Obama in a Landslide?


Obama had no intention of working with them.

Harry Reid holds up every bill in the Senate and Obama goes around the country claiming the GOP won't work with him.

The Speaker of the House said Obama was like nailing down Jello.

Every time they had a deal before lunch they'd come back and everything he agreed to was forgotten and they'd have to scratch everything.
Mud.......you seem to believe what you are writing. I will be kinder to you moving forward.

BTW....the author of that piece cites examples. Did you read it?
I would love to be informed about an occasion when the GOP genuinely extended a hand of cooperation to President Obama......and he refused it.

That is said often. Can it be substantiated?

The Senate passed a bill on tax cuts. The President supports it. Sent it to the House. There it sits.
Liberals don’t want to jinx it. It terrifies the right. And the press would prefer a nail-biter. But the fact is that finding Romney’s path to victory is getting harder every day.

There’s a secret lurking behind everything you’re reading about the upcoming election, a secret that all political insiders know—or should—but few are talking about, most likely because it takes the drama out of the whole business. The secret is the electoral college, and the fact is that the more you look at it, the more you come to conclude that Mitt Romney has to draw an inside straight like you’ve never ever seen in a movie to win this thing. This is especially true now that it seems as if Pennsylvania isn’t really up for grabs. Romney’s paths to 270 are few.

It’s beginning to look like Obama can lose the big Eastern four—Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida: all of ’em!—and still be reelected.​

More: Michael Tomasky on the (Possible) Coming Obama Landslide - The Daily Beast

DREAM ON--Obama is losing the YOUTH vote-
New York Times: Obama Losing the Youth Vote to Mitt Romney | Growing Up in a Recession | TheBlaze.com

Obama had a 56% DISAPPROVAL rating with small business owners--PRIOR to his comment--"If you own a business--you didn't build it--someone else made it happen."
God only knows what small business owners think of him now.

We are at 8.3% stated unemployment with real unemployment standing at 11% if you count those that have run out of unemployment benefits but still haven't found a job.

Black pastors are furious over his endorsement of Gay Marriage and are very vocal about it. Black adults are suffering from a 16% unemployment rate.

We have Fast n Furious the delivery of semi-auto weapons to Mexican drug cartels that have killed thousands in Mexico--so I don't see Latino's in this country fainting over Obama. To add within this group it is 11% stated unemployment.

There are 46 million Americans that today are receiving food stamps--"I am certain they're real happy about that"--LOL.
SNAP/Food Stamp Participation « Food Research & Action Center

So if you add up these groups--we can see that Obama/Romney election is going to look very similar to one in the past. 1980 between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan--which ended up like this--and you can color ALL SWING STATES Red at this time.


1980 Carter v Reagan

"Sweet Dreams--liberals"--LOL

"If you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama
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Liberals don’t want to jinx it. It terrifies the right. And the press would prefer a nail-biter. But the fact is that finding Romney’s path to victory is getting harder every day.

There’s a secret lurking behind everything you’re reading about the upcoming election, a secret that all political insiders know—or should—but few are talking about, most likely because it takes the drama out of the whole business. The secret is the electoral college, and the fact is that the more you look at it, the more you come to conclude that Mitt Romney has to draw an inside straight like you’ve never ever seen in a movie to win this thing. This is especially true now that it seems as if Pennsylvania isn’t really up for grabs. Romney’s paths to 270 are few.

It’s beginning to look like Obama can lose the big Eastern four—Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida: all of ’em!—and still be reelected.​

More: Michael Tomasky on the (Possible) Coming Obama Landslide - The Daily Beast

DREAM ON--Obama is losing the YOUTH vote-
New York Times: Obama Losing the Youth Vote to Mitt Romney | Growing Up in a Recession | TheBlaze.com

Obama had a 56% DISAPPROVAL rating with small business owners--PRIOR to his comment--"If you own a business--you didn't build it--someone else made it happen."
God only knows what small business owners think of him now.

We are at 8.3% stated unemployment with real unemployment standing at 11% if you count those that have run out of unemployment benefits but still haven't found a job.

