Obama in a Landslide?


Here's all I know...............
The k00ks on here who fall all over themselves every day to throw up new threads about the imminent Obama victory are also the board members who are home shitting their shorts the most in the hour or two they are actually NOT in the internet!! We know the members well..............no need to specifically point out the 15 or so real mental cases on here!!

All data points to Obama winning easily. There is nothing k00kie about it. Sorry.

Apparently those kooks have infiltrated the Romney campaign strategy team. Because if we've learned one thing in the last 24 hours, it's that they're a bit spooked.
Obama didn't create this mess.

No, he didn't. But he was so busy with his fucking healthcare debacle that he sure as fuck hasn't helped. What started this was the scrapping of Glass-Steagal. And that was Clinton. Just sayin'. Of course, being a rational being, I know that it took a bipartisan clusterfuck to lead us here... and it will take a bipartisan approach to fix it... but Obama's idea of bipartisanship is 'I won'. One of the many reasons that I'll be voting for Romney.

Oh, and... for the record... cartoons are not 'political discussion'. You make yourself look stupid, no one needs to assist you. Fool.

Obama didn't create this mess? I beg to differ. He had some help though; Wilson, FDR, Johnson, Clinton. And I'm sure there's plenty of Republicrats to blame as well. Anyways, Obama not creating this mess is not a reason to vote for him. If he can't fix the problem then there's no use for him.


The sad thing is, you probably really believe that shit.

Here's all I know...............
The k00ks on here who fall all over themselves every day to throw up new threads about the imminent Obama victory are also the board members who are home shitting their shorts the most in the hour or two they are actually NOT in the internet!! We know the members well..............no need to specifically point out the 15 or so real mental cases on here!!

All data points to Obama winning easily. There is nothing k00kie about it. Sorry.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

yuk...........yuk............+ gas prices continuing to soar and economic numbers continuing to fall further into the shitter.:coffee:
Give us a link. I would like to see that map.

I don't know......every time I see the electoral map Obama is losing his lead and Romney keeps gaining.

Right now it's almost even.

Oh, there's Jake...

Hey, Jake, I was wondering about your take on the Ryan pick and how Romney was going to finally put the teabaggers in their place.

WHich is apparently on the ticket.
Hi, Joe. You missed the obvious. By picking Ryan, the chief cheerleader has to cheer for Romney and can't cheer for tea. Once elected, the chief tea sits presiding over the senate, which means absolutely nothing.

The tea will vote heavily for Romney, then Mitt being my boy, will simply ignore them for three and a half years.

I love it! Use, abuse, then throw em away.
There are now two really threatoning issues for the GOP. One is Romney's tax returns. The other the exposure of Ryan's infatuation with the philosphies of Ayn Rand.

Demoncrats should keep hammering on both.
There are now two really threatoning issues for the GOP. One is Romney's tax returns. The other the exposure of Ryan's infatuation with the philosphies of Ayn Rand.

Demoncrats should keep hammering on both.

why should that be?
you all weren't concerned with Obama's infatuation with radical Marxist while he protested against his country..Or his associations with a domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers. Republicans need to now bring this all out and HAMMER it home
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Liberals don’t want to jinx it. It terrifies the right. And the press would prefer a nail-biter. But the fact is that finding Romney’s path to victory is getting harder every day.

There’s a secret lurking behind everything you’re reading about the upcoming election, a secret that all political insiders know—or should—but few are talking about, most likely because it takes the drama out of the whole business. The secret is the electoral college, and the fact is that the more you look at it, the more you come to conclude that Mitt Romney has to draw an inside straight like you’ve never ever seen in a movie to win this thing. This is especially true now that it seems as if Pennsylvania isn’t really up for grabs. Romney’s paths to 270 are few.

It’s beginning to look like Obama can lose the big Eastern four—Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida: all of ’em!—and still be reelected.​

More: Michael Tomasky on the (Possible) Coming Obama Landslide - The Daily Beast

Shaping up that way.
There are now two really threatoning issues for the GOP. One is Romney's tax returns. The other the exposure of Ryan's infatuation with the philosphies of Ayn Rand.

Demoncrats should keep hammering on both.

why should that be?
you all weren't concerned with Obama's infatuation with radical Marxist while he protested against his country..Or his associations with a domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers. Republicans need to now bring this all out and HAMMER it home

Republicans tried this rhetoric in 2008 and lost by a two to one margin.

