Obama in a Landslide?

Not a landslide for Obama.

Maybe a victory for Romney if he can do well Wednesday night and get back on track about the economy.
Sorry bout that,

Sir James, your facts are right, but your conclusion is contradicted overwhelmingly by the polling.

The point is this: Americans, unhappy as they may be with Obama, are terrified of a president dependent on the far right and libertarian wacko brigades.

In other words, America hates your type more than it dislikes Obama or likes Romney.

You are the cause for the coming defeat of Romney if he can't get you guys from hanging on to his feet.

1. Jake, look,.......polling don't mean shit,......because those who are polling are controlling the results,.... everyone knows it,.....(ever watch the libnut media).....this election evolves around what the Independents do,......and feel,......towards obama,......and this economy,.......which has hit them *very hard*,........not unlike everyone else in it........
2. The far right whackjobs like me, as you put it, are not running for President, or have any actual pull with President Romney....... so you are so full of shit its coming out of your ears dude,......:badgrin:
3. Obama doesn't have a chance in hell,....he is done,....stick a fucking fork in this guy,...:badgrin:
4. There is a huge amount of libnuts who will absolutely *NOT* vote for him again, and will vote for Romney,..........:badgrin:
5. That alone will doom obama,.......the facts are on the table, obama is a socialists, commie bastard, and a good 85% of Americans don't want that, they are aware of history, communism doesn't work, because where communism is, freedom dies, and even most libnuts love their freedom more then they do being under a communistic government, where the government owns everything, and gives out goodies to the good dogs, while punishing the bad dogs, either way, communism makes its subjects dogs, and even libnuts don't want to be forced into some low life existence.
6. Jake, your a fucking idiot dude, do your self a favor, take a couple weeks off here, then never come back.:badgrin:
7. Fucking dumb ass!:badgrin:
8. Nothing personal,..lol!!!!

Sir James, your facts are right, but your conclusion is contradicted overwhelmingly by the polling.

The point is this: Americans, unhappy as they may be with Obama, are terrified of a president dependent on the far right and libertarian wacko brigades.

In other words, America hates your type more than it dislikes Obama or likes Romney.

You are the cause for the coming defeat of Romney if he can't get you guys from hanging on to his feet.

Oh, Jakey, stop trying to blame "the far right" for Romney's problems.

Romney has dug himself into this hole.

A sincere conservative would be moping the floor with Obama right now.
You have nothing to worth to read about Romney. We have all known that for months. :lol:
You have nothing to worth to read about Romney. We have all known that for months. :lol:

But yet, here you are, trying to blame the "far right" and the TEA movement for Romney's flailing around.

Romney was a bad candidate. I said that a year ago, but you all said he was "electable".

Now he's trailing Obama by 4 points on average, going to lose all the states McCain lost,

Own up and admit that you guys foisted a bad choice on the GOP. Don't look for someone else to blame.
Sorry bout that,

1. Stop listening to the libnut media, they are the, *piss boy media* for all libnuts.
2. Thats why you won't hear about the politician fucking the young kid in the bathroom the other day.
3. Libnuts can do *no wrong* for the *libnutter media*.
4. These are the facts, and not meant as a personal attack on anyone.
5. So do no harm to yourselves.

The OP's article's title is baffling. "Obama by a Landslide" discusses how he can still eek out a win even if he loses four big swing states.

well he has to win at least five swing states obama to win. but romney does have the edge no doubt about it

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