Obama in a Landslide?

You see simply what you want, freak boy, not what it is.

Harry Reed and the US Senate with 53 or 54 blue votes will make sure obamacare stays the law of the land.

What weird world you must inhabit if you truly believe all of what you write.

The facts remain these: we do not know who will be president at this but, but we are pretty sure that the House will stay Red and the Senate will be Blue.

This means that obamacare remains the law of the land.,

Analysis fAiL..........as usual. Typical lefty k00k does the talking points analysis for the gay, seeing a win as a mandate.

Fact is, if the Senate stays blue it does so by a hair and in districts where a Dem risks little by jumping ship.......and of course, we all know how popular Obamacare is:eusa_dance: Two or three Dems could easily flip given what the mood of the country will be with a new president who is going to facilitate bipartisanship. Reagan did the same thing in the early 80's and lots of Dems flipped on taxes.:D:D:D
So Obama being ahead in all the swing states except NC and FL means Obama is really behind.

Hey, ask the conservatives about it. It's their logic.

It's actually that he is losing in the swing states as polling shows more and more support for Romney, with 2 weeks still to go. Looking in the past is so leftwing.

Rabbi bro..........head over to DRUDGE this morning............Obama approval has dropped 7 points in 3 days on GALLUP.


Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

His approval rating at 46% is where it was a month ago.
RCP National Average 46.9 47.9 Romney +1.0
Favorable Ratings +4.5 +6.5 Romney +2.0
Intrade Odds 63.5 36.5 for Obama
You see simply what you want, freak boy, not what it is.

Harry Reed and the US Senate with 53 or 54 blue votes will make sure obamacare stays the law of the land.

What weird world you must inhabit if you truly believe all of what you write.

The facts remain these: we do not know who will be president at this but, but we are pretty sure that the House will stay Red and the Senate will be Blue.

This means that obamacare remains the law of the land.,

Analysis fAiL..........as usual. Typical lefty k00k does the talking points analysis for the gay, seeing a win as a mandate.

Fact is, if the Senate stays blue it does so by a hair and in districts where a Dem risks little by jumping ship.......and of course, we all know how popular Obamacare is:eusa_dance: Two or three Dems could easily flip given what the mood of the country will be with a new president who is going to facilitate bipartisanship. Reagan did the same thing in the early 80's and lots of Dems flipped on taxes.:D:D:D

The House of Reps ended the Way in Vietnam simply by not funding it. The same can be done to Obamacare.
Look at all the components to the program, and Romney, anyway, believes that the GOP must get off its ass and do something. The free market system failed to bring a quality affordabile and accessible program to all Americans. Tis what tis.
Despite Evidence, Dems and MSM Hype Obama Early Vote, Ground Game

This week, mainstream media and liberal outlets -- from the New York Times to Politico to the Huffington Post -- have tried to build up their last firewall for the Obama campaign. The media is hyping the Obama campaign's indomitable ground game in swing states that will bank enough early votes for Obama to propel him to victory.

The GOP will love this story while Dems will say it's slanted @ Despite Evidence, Dems and MSM Hype Obama Early Vote, Ground Game

This early vote firewall is the last thing the mainstream media and the Obama campaign have to try to ensure their supporters are not demoralized by the bad polling numbers, but in many of the most important swing states -- like Colorado, Iowa, Virginia, Florida, and New Hampshire -- Republicans are over-performing compared to 2008 and Democrats are under performing.
The National Agony May Be Over

by Dad29 Dad29: The National Agony May Be Over

Statistics are the most elegant forms of lies, yes. But they're still interesting.

...In the current tracking poll, Gallup finds the ten-point advantage for Democrats has now turned into a one-point Republican advantage. The current party breakdown is now 35 percent Democrats, 36 percent Republicans, and 29 percent independents. And just in like 2008, that one-point advantage increases when independents are asked which party they typically lean to, with 49 percent identifying as Republicans and 46 percent Democrats. That number backs up the trends in other polling showing Romney leading among independents by large margins.

To get an idea of what this shift means, I plugged the Gallup 2008 and 2012 partisan numbers into the actual results from the 2008 election. Under Gallup’s breakdown, Obama would have won in 2008 by 9.8 points (he actually won by 7.2), and would eke out a victory against Romney in 2012 by eight tenths of a point.

But here’s why you can feel the panic emanating from Chicago: Romney is currently doing better with independents than Obama did in 2008. Obama won independents by eight, in 2008 while Romney is currently leading by 10.6 points on average. If the independent numbers are entered in to the 2008 results, Romney would have a victory of over four points. Even if Romney does not take any more crossover votes (Democrats who vote Republican and vice versa) than McCain got in 2008, he would still win by over four points on Election Day.

And Gallup is not alone.

...taking the Rasmussen partisan breakdown of 2008 and 2012 numbers and plugging them into the actual results gives Obama a seven-point win in 2008 and Romney a half-point victory in 2012. Taking the same scenario as Gallup and moving the independent results to match the current polling average changes Romney’s half-point victory into a 5.7-point victory. (As with Gallup, I’m assuming the Republican and Democrat voting margins stay the same as 2008.) If these polls are accurate and Romney captures a popular-vote win of four to six points, there is no chance he could lose the Electoral College...

None of that polling takes the Benghazi scandal into account. either. It WILL get worse for SCOAMF
2012 Election Map Prediction - Political Pistachio

by Douglas V. Gibbs Political Pistachio: 2012 Election Map Prediction - Political Pistachio

Romney Landslide. . .

Is this too good to be true? Gibbs seems to make one heck of a case for this to be the case. Oh Lord above but I hope so.
2012 Election Map Prediction - Political Pistachio

by Douglas V. Gibbs Political Pistachio: 2012 Election Map Prediction - Political Pistachio

Romney Landslide. . .

Is this too good to be true? Gibbs seems to make one heck of a case for this to be the case. Oh Lord above but I hope so.


I'll bookmark this thread for you. God damn, this is going to be great!

Not even Nate Silver's numbers have such a ridiculous lead for Obama.

You're living in fucking fantasy land.
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2012 Election Map Prediction - Political Pistachio

by Douglas V. Gibbs Political Pistachio: 2012 Election Map Prediction - Political Pistachio

Romney Landslide. . .

Is this too good to be true? Gibbs seems to make one heck of a case for this to be the case. Oh Lord above but I hope so.


I'll bookmark this thread for you. God damn, this is going to be great!

Not even Nate Silver's numbers have such a ridiculous lead for Obama.

You're living in fucking fantasy land.

Why tell them?? They will be miserable enough after November 6th!!! :D
What is most amazing and amusing is that it is bigrebnc of all people who is being the voice of reason for the wacky extrem right.

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