Glad to see that some keep pushing a failed political tactic
There are now two really threatoning issues for the GOP. One is Romney's tax returns. The other the exposure of Ryan's infatuation with the philosphies of Ayn Rand.

Demoncrats should keep hammering on both.

why should that be?
you all weren't concerned with Obama's infatuation with radical Marxist while he protested against his country..Or his associations with a domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers. Republicans need to now bring this all out and HAMMER it home

Republicans tried this rhetoric in 2008 and lost by a two to one margin.

Glad to see that some keep pushing a failed political tactic

oh well, maybe it's time to REALLY hammer it home..People have now had experince with Obama and all his RADICAL "visions" them.
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why should that be?
you all weren't concerned with Obama's infatuation with radical Marxist while he protested against his country..Or his associations with a domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers. Republicans need to now bring this all out and HAMMER it home

Republicans tried this rhetoric in 2008 and lost by a two to one margin.

Glad to see that some keep pushing a failed political tactic

oh well, maybe it's time to REALLY hammer it home..People have now had experince with Obama and all his RADICAL "visions" them.

Never mind that there is ZERO non partisan data to support these kids and their fantasy....but they LOVE that Qunnipiac/NYT/CBS poll....
Obama in a Landslide? :lol:

4 more years of Obama ,and the only thing that will be in a landslide will be your paycheck..
Republicans tried this rhetoric in 2008 and lost by a two to one margin.

Glad to see that some keep pushing a failed political tactic

oh well, maybe it's time to REALLY hammer it home..People have now had experince with Obama and all his RADICAL "visions" them.

Never mind that there is ZERO non partisan data to support these kids and their fantasy....but they LOVE that Qunnipiac/NYT/CBS poll....

Rasmussen Reports:
Obama: 247 - Romney: 206 - Toss-up: 85​

Love that poll too.
oh well, maybe it's time to REALLY hammer it home..People have now had experince with Obama and all his RADICAL "visions" them.

Never mind that there is ZERO non partisan data to support these kids and their fantasy....but they LOVE that Qunnipiac/NYT/CBS poll....

Rasmussen Reports:
Obama: 247 - Romney: 206 - Toss-up: 85​

Love that poll too.

Rassy and Gallup have Romney up in the National....RCP averge has Bammy up 4.6, I am very comfy where we are.
Liberals don’t want to jinx it. It terrifies the right. And the press would prefer a nail-biter. But the fact is that finding Romney’s path to victory is getting harder every day.

There’s a secret lurking behind everything you’re reading about the upcoming election, a secret that all political insiders know—or should—but few are talking about, most likely because it takes the drama out of the whole business. The secret is the electoral college, and the fact is that the more you look at it, the more you come to conclude that Mitt Romney has to draw an inside straight like you’ve never ever seen in a movie to win this thing. This is especially true now that it seems as if Pennsylvania isn’t really up for grabs. Romney’s paths to 270 are few.

It’s beginning to look like Obama can lose the big Eastern four—Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida: all of ’em!—and still be reelected.​

More: Michael Tomasky on the (Possible) Coming Obama Landslide - The Daily Beast

With 100 million people on welfare it wouldn't surprise me if he is elected again.

People never want to give up their free handouts, even if it will bankrupt the country.
Liberals don’t want to jinx it. It terrifies the right. And the press would prefer a nail-biter. But the fact is that finding Romney’s path to victory is getting harder every day.

There’s a secret lurking behind everything you’re reading about the upcoming election, a secret that all political insiders know—or should—but few are talking about, most likely because it takes the drama out of the whole business. The secret is the electoral college, and the fact is that the more you look at it, the more you come to conclude that Mitt Romney has to draw an inside straight like you’ve never ever seen in a movie to win this thing. This is especially true now that it seems as if Pennsylvania isn’t really up for grabs. Romney’s paths to 270 are few.

It’s beginning to look like Obama can lose the big Eastern four—Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida: all of ’em!—and still be reelected.​

More: Michael Tomasky on the (Possible) Coming Obama Landslide - The Daily Beast

With 100 million people on welfare it wouldn't surprise me if he is elected again.

People never want to give up their free handouts, even if it will bankrupt the country.

that's why this administration set out to make it easier to add more to the rolls..
Obama is a student of cloward-piven..we could be already to late

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