Obama in a Landslide?

55% Obama
40% Romney
5% Johnson

That would be a landslide by anyone's definition. I suspect the coat tails would be wide sweeping if those numbers happen. The House could easily go dem with a bigger majority in the Senate.

If that happens I guess we will REALLY find out what Obama wants to do with some political capital.
55% Obama
40% Romney
5% Johnson

That would be a landslide by anyone's definition. I suspect the coat tails would be wide sweeping if those numbers happen. The House could easily go dem with a bigger majority in the Senate.

If that happens I guess we will REALLY find out what Obama wants to do with some political capital.

He won't help anyone. The end game is control Huggy. He's going to lose anyway.
We'll all be much better off for it. The first thing that comes to mind is Freedom and Opportunity. The threat he stands for will be dissolved for good in Nov.
In the end you will be happy, we will all be happy and a whole lot safer.
Liberals don’t want to jinx it. It terrifies the right. And the press would prefer a nail-biter. But the fact is that finding Romney’s path to victory is getting harder every day.

There’s a secret lurking behind everything you’re reading about the upcoming election, a secret that all political insiders know—or should—but few are talking about, most likely because it takes the drama out of the whole business. The secret is the electoral college, and the fact is that the more you look at it, the more you come to conclude that Mitt Romney has to draw an inside straight like you’ve never ever seen in a movie to win this thing. This is especially true now that it seems as if Pennsylvania isn’t really up for grabs. Romney’s paths to 270 are few.

It’s beginning to look like Obama can lose the big Eastern four—Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida: all of ’em!—and still be reelected.​

More: Michael Tomasky on the (Possible) Coming Obama Landslide - The Daily Beast

:badgrin::badgrin: Yeah right:

Here's how CNN manipulated their poll to show Obama leading Romney by 6 points.

CNN is grabbing political headlines tonight with the release of its latest poll. It shows Obama surging to a 6-point lead over Romney, 52-46, among likely. Before the start of the Democrat convention, the candidates had been tied in the poll. Since it purportedly confirms a narrative the media is trying to build, i.e. that Obama is starting to pull away with the race, it is getting wide coverage. However, there are a couple of strange things within the poll that cast doubt on its veracity. And, at least one concern warrants a response from CNN.

First, this being a media poll, it has an obvious skew towards Democrats. The partisan breakdown is (D/R/I) 50/45/5. It perhaps isn’t surprising that Obama is leading a D+5 poll by 6 points. Throughout the campaign season, Obama’s margin usually is very close to the partisan skew in the sample. It is surprising, though, that Independents make up only 5% of the sample. Tellingly, Romney leads this group by 14 points.
CNN manipulated their polling | Education News

The national polls are doing the same thing they did during the Carter/Reagan race. Manipulating the polls as they did in the above example--to keep Obama in this race--and they do it for a good reason. If the national polls showed Romney running away with this election--NO ONE would donate another dime to Obama's reelection campaign.

So what you have to do is do what the campaigns do--pay attention to the "internal polling data" to get a clear view of what's going to happen in November.

Obama is losing the youth vote.
New York Times: Obama Losing the Youth Vote to Mitt Romney | Growing Up in a Recession | TheBlaze.com In fact a recent poll in Colorado shows Romney leading the 18 to 34 year old age group by 1 point. This is devastating to Obama.
Women are moving to Romney.
Poll: Mitt Romney Making Headway With Women Voters - The Ballot 2012 (usnews.com)
Obama losing support with blacks--Hispanics who will not be voting for him like they did in 2008.
Obama losing support even among black and Hispanic voters, poll shows - NYPOST.com
Romney has 14 point lead with independents
Romney extends lead among Independents to 14 percent | RedState
White's will not support Obama like they did in 2008.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
The above are the ones that overwhelmingly voted for Obama in 2008--that won't be in 2012.

