Obama in a Landslide?

Most polls have been over sampling the Democrats based on previous elections. The truth is that the Democrat party has been shrinking over the past 4 years and that has not been even considered in these polls. That and the polls are also not taken into account voter enthusiasm. This is going to be a landslide alright just not in the way that you think.

Not really. If anything, the recent polls have been undercounting minorities. Their samples are about 78% White, when in fact the electorate in 2008 was only 74% white and it's likely to be closer to 72% this time, given demographic trends.

You guys make waaaay to much over the 2010 elections, where Democrats had won seats in Republican districts and Republicans merely took them back.

You pay too much attention to race. Talk about racists huh. Look I laid out the facts. Every single poll has been oversampling Democrats and they even admit it. The facts are that the number of Democrats has decreased and the enthusiasm gap between Democrats and Republicans is huge. You can deny all you want but facts are facts.

I'm just pointing out that if the electorate is made up of a certain breakdown, and the polls say something else, the polls are probably wrong.

I've seen nothing to indicate the number of Democrats have "decreased". Quite the contrary, I think the Tea Party has really damaged the GOP Brand.

Here's a case in point. in the Republican Primaries in 2008, a total of 21 million people voted for one of the six major candidates. This was in a contest that was essenatially over by Super Tuesday.

In 2012, a total of 19 million voters voted in Republican Primaries. Romney's final vote total was less than McCain's.

This was in a contest that lasted far long AND where there was no Democratic contest so people could change registrations if they wanted to. But there were LESS people voting in Republican primaries, not more.

Now if you reasoning were correct, that people are truly fed up with Obama, there should have been MILLIONS of people changing their registration and having a say in the GOP process. But the only new enthusiasm on the GOP side was for Ron Paul, and a lot of his folks will stay home or vote for Johnson.
Not really. If anything, the recent polls have been undercounting minorities. Their samples are about 78% White, when in fact the electorate in 2008 was only 74% white and it's likely to be closer to 72% this time, given demographic trends.

You guys make waaaay to much over the 2010 elections, where Democrats had won seats in Republican districts and Republicans merely took them back.

You pay too much attention to race. Talk about racists huh. Look I laid out the facts. Every single poll has been oversampling Democrats and they even admit it. The facts are that the number of Democrats has decreased and the enthusiasm gap between Democrats and Republicans is huge. You can deny all you want but facts are facts.

I'm just pointing out that if the electorate is made up of a certain breakdown, and the polls say something else, the polls are probably wrong.

I've seen nothing to indicate the number of Democrats have "decreased". Quite the contrary, I think the Tea Party has really damaged the GOP Brand.

Here's a case in point. in the Republican Primaries in 2008, a total of 21 million people voted for one of the six major candidates. This was in a contest that was essenatially over by Super Tuesday.

In 2012, a total of 19 million voters voted in Republican Primaries. Romney's final vote total was less than McCain's.

This was in a contest that lasted far long AND where there was no Democratic contest so people could change registrations if they wanted to. But there were LESS people voting in Republican primaries, not more.

Now if you reasoning were correct, that people are truly fed up with Obama, there should have been MILLIONS of people changing their registration and having a say in the GOP process. But the only new enthusiasm on the GOP side was for Ron Paul, and a lot of his folks will stay home or vote for Johnson.

Here are the stories about Democrats leaving the party. Now you provide the stories about the GOP leaving. I put some articles bellow to help you out. You are welcome to search for even more.


Democratic Enthusiasm Remains Flat | Elections

Daily Kos: The Reports of the Death of Democrats' Enthusiasm Are Greatly Exaggerated

Talk about both low Enthusiasm and party shrinkage

Enthusiasm factor is big as Democrats convene starting Tuesday | Gainesville.com

Party shrinkage
The Incredible Shrinking Democratic Party

Number of registered voters decreased

Number of registered voters decreased

Battleground-State Voters Leaving the Democratic Party - 2012 Decoded
Democrats leave party over marriage, religious freedom concerns :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

African American Democrat Leaving Party To Register As Republican - The Ulsterman Report

Democratic Party Leaves Its Supporters | Lubbock Online | Lubbock Avalanche-Journal
Guy, i'm not even bothering with those links because I'm sure most of them lead to Right Wing sites....

If people were hot for Romney, more people would have voted in the GOP Primary, not less.

Nope most are actually not. In fact some are even left wing.
Guy, i'm not even bothering with those links because I'm sure most of them lead to Right Wing sites....

If people were hot for Romney, more people would have voted in the GOP Primary, not less.

Nope most are actually not. In fact some are even left wing.

Right, everything to you guys is left wing...

