Obama in a Landslide?

The conversation would be the same, it would just be about the other person. That's the beauty of democrat arguments, all they do is change the name and can use the same argument every time.

I had nice things to say about Newt and Rick Santorum, and would have supported either if they were the nominee.

Rick Perry was a profound disappointment, but I still think he's an okay guy.

In fact, you would be very hard pressed to find a lot of Republicans I've ripped into OTHER than Mitt Romney.
Your hatred of Mormonism simply blocks your thinking.

Your analysis is off, and you don't see it, you are right.

Romney will take Florida and Iowa. Joe's analysis why not is weak on that. Virginia may be very problematic for Romney, but i am hoping.

I don't see how he takes either.

Romney's campaign is starting to collapse in on itself. He sounded positively whiny yesterday about the Soptic ad.

Did he forget the truckloads of shit he dumped on Newt and the Ricks? Because I'm sure they haven't and they are laughing their asses off right now.
bucs90 has been heavily conservative from the beginning, so whining from katz and steph is just that, whining. I hope bucs90 reconsiders.

If you didn't nominate Romney, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

You guys are making me vote for this fool. Because you ran a bigger fool.


"I pity the fool!"

The conversation would be the same, it would just be about the other person. That's the beauty of democrat arguments, all they do is change the name and can use the same argument every time.

lol, we have to figure out which Jake is here today? there are so many of you
this is the one who likes to post on top of people:lol:
You guys were giddy with Kerry....I'm jus sayin...I remember watching Morris telling the world it was over because of the exit polls :)

You boys and girls go ahead and relax.

I don't remember anyone being giddy about Kerry.

Kerry's selection was kind of in the same boat as Romney's... He was just the lesser evil.

Much like Romney seemed too look better compared to Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann...

Kerry looked good against Dennis Kucinich and Howard Dean.
Guy, Romney is now owned by the Teabaggers.

If you think he's going to get up on Innaguration day and say, "Screw you, Teabaggers who are even a larger slice of Congress than you were before, I'm really a moderate and I'm cutting deals with the Democrats!"

The Teabaggers will feel betrayed.

The moderate Republicans won't work with him because they are all afraid of a teabagger challenging them in their primaries.

And the Democrats will be looking for any chance to screw him.

And this is the beauty of the Teabag movement. They don't even have to win over their own party. There are only about 87 of them in Congress now. All they have to do is threaten to pick up their ball and go home.

And Obama has been solely owned by the Commies...but that won't stop you all from voting for them..
you get more hysterical each passing day

If you didn't nominate Romney, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

You guys are making me vote for this fool. Because you ran a bigger fool.


"I pity the fool!"

We understand you dont have a moral compass and would prefer to support the most corrupt admin In US History.

You must be very proud the government has run up 16 trillion in debt with your favorite programs.

You were always a low life democrat. You have never fooled us...........
Democrats have taken Iowa four of the last five elections.

They've taken Florida three of the last four elections, depending how you count 2000.

And again, Ryan puts both states out of play. Simply put, he's doing handstands on the third rail... which would be bad enough, but on top of that, he wants to push old people off the cliff to give rich people tax cuts...

Your hatred of Mormonism simply blocks your thinking.

Your analysis is off, and you don't see it, you are right.

Romney will take Florida and Iowa. Joe's analysis why not is weak on that. Virginia may be very problematic for Romney, but i am hoping.

I don't see how he takes either.

Romney's campaign is starting to collapse in on itself. He sounded positively whiny yesterday about the Soptic ad.

Did he forget the truckloads of shit he dumped on Newt and the Ricks? Because I'm sure they haven't and they are laughing their asses off right now.

The Dems will be piling on the emotional pitch from here on out, "we'll save Medicare and poor people from those mean Republicans". I think the only way Romney wins now is if he and Ryan can put a softer, gentler face on Ryan's budget. It's all about perception, baby.

I don't think they can do it.


The Dems will be piling on the emotional pitch from here on out, "we'll save Medicare and poor people from those mean Republicans". I think the only way Romney wins now is if he and Ryan can put a softer, gentler face on Ryan's budget. It's all about perception, baby.