Plus Obama has this problem.
60% disapprove of the way Obama has handled the economy and deficit.
60% Disapprove of Obama's Handling of Economy: Gallup - CNBC
August 2012 jobs report--Horrible--employment in this country at a 30 year LOW.
August jobs report: hiring down, unemployment falls - Sep. 7, 2012

All of the above internals show that Obama is going to get clobbered in November.


(This cartoon picture probably is fairly close to the support that Obama has lost since 2008)--

"If you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama
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The debates will finish Romney off.

Obama will have to DEFEND his own record--because he has a record now. And you can't defend real unemployment in this country standing around 12%--and 16 trillion in red ink.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The labor market lost momentum last month as job growth fell to a disappointingly slow pace. The unemployment rate also fell, as more people stopped looking for jobs.

The economy added 96,000 jobs in August, down from 141,000 jobs in July, the Department of Labor said Friday.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.1%, from 8.3% in July.
Economists polled by CNNMoney were expecting 120,000 jobs to be added in the month, and the unemployment rate to remain unchanged.

The unemployment rate fell largely because 368,000 people stopped looking for work, many of them young people. Just 63.5% of the working-age population was either employed or actively looking for work -- a 30-year low.
August jobs report: hiring down, unemployment falls - Sep. 7, 2012

Medium household incomes have dropped more than $4000.00 since Obama took office.
Household income is below recession levels, report says - The Washington Post

All the singing--and perfectly pronounced speech's are not going to save wonder boy from his own record. Americans always vote their wallets.

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The debates will finish Romney off.

The economy tidal wave has sunk the USS obama

Only for the idiots.

Obama bought and paid for this economy with his shoving down our throats the 878 billion dollar economic stimulus bill that he PROMISED would create millions of jobs in this country.

Obama tried to revive this economy back to health through road and bridge work and green energy construction that was outsourced to China anyway.
Obama's Stimulus Money Spent Overseas, Jobs in China - ABC News

Obama took a chapter out of FDR's book the 1930's at a time when we actually needed roads and bridges. Today we have super highways that criss/cross this nation and if we needed a bridge we built it. What permits were issued overnight in the 30's now takes years of engineering and design. What took thousands of men with shovels in the 30's now can be done with a couple of heavy equipment operators--and what was a workforce of primarily men in the 1930's is now 1/2 women who don't do road and bridge work.

Mitt Romney was right when he stated: Obama keeps running down to the corner pay-phone to plug quarters into it, believing the economy would recover--but forgot that we live in a smart phone century.

The one shovel ready project we had--the Keystone pipeline that would have put 10's of thousands of Americans to work the next day--Obama said NO to.

4 years later--August 2012--we have one of the WORST jobs report. Employment in this country hits a 30 year LOW.
August jobs report: hiring down, unemployment falls - Sep. 7, 2012

This is Obama's record. It appears the only IDIOT is Barack Obama.


"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama
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Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy.

George W. Bush was the goose that flew into the engine.

Obama landed the plane in the Hudson.
Well, only 46 days to go and already NaziCons are coming unglued. I suspect sales of guns, Prozac and Xanex will skyrocket.
Sorry bout that,

1. Like I keep telling you, Obama has zero chance.
2. No matter how the libnut media wants to paint the economy, the independents actually live in it, and know they have suffered massive in income loss since obama took office.
3. 85% of *ALL* Americans have slipped backwards in over all prosperity.
4. Thats a *FACT*!!!
5. The Independents will decide in all those close States, and they are smart enough people to *VOTE ROMNEY* for the money.
6. Switch the words around in Romney's name and you find *MONEY*!!! :badgrin:
7. Romney can't lose this one folks, the Independents will get him in, no worries!

Sir James, your facts are right, but your conclusion is contradicted overwhelmingly by the polling.

The point is this: Americans, unhappy as they may be with Obama, are terrified of a president dependent on the far right and libertarian wacko brigades.

In other words, America hates your type more than it dislikes Obama or likes Romney.

You are the cause for the coming defeat of Romney if he can't get you guys from hanging on to his feet.

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