Obama in a Landslide?

I still don't think it is Obama in a landslide, but Romney came very close to tipping the woodpile onto himself this week. . . very close.
My General Election prediction: Obama 52, Romney 48.


Election model with 100% success rate for past 30 years predicts Romney victory | The Raw Story

As James Carville once said.............:D:D:eusa_dance:

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Lakhota.....we conqured you...aren't you happy with the money you get from the casinos?

Obama should be paying you to campaign for him. It's ignorant NaziCons like you that will help keep him in the White House for FOUR MORE YEARS. Thank you!
My General Election prediction: Obama 52, Romney 48.

From what I recall, you were also predicting Scott Walker's demise.

How's he doing in his new job....wait...he still has his old one.

Keep up the good work.
The voter fraud decried by the extremist right is occurring, but it the DENIAL of the right that is the FRAUD upon the Constitution. To them, the Constitution really is just "pieces of paper".
The voter fraud decried by the extremist right is occurring, but it the DENIAL of the right that is the FRAUD upon the Constitution. To them, the Constitution really is just "pieces of paper".

Is somebody else using your computer or are you on drugs ?

Would you like to elaborate on your little rant so we might better know what you are referencing ?
Sorry bout that,

1. After this major fuck up in Libya and Egypt, you dumb ass' still think your *boy* has a snow balls chance in hell?
2. Obama's minions knew what was about to take place, and they did *nothing*, didn't even make sure they had bullets for their guns.
4. Betrayal of the Ambassador, he failed to protect him.
5. That should be enough right there on top of every other consistent failure he is.
6. Jimma Carter the original worst President was the last to lose an Ambassador.
7. That right there should tell you something......:badgrin:

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Obama is going back to whats left of Acorn (nothing) and he's taking the rest of the party with him.
They need to be corralled, They're all seriously dangerous to America and Israel.

Obama in a Landslide?

"A landslide election is an election in which one candidate wins by a substantial margin. The precise definition of a landslide election varies, with some people saying that the margin needs to consist of five points or more, setting a relatively low bar, while others say that the margin should be much higher, closer to 10 or 15 points. If a candidate achieves a landslide victory, it suggests a strong mandate from the people."

What is a Landslide Election?

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