I don't think they can do it.


time will tell if the people are so shallow and can be fooled again

The Dems will be piling on the emotional pitch from here on out, "we'll save Medicare and poor people from those mean Republicans". I think the only way Romney wins now is if he and Ryan can put a softer, gentler face on Ryan's budget. It's all about perception, baby.

I don't think they can do it.


time will tell if the people are so shallow and can be fooled again

No need to fool anyone, simply pointing out what RomneyRyan is advocating should do the trick. It ain't pretty.

The Dems will be piling on the emotional pitch from here on out, "we'll save Medicare and poor people from those mean Republicans". I think the only way Romney wins now is if he and Ryan can put a softer, gentler face on Ryan's budget. It's all about perception, baby.

I don't think they can do it.


time will tell if the people are so shallow and can be fooled again

No need to fool anyone, simply pointing out what RomneyRyan is advocating should do the trick. It ain't pretty.

Vs your plan of complete economic collapse.

No need to fool anyone, simply pointing out what RomneyRyan is advocating should do the trick. It ain't pretty.

Vs your plan of complete economic collapse.


Too funny, these folks just want to cancel the election....

Many idiots right here in this forum are willing to sell their soul and their families futures for a government check. Democrats must believe killing Americans for political gain is a OK, giving billions away to campaign supporters under the guise of green energy should be brought to every county.

You will not find a more fucked up individual then a democrat of any persuasion.

The Dems will be piling on the emotional pitch from here on out, "we'll save Medicare and poor people from those mean Republicans". I think the only way Romney wins now is if he and Ryan can put a softer, gentler face on Ryan's budget. It's all about perception, baby.

I don't think they can do it.


NOr do I.

Unfortunately, this is one of those conversations that should be had in quiet rooms, not on a campaign trail, to paraphrase Mr. Romney.

I think that the fact that he wants to cut medicare and taxes for the wealthy is very bad form.

A sensible comprimise is "We are going to raise taxes and cut spending... the conversation should be on how much of each."
Vs your plan of complete economic collapse.


Too funny, these folks just want to cancel the election....

Many idiots right here in this forum are willing to sell their soul and their families futures for a government check. Democrats must believe killing Americans for political gain is a OK, giving billions away to campaign supporters under the guise of green energy should be brought to every county.

You will not find a more fucked up individual then a democrat of any persuasion.

If republicans want to run on a platform that anyone who does not support their policies is looking for a government handout......I encourage them to do so
Give us a link. I would like to see that map.

President Obama 237 Governor Romney 191

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

The President leads in all but one of the tossup states

They put Wisconsin back into tossup not because the polls have changed, but because Ryan's on the ticket now.

Get real. Wisconsin hasn't gone for the GOP in a national presidential race since 1984.

More to the point, Ryan's "Push Granny from the Train" budget pretty much kills Romney in Florida and Iowa.

It might even put Arizona in play.
Too funny, these folks just want to cancel the election....

Many idiots right here in this forum are willing to sell their soul and their families futures for a government check. Democrats must believe killing Americans for political gain is a OK, giving billions away to campaign supporters under the guise of green energy should be brought to every county.

You will not find a more fucked up individual then a democrat of any persuasion.

If republicans want to run on a platform that anyone who does not support their policies is looking for a government handout......I encourage them to do so


The Dems will be piling on the emotional pitch from here on out, "we'll save Medicare and poor people from those mean Republicans". I think the only way Romney wins now is if he and Ryan can put a softer, gentler face on Ryan's budget. It's all about perception, baby.

I don't think they can do it.


NOr do I.

Unfortunately, this is one of those conversations that should be had in quiet rooms, not on a campaign trail, to paraphrase Mr. Romney.

I think that the fact that he wants to cut medicare and taxes for the wealthy is very bad form.

A sensible comprimise is "We are going to raise taxes and cut spending... the conversation should be on how much of each."

But you are voting for the side where any cut is extreme.,

Thats on tape shit head..........
Many idiots right here in this forum are willing to sell their soul and their families futures for a government check. Democrats must believe killing Americans for political gain is a OK, giving billions away to campaign supporters under the guise of green energy should be brought to every county.

You will not find a more fucked up individual then a democrat of any persuasion.

If republicans want to run on a platform that anyone who does not support their policies is looking for a government handout......I encourage them to do so


The mindset of the Left, ignorance...

Ummmmm, the Gov IS Medicade.

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