Obama in a Landslide?

Obama in a Landslide?

As of last night.

There is no reasonable doubt.

The conz won't even be able to steal this election.

Grand parents would be out in the streets rioting.

RobMeHood is toast.

Given how many trillions, Obama has stolen from the American people; I think we know who RobMeHood is. Nice try though. I have to laugh now that election time is here, Obama is spouting about balancing the budget. Yea, you won't hear that in the next four years again if he's re-elected.
Start saving up old shit you no longer want now liberals.
That way you'll have some stuff you can burn in the streets on November 7th without losing anything you'll wish you had not burned on the 8th.
An indication of how the white house feels is that the statement they released regarding Ryan's choice started with "Bush".
No, it won’t be a landslide for Obama, but the president will realize a comfortable, uneventful victory with 303 EC votes.

However, republicans will win control of the Senate.

No landlord but Obama takes 325 EC votes

The Senate will be the real nail biter going 50-50 with Biden the deciding vote
No, it won’t be a landslide for Obama, but the president will realize a comfortable, uneventful victory with 303 EC votes.

However, republicans will win control of the Senate.

No landslide but Obama takes 325 EC votes

The Senate will be the real nail biter going 50-50 with Biden the deciding vote
No doubt about it, obama has the whore vote and the senile vote locked up.

You are an idiot. 43% of the population households are over 50. Mittens has now alienated the elderly. Very few are senile. RobMeHood will discover that in November.

Whites constitute around 70% of the population.. half are women. Mittens has now alienated women. A very small sub minority are actually prostitutes.

Non whites are almost 30% of the population. Mittens has already alienated most non white citizens.

What Mittens has done is maginalize the 1%ers and the teababbling wingnuts. AKA those fundamentalist fuckwits America loves to hate.

Did I mention that you are an idiot?
Paul "Ayn Rand" Ryan will serve a very useful purpose - to remind voters of the GOP WAR on the following:


Middle Class


Obama didn't create this mess.

No, he didn't. But he was so busy with his fucking healthcare debacle that he sure as fuck hasn't helped. What started this was the scrapping of Glass-Steagal. And that was Clinton. Just sayin'. Of course, being a rational being, I know that it took a bipartisan clusterfuck to lead us here... and it will take a bipartisan approach to fix it... but Obama's idea of bipartisanship is 'I won'. One of the many reasons that I'll be voting for Romney.

Oh, and... for the record... cartoons are not 'political discussion'. You make yourself look stupid, no one needs to assist you. Fool.

Obama didn't create this mess? I beg to differ. He had some help though; Wilson, FDR, Johnson, Clinton. And I'm sure there's plenty of Republicrats to blame as well. Anyways, Obama not creating this mess is not a reason to vote for him. If he can't fix the problem then there's no use for him.

You can beg to differ all you want... the fact remains... he did not create this... but that does not excuse his inaction when he took office. We cannot afford another 4 years of that level of incompetence.
No, it won’t be a landslide for Obama, but the president will realize a comfortable, uneventful victory with 303 EC votes.

However, republicans will win control of the Senate.

No landlord but Obama takes 325 EC votes

The Senate will be the real nail biter going 50-50 with Biden the deciding vote

325 EV's (55 more than needed) is pretty much a landslide.

Agreed; the only thing Romney can hope to do is keep Obama from reaching the 353 he reached when he beat McCain.
No, it won’t be a landslide for Obama, but the president will realize a comfortable, uneventful victory with 303 EC votes.

However, republicans will win control of the Senate.

No landlord but Obama takes 325 EC votes

The Senate will be the real nail biter going 50-50 with Biden the deciding vote

325 EV's (55 more than needed) is pretty much a landslide.

Agreed; the only thing Romney can hope to do is keep Obama from reaching the 353 he reached when he beat McCain.

I can't see him matching 2008 numbers but if Romney doesnt get some buzz it will hurt in the House and Senate

With the selection of Ryan the discussion will go back to where it belongs....What republican leadership will mean to our future
A non-k00k left perspective...................

Smart Democrats Should Be Worried - By John Fund - The Corner - National Review Online


Here's all I know...............

The k00ks on here who fall all over themselves every day to throw up new threads about the imminent Obama victory are also the board members who are home shitting their shorts the most in the hour or two they are actually NOT in the internet!! We know the members well..............no need to specifically point out the 15 or so real mental cases on here!! Suffice to say, many of them have about 4 billion posts to their name.............clearly signifying a quiet confidence in their ideology!!!:D:D:D
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Here's all I know...............
The k00ks on here who fall all over themselves every day to throw up new threads about the imminent Obama victory are also the board members who are home shitting their shorts the most in the hour or two they are actually NOT in the internet!! We know the members well..............no need to specifically point out the 15 or so real mental cases on here!!

All data points to Obama winning easily. There is nothing k00kie about it. Sorry.
All I saw, was that the nation was close to going into another Great Depression and the Republicans had no desire or ability to stop it. The usual Republican scare tactics don't scare me anymore, nor do their promises of a conservative utopia grab me. We may not be back to normal and may never be, but we aren't in that pre-Great Depession era, that usually comes with a Republican administration. We even have a chance to be like other civilized nations and have a health plan for all our citizens.

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