Obama in a Landslide?

Obamessiah!!! He can't lose!!!

With half the country with thier hand out, waiting for government to take care of them, it's a wonder Republicans win any seats in any form of government.

Half the country? Is that the number? Half of all able bodied adult Americans refuse to work in favor of living off of government handouts? Is that it?

Thank you......thank you......thank you. I have been asking people here for that number since I arrived.

That"s a lot of people! And they ALL vote for Democrats?

Shit. This election is in the bag for Obama. Talk about a winning campaign strategy.

Well according to CNN it's 1 in 3. But with that margin in the tank for the party of government dependency, it's still a wonder a Repub has a chance. Fortunately, many of them don't vote. I know ACORN tried to change that .. LOL A hard working tax payer voting for Obama is like a chicken voting for Frank Perdue
Government assistance expands - Feb. 7, 2012

Oh! It is not half? MOTHERFUCKER! I thought I had finally gotten an answer. If I didn't know better, I would think you are talking out of your ass.

Now it is 33-1/3% of able-bodied American adults who refuse to work in favor of living off of federal tax dollars. That is STILL a lot of people.

But............now you say that many of them do not vote? How strange given the premise of your original comments? You are now saying that Obama won in 2008 with votes from people who are NOT sitting on heir ass awaiting handouts. Something is out of whack. Is it you or me?

Hmmmmmmm. Yep. It's you.

Fucking dummy.
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Oh for fuck's sake. Obama has ran trillion dollar deficits every year of his presidency.



You know how rw's hate FACTS.

Like this, for example -

The Current ReaganBush Debt is:
which means that in a total of 20 years,
these three presidents have led to the creation of
of the entire national debt
in only 8.4746% of the 236 years of the existence of the United States of America.


Two presidents spent almost $15 trillion you say???

Obama spent $6 trillion in the first 4 years and is on course to spend us to a $25 trillion dollar debt by the end of his second term.

Wow........he works almost twice as fast as two presidents.

Another historical first for Obama.
Whoever wins the election, it won't be by a landslide.

Yup. And even more importantly, neither party is going to have total control.

They either choose to grow the fuck up and work together or it's into the toilet we go.


Are they equally culpable? Or, has one party demonstrated a greater willingness to work together than the other?

My estimation is that there are definitely more absolutists in the GOP right now. Between Obama's victory in 2008 and the Tea Party's gains in 2010, however, the Dems were the absolutists, essentially saying "we won, you lost, too bad." That's when Obama said the Republicans "can't do much talkin'".

Right now? Definitely the Tea Party-driven GOP.

Whoever wins the election, it won't be by a landslide.

Yup. And even more importantly, neither party is going to have total control.

They either choose to grow the fuck up and work together or it's into the toilet we go.


I could see the presidential race be very once sided and then the people hedged their bets by voting for the oppossition in Congress.

This is what happened in 1984, when Reagan won 49 states, but the GOP only gained 16 seats in the house after they had lost 27 the last cycle.

Or I could see a scenario where people are so panicked by the notion of Ryan-Romney that they swamp congress as well.
Yup. And even more importantly, neither party is going to have total control.

They either choose to grow the fuck up and work together or it's into the toilet we go.


Are they equally culpable? Or, has one party demonstrated a greater willingness to work together than the other?

My estimation is that there are definitely more absolutists in the GOP right now. Between Obama's victory in 2008 and the Tea Party's gains in 2010, however, the Dems were the absolutists, essentially saying "we won, you lost, too bad." That's when Obama said the Republicans "can't do much talkin'".

Right now? Definitely the Tea Party-driven GOP.


My information says that Democrats only call it bi-partisanship when the GOP gives in.

The Dems decided about 20 years ago that cooperation was not even a consideration.

The GOP keeps extending their hand and the Dems slap it.

Then they lie about the GOP claiming THEY'RE the major roadblock in Washington.

In the words of Obama talking to his spiritial leader Reverand Jerimiah Wright "You have to be honest!!!"

Apparently to the left honesty is a liability.
Are they equally culpable? Or, has one party demonstrated a greater willingness to work together than the other?

My estimation is that there are definitely more absolutists in the GOP right now. Between Obama's victory in 2008 and the Tea Party's gains in 2010, however, the Dems were the absolutists, essentially saying "we won, you lost, too bad." That's when Obama said the Republicans "can't do much talkin'".

Right now? Definitely the Tea Party-driven GOP.


My information says that Democrats only call it bi-partisanship when the GOP gives in.

The Dems decided about 20 years ago that cooperation was not even a consideration.

The GOP keeps extending their hand and the Dems slap it.

Then they lie about the GOP claiming THEY'RE the major roadblock in Washington.

In the words of Obama talking to his spiritial leader Reverand Jerimiah Wright "You have to be honest!!!"

Apparently to the left honesty is a liability.

Seems to me that pretty much anyone on either side who extends a hand across the aisle is immediately a pariah. While that may be great for those on the far ends of the spectrum, our government is paralyzed and the ship is sinking. I sincerely don't understand how someone can be for that.

I'll let the partisans point the finger at the other guy. If we don't get enough consensus to unclog the drain pretty goddamn soon, it will be too late.

I would love to be informed about an occasion when the GOP genuinely extended a hand of cooperation to President Obama......and he refused it.

That is said often. Can it be substantiated?

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