Obama in a Landslide?

He's a liar.. His agenda is clear. What he's done has been deliberate. He gets re elected and we'll all pay the price economically and socially. Only a fool doesn't see thru this man.
Michelle is worse them him. She's as dangerous as Hillary and Bill. America's mother?
Fuck her and the rest of them.

Is Mittens better off than we were 4 years ago? Tell him to release his tax returns so we all know the answer.

If it were any bit at all your business, he'd release them. But until you post yours on this forum with your name on them, STFU.

The douchebag asked the question. Not me. I know I'm better off. Don't tell me to STFU, you're not my bitch.
He's a liar.. His agenda is clear. What he's done has been deliberate. He gets re elected and we'll all pay the price economically and socially. Only a fool doesn't see thru this man.
Michelle is worse them him. She's as dangerous as Hillary and Bill. America's mother?
Fuck her and the rest of them.

Is Mittens better off than he was 4 years ago? Tell him to release his tax returns so we all know the answer.

Poor Dickless.....stuck on stupid.

I'm much better off than I was 4 years ago. Are you? Most Americans are better off. So why does that pussified Romney ask the question. The punk won't even show why he's better off or worse off.

Nope dude, you're worse than stuck on stupid. You're in R...I know that D moves me forward.
Is Mittens better off than he was 4 years ago? Tell him to release his tax returns so we all know the answer.

Poor Dickless.....stuck on stupid.

I'm much better off than I was 4 years ago. Are you? Most Americans are better off. So why does that pussified Romney ask the question. The punk won't even show why he's better off or worse off.

Nope dude, you're worse than stuck on stupid. You're in R...I know that D moves me forward.

If most were better off than they were four years ago, then Obama would have it in the bag.

As it is, his speech was a (in the words of most commentators) an open admission that he really screwed up his first term.

That means nothing.

As pointed out before, the economy would have gotten better if Ozob the Clown (the current Bozo's brother) were in the Oval Office. Economies do that...especially after a recession.

In fact, there is a good argument that it would have gotten much better on it's own.

Another example of the liars on the left trying to spin something up that does not exist.

You bet we are getting better...in spite of Oblather.
A landslide where?

At the Welfare Office?

Sure as hell isn't going to be with anyone of intelligence/the unemployed/our men and women serving.
Romney campaign in deeeeeeeep trouble!

I just can't help thinking that you could have been lying there on the ground at wounded knee.....writhing and gasping for breath having just been cut from the womb.

Call it......early abortion.

Yeah, make it personal and racist - you asshole.

You are an idiot.....I have a very low idiot tolerance.....

You make the case for an extinction level event for your kind....jus sayin.
I just can't help thinking that you could have been lying there on the ground at wounded knee.....writhing and gasping for breath having just been cut from the womb.

Call it......early abortion.

Yeah, make it personal and racist - you asshole.

You are an idiot.....I have a very low idiot tolerance.....

You make the case for an extinction level event for your kind....jus sayin.

Right-wing hatred, extremism and intolerance is very ugly.

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