Yawn... bored. moving on to posts by people who can process facts and not repeat talking points.
Guy, i'm not even bothering with those links because I'm sure most of them lead to Right Wing sites....

If people were hot for Romney, more people would have voted in the GOP Primary, not less.

Nope most are actually not. In fact some are even left wing.

Right, everything to you guys is left wing...

Yawn... bored. moving on to posts by people who can process facts and not repeat talking points.

Funny I give facts and you claim talking points when 90% of what Democrats claim to be facts when in fact are talking points. Then when people produce the facts you go try to sell you crap elsewhere. No problem I would expect no less from a liberal.
Sorry bout that,

1. Take off the rose colored glasses.
2. Obama will have the seat of his pants kicked with a landside victory for Romney/Ryan.
3. To compare these two groups of men you have on the right hand, two well respected men, and on the other left hand, a failed socialist leader with a gaff a minute side kick.
4. I for one want America to survive, and keep being the light to lighten the world, not just a second rate third world country, for which Obama is steering America.
5. If you think alls well in America your drinking the Obama Cool-Aid, get off of it.
6. America is heading into the ditch, and its a ditch that will cause great harm to everything we know and expect as Americans, we *MUST* change horses this November, or not we find ourselves ruined as a Nation for the next 35 years at least.
7. And if America fails which it will under Obama, the whole world will fail, I mean they will pretty much *Die Off*, when and if we go into the ditch.
8. Here is a prediction, if Obama does win, or steals this election, I predict it will be the kick off of the *END TIMES*, for well over one quarter of the earths population will have to *DIE*.
9. Yes billions of people will die, I for one don't want that!

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Nope most are actually not. In fact some are even left wing.

Right, everything to you guys is left wing...

Yawn... bored. moving on to posts by people who can process facts and not repeat talking points.

Funny I give facts and you claim talking points when 90% of what Democrats claim to be facts when in fact are talking points. Then when people produce the facts you go try to sell you crap elsewhere. No problem I would expect no less from a liberal.

Facts are- less people voted Republican in 2012 than in 2008.

Only fact that is relevent. The rest is, "Hey, I have a poll that says Democrats aren't enthused... really. I need to believe that."

Obama will beat Romney easily...
Right, everything to you guys is left wing...

Yawn... bored. moving on to posts by people who can process facts and not repeat talking points.

Funny I give facts and you claim talking points when 90% of what Democrats claim to be facts when in fact are talking points. Then when people produce the facts you go try to sell you crap elsewhere. No problem I would expect no less from a liberal.

Facts are- less people voted Republican in 2012 than in 2008.

Only fact that is relevent. The rest is, "Hey, I have a poll that says Democrats aren't enthused... really. I need to believe that."

Obama will beat Romney easily...
No one has voted yet.
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Right, everything to you guys is left wing...

Yawn... bored. moving on to posts by people who can process facts and not repeat talking points.

Funny I give facts and you claim talking points when 90% of what Democrats claim to be facts when in fact are talking points. Then when people produce the facts you go try to sell you crap elsewhere. No problem I would expect no less from a liberal.

Facts are- less people voted Republican in 2012 than in 2008.

Only fact that is relevent. The rest is, "Hey, I have a poll that says Democrats aren't enthused... really. I need to believe that."

Obama will beat Romney easily...

That is not a fact go read the article I posted from the Gainesville times. It states more republicans voted in the primaries. Oh wait or are we talking Demfacts?
Obama will win 53% of the popular vote and approximately 325 Electoral votes

Is that a landslide? Not really
But he will win by a comfortable margin

The key will be in the Senate where it will probably go 50-50
obama will win in a landslide.

Where's the obama convention bounce? Has he pulled away from Romney?
After the Republican convention we saw the bounce the very next day.

You are right in that we will have to wait for new polls to see where the parties stand. Right now, everyone is quoting very old polls to justify obama's support.
No, it won’t be a landslide for Obama, but the president will realize a comfortable, uneventful victory with 303 EC votes.

However, republicans will win control of the Senate.

303 will be a 10%+ victory. What % would be necessary to qualify for "landslide"?

Obama got twice as many votes as McCain...thats a good start

Obama is looking to pull 300-325 this election. An easy victory but not necessarily a landslide
No, it won’t be a landslide for Obama, but the president will realize a comfortable, uneventful victory with 303 EC votes.

However, republicans will win control of the Senate.

303 will be a 10%+ victory. What % would be necessary to qualify for "landslide"?

Obama got twice as many votes as McCain...thats a good start

Obama is looking to pull 300-325 this election. An easy victory but not necessarily a landslide

Interesting...to me 325 sounds like a pretty mosterous victory; you got 55 more electoral votes than your opponent did.

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