Obama in a Landslide?

Liberals don’t want to jinx it. It terrifies the right. And the press would prefer a nail-biter. But the fact is that finding Romney’s path to victory is getting harder every day.

There’s a secret lurking behind everything you’re reading about the upcoming election, a secret that all political insiders know—or should—but few are talking about, most likely because it takes the drama out of the whole business. The secret is the electoral college, and the fact is that the more you look at it, the more you come to conclude that Mitt Romney has to draw an inside straight like you’ve never ever seen in a movie to win this thing. This is especially true now that it seems as if Pennsylvania isn’t really up for grabs. Romney’s paths to 270 are few.

It’s beginning to look like Obama can lose the big Eastern four—Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida: all of ’em!—and still be reelected.​

More: Michael Tomasky on the (Possible) Coming Obama Landslide - The Daily Beast

If Obama wins, the far right will get out the guns and be stupid until some are planted six-feet down.

Let's elect Romney to avoid that.
If Obama wins, the far right will get out the guns and be stupid until some are planted six-feet down.

Let's elect Romney to avoid that.

Too funny, it will be a ball to watch you people melt down in November.
Candycorn likes to post a wishful EC map...but the real one paints a far different picture.
The election will be very close, Romney will win, and the Dems in the Senate will gear up to make Mitch McConnel look like an ass for two years.

There will be no riots.
If that is so, Lakhota, because it will be the sweeping of the political cartoons that show (instead of Clint and empty chair) an angry Obama at a podium talking to a chair with an empty suit labeled Obama.

That is what I am afraid voters will remember.
Funny I give facts and you claim talking points when 90% of what Democrats claim to be facts when in fact are talking points. Then when people produce the facts you go try to sell you crap elsewhere. No problem I would expect no less from a liberal.

Facts are- less people voted Republican in 2012 than in 2008.

Only fact that is relevent. The rest is, "Hey, I have a poll that says Democrats aren't enthused... really. I need to believe that."

Obama will beat Romney easily...

That is not a fact go read the article I posted from the Gainesville times. It states more republicans voted in the primaries. Oh wait or are we talking Demfacts?

No, I'm going by the vote totals for primaries posted in Real Clear Politics.

More people participated in the 2008 primaries than 2012.
303 will be a 10%+ victory. What % would be necessary to qualify for "landslide"?

Obama got twice as many votes as McCain...thats a good start

Obama is looking to pull 300-325 this election. An easy victory but not necessarily a landslide

Interesting...to me 325 sounds like a pretty mosterous victory; you got 55 more electoral votes than your opponent did.

So take the bet, asswipe.

Loser exits the board. That has some teeth in it.
Larry Flynt could help make this an easy election for Obama. Go Larry!!!!!

I wish Obama would just hand it off to Biden after the election. Even Obama must understand that someone with a little more experience needs to take over. :eusa_hand:

Obama was begging on that stage. He knew he fucked up.

He's a liar.. His agenda is clear. What he's done has been deliberate. He gets re elected and we'll all pay the price economically and socially. Only a fool doesn't see thru this man.
Michelle is worse them him. She's as dangerous as Hillary and Bill. America's mother?
Fuck her and the rest of them.
Larry Flynt could help make this an easy election for Obama. Go Larry!!!!!

I wish Obama would just hand it off to Biden after the election. Even Obama must understand that someone with a little more experience needs to take over. :eusa_hand:

Obama was begging on that stage. He knew he fucked up.

He's a liar.. His agenda is clear. What he's done has been deliberate. He gets re elected and we'll all pay the price economically and socially. Only a fool doesn't see thru this man.
Michelle is worse them him. She's as dangerous as Hillary and Bill. America's mother?
Fuck her and the rest of them.

Is Mittens better off than he was 4 years ago? Tell him to release his tax returns so we all know the answer.
I wish Obama would just hand it off to Biden after the election. Even Obama must understand that someone with a little more experience needs to take over. :eusa_hand:

Obama was begging on that stage. He knew he fucked up.

He's a liar.. His agenda is clear. What he's done has been deliberate. He gets re elected and we'll all pay the price economically and socially. Only a fool doesn't see thru this man.
Michelle is worse them him. She's as dangerous as Hillary and Bill. America's mother?
Fuck her and the rest of them.

Is Mittens better off than we were 4 years ago? Tell him to release his tax returns so we all know the answer.

If it were any bit at all your business, he'd release them. But until you post yours on this forum with your name on them, STFU.
I wish Obama would just hand it off to Biden after the election. Even Obama must understand that someone with a little more experience needs to take over. :eusa_hand:

Obama was begging on that stage. He knew he fucked up.

He's a liar.. His agenda is clear. What he's done has been deliberate. He gets re elected and we'll all pay the price economically and socially. Only a fool doesn't see thru this man.
Michelle is worse them him. She's as dangerous as Hillary and Bill. America's mother?
Fuck her and the rest of them.

Is Mittens better off than he was 4 years ago? Tell him to release his tax returns so we all know the answer.

Poor Dickless.....stuck on stupid.

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