Obama in a Landslide?

If Romney is still at 231 to 191, Romney does not have the edge. MR needs another big smack down to move in front in the swing states.

The OP's article's title is baffling. "Obama by a Landslide" discusses how he can still eek out a win even if he loses four big swing states.

well he has to win at least five swing states obama to win. but romney does have the edge no doubt about it
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The OP's article's title is baffling. "Obama by a Landslide" discusses how he can still eek out a win even if he loses four big swing states.


To be clear, I dug this up from a while ago....back when La-Sploda thought Obama would coast. He and all the swaggering dorks on the left with the "Romney is toast" attitude.

One debate.....and guess what ?

It's been fun to watch.
The OP's article's title is baffling. "Obama by a Landslide" discusses how he can still eek out a win even if he loses four big swing states.


To be clear, I dug this up from a while ago....back when La-Sploda thought Obama would coast. He and all the swaggering dorks on the left with the "Romney is toast" attitude.

One debate.....and guess what ?

It's been fun to watch.

Fun, to be sure
the left and concern trolls are in total melt down
and total denial
I just talked to my sis..she says my bro-in-law thinks the Margin of Corruption is too great for Romney to overcome. That's not good news. Unless her really does just landslide in...
So Obama being ahead in all the swing states except NC and FL means Obama is really behind.

Hey, ask the conservatives about it. It's their logic.

How many of this states are pro gun?
Colorado (9)
Florida (29)
Iowa (6)
Michigan (16)
Nevada (6)
New Hampshire (4)
North Carolina (15)
Ohio (18)
Pennsylvania (20)
Virginia (13)
Wisconsin (10)
How many of the voters from those states will over look obama assault weapons ban comment a short time ago?
If Romney is still at 231 to 191, Romney does not have the edge. MR needs another big smack down to move in front in the swing states.

The OP's article's title is baffling. "Obama by a Landslide" discusses how he can still eek out a win even if he loses four big swing states.

well he has to win at least five swing states obama to win. but romney does have the edge no doubt about it

Who needs openly admitted liberals when you have starkey on your team :eusa_whistle:
No, it won’t be a landslide for Obama, but the president will realize a comfortable, uneventful victory with 303 EC votes.

However, republicans will win control of the Senate.

The real problem is the Rs will not suddenly become All Americans. They will continue to filibuster against jobs, against economic growth and against any and all recovery efforts.

Hell, the damn Rs will keep voting against ObamaCare even though they know they can't repeal it and even though their anti-American shit costs the taxpayers MILLIONS. What do they care as long as they've got their tax payer funded health insurance.
No, it won’t be a landslide for Obama, but the president will realize a comfortable, uneventful victory with 303 EC votes.

However, republicans will win control of the Senate.

The real problem is the Rs will not suddenly become All Americans. They will continue to filibuster against jobs, against economic growth and against any and all recovery efforts.

Hell, the damn Rs will keep voting against ObamaCare even though they know they can't repeal it and even though their anti-American shit costs the taxpayers MILLIONS. What do they care as long as they've got their tax payer funded health insurance.

Ah yes...the sad truth comes to light.

We don't elect a king....as much as you bastards would like to think we do.

The house represents the interests of the individual districts. And it appears a great many of those districts don't want Obamacare.

That is how you keep the 47% from grabbing the treasury.
So Obama being ahead in all the swing states except NC and FL means Obama is really behind.

Hey, ask the conservatives about it. It's their logic.

How many of this states are pro gun?
Colorado (9)
Florida (29)
Iowa (6)
Michigan (16)
Nevada (6)
New Hampshire (4)
North Carolina (15)
Ohio (18)
Pennsylvania (20)
Virginia (13)
Wisconsin (10)
How many of the voters from those states will over look obama assault weapons ban comment a short time ago?

Don't know but you can bert that all rw's will conveniently ignore that Mit voted for gun control while President Obama signed a law that loosened gun laws.

rw's -- They will never vote in favor of their own interests. They're just dumb that way.
So Obama being ahead in all the swing states except NC and FL means Obama is really behind.

Hey, ask the conservatives about it. It's their logic.

How many of this states are pro gun?
Colorado (9)
Florida (29)
Iowa (6)
Michigan (16)
Nevada (6)
New Hampshire (4)
North Carolina (15)
Ohio (18)
Pennsylvania (20)
Virginia (13)
Wisconsin (10)
How many of the voters from those states will over look obama assault weapons ban comment a short time ago?

Don't know but you can bert that all rw's will conveniently ignore that Mit voted for gun control while President Obama signed a law that loosened gun laws.

rw's -- They will never vote in favor of their own interests. They're just dumb that way.

Romney said what was done in his state would not be workable in other states.
obama's gun grab thinks what works in his state is workable in all states.
Anything else?
So Obama being ahead in all the swing states except NC and FL means Obama is really behind.

Hey, ask the conservatives about it. It's their logic.

It's actually that he is losing in the swing states as polling shows more and more support for Romney, with 2 weeks still to go. Looking in the past is so leftwing.
So Obama being ahead in all the swing states except NC and FL means Obama is really behind.

Hey, ask the conservatives about it. It's their logic.

It's actually that he is losing in the swing states as polling shows more and more support for Romney, with 2 weeks still to go. Looking in the past is so leftwing.

Rabbi bro..........head over to DRUDGE this morning............Obama approval has dropped 7 points in 3 days on GALLUP.

The facts remain these: we do not know who will be president at this but, but we are pretty sure that the House will stay Red and the Senate will be Blue.

This means that obamacare remains the law of the land.,
The facts remain these: we do not know who will be president at this but, but we are pretty sure that the House will stay Red and the Senate will be Blue.

This means that obamacare remains the law of the land.,

Analysis fAiL..........as usual. Typical lefty k00k does the talking points analysis for the gay, seeing a win as a mandate.

Fact is, if the Senate stays blue it does so by a hair and in districts where a Dem risks little by jumping ship.......and of course, we all know how popular Obamacare is:eusa_dance: Two or three Dems could easily flip given what the mood of the country will be with a new president who is going to facilitate bipartisanship. Reagan did the same thing in the early 80's and lots of Dems flipped on taxes.:D:D:D

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