chance in Michigan, until the Teabagger candidate decided to run an offensive racist commercial.

My predictions.

Obama wins re-election, with every state he won in 2008 except NC and IN.

Dems retain the Senate.

Dems take back 10 seats in the House, minimum.

You're that sure that Obama will take Colorado, Virginia, Nevada, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Florida, Missouri, New Mexico and New Hampshire?

I think you're the teabagger. Cos you're all over Obama's nuts with that prediction.

Perhaps you can create for us, using an EC map and current state by state polling data, a scenario resulting in a Romney win.

But republicans will win the Senate, by about 4 seats; of course the GOP has no interest in running Congress, and will be of little consolation.
Obama will remain in the White House!

and this country will be more in debt with less liberties from the keysian transplant.

start with 1st amendment and 2nd amendment with eliminating president to two terms to push for inifinite time in office.
Obama didn't create this mess.

No, he didn't. But he was so busy with his fucking healthcare debacle that he sure as fuck hasn't helped. What started this was the scrapping of Glass-Steagal. And that was Clinton. Just sayin'. Of course, being a rational being, I know that it took a bipartisan clusterfuck to lead us here... and it will take a bipartisan approach to fix it... but Obama's idea of bipartisanship is 'I won'. One of the many reasons that I'll be voting for Romney.

Oh, and... for the record... cartoons are not 'political discussion'. You make yourself look stupid, no one needs to assist you. Fool.
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You're that sure that Obama will take Colorado, Virginia, Nevada, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Florida, Missouri, New Mexico and New Hampshire?

I think you're the teabagger. Cos you're all over Obama's nuts with that prediction.

He'd win all of them today...

And Romney seems to be folding like a cheap suit right now. Picking Ryan? That's kind of sad and pathetic. If you are still trying to placate your base with a Veep Pick at this point, you are struggling.
Obama didn't create this mess.

No, he didn't. But he was so busy with his fucking healthcare debacle that he sure as fuck hasn't helped. What started this was the scrapping of Glass-Steagal. And that was Clinton. Just sayin'. Of course, being a rational being, I know that it took a bipartisan clusterfuck to lead us here... and it will take a bipartisan approach to fix it... but Obama's idea of bipartisanship is 'I won'. One of the many reasons that I'll be voting for Romney.

Oh, and... for the record... cartoons are not 'political discussion'. You make yourself look stupid, no one needs to assist you. Fool.

Obama didn't create this mess? I beg to differ. He had some help though; Wilson, FDR, Johnson, Clinton. And I'm sure there's plenty of Republicrats to blame as well. Anyways, Obama not creating this mess is not a reason to vote for him. If he can't fix the problem then there's no use for him.
No matter who was picked, democrats would say it was a terrible choice and it's obama in a landslide.
Obama in a Landslide?

As of last night.

There is no reasonable doubt.

The conz won't even be able to steal this election.

Grand parents would be out in the streets rioting.

RobMeHood is toast.

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