Black pastors are furious over his endorsement of Gay Marriage and are very vocal about it. Black adults are suffering from a 16% unemployment rate.

We have Fast n Furious the delivery of semi-auto weapons to Mexican drug cartels that have killed thousands in Mexico--so I don't see Latino's in this country fainting over Obama. To add within this group it is 11% stated unemployment.

There are 46 million Americans that today are receiving food stamps--"I am certain they're real happy about that"--LOL.
SNAP/Food Stamp Participation « Food Research & Action Center

So if you add up these groups--we can see that Obama/Romney election is going to look very similar to one in the past. 1980 between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan--which ended up like this--and you can color ALL SWING STATES Red at this time.


1980 Carter v Reagan

"Sweet Dreams--liberals"--LOL

"If you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama

That's not even an accurate map... Carter carried Georgia.

Also, I hate to keep bringing this up, but the entire 1980 race was skewed by the fact that John Anderson sapped liberal votes away from Carter he would have otherwise gotten.
Also, I hate to keep bringing this up, but the entire 1980 race was skewed by the fact that John Anderson sapped liberal votes away from Carter he would have otherwise gotten.

Yes not Carter's fault at all.

Carter was exactly what we wanted in 1976.

As Tip O'Neill said about him "He came to washington an outsider, he was an outsider when he was here, and he left an outsider."

But that's what we wanted then. We were angry at Washington, where a president got caught red handed, resigned, and got a pardon from the guy who replaced him.

He probably would have won, had he secured the release of the hostages. Anderson was killing him. Economic situation sucked worse than it does now.

But ultimately, Reagan was what Romney isn't. Someone people liked.
Yes not Carter's fault at all.

Carter was exactly what we wanted in 1976.

Obama was exactly what we wanted in 2008.

History. How does it repeat itself ?

By actually having the same things happening again...

The following things happened in 1980 that are not happening this time.

1) There is no big foreign crisis making the president look impotent. Carter had a couple.
2) No double digit inflation.
3) No internal party challenge
4) No third party challenge
5) No gas lines.

But the most important thing was the candidate. Ronald Reagan was an exceptional figure. So much so that everyone tries to remold him to validate themselves today.

No one will do that with Romney. He only got the nomination because the other guys were toads and his runningmate elicits more excitement than he does.

No one ever talked about Pappy Bush being a "game-changer" in 1980.

DREAM ON--Obama is losing the YOUTH vote-
New York Times: Obama Losing the Youth Vote to Mitt Romney | Growing Up in a Recession | TheBlaze.com

Obama had a 56% DISAPPROVAL rating with small business owners--PRIOR to his comment--"If you own a business--you didn't build it--someone else made it happen."
God only knows what small business owners think of him now.

We are at 8.3% stated unemployment with real unemployment standing at 11% if you count those that have run out of unemployment benefits but still haven't found a job.

Black pastors are furious over his endorsement of Gay Marriage and are very vocal about it. Black adults are suffering from a 16% unemployment rate.

We have Fast n Furious the delivery of semi-auto weapons to Mexican drug cartels that have killed thousands in Mexico--so I don't see Latino's in this country fainting over Obama. To add within this group it is 11% stated unemployment.

There are 46 million Americans that today are receiving food stamps--"I am certain they're real happy about that"--LOL.
SNAP/Food Stamp Participation « Food Research & Action Center

So if you add up these groups--we can see that Obama/Romney election is going to look very similar to one in the past. 1980 between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan--which ended up like this--and you can color ALL SWING STATES Red at this time.


1980 Carter v Reagan

"Sweet Dreams--liberals"--LOL

"If you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama

That's not even an accurate map... Carter carried Georgia.

Also, I hate to keep bringing this up, but the entire 1980 race was skewed by the fact that John Anderson sapped liberal votes away from Carter he would have otherwise gotten.

Here's an accurate map:

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Liberals don’t want to jinx it. It terrifies the right. And the press would prefer a nail-biter. But the fact is that finding Romney’s path to victory is getting harder every day.

There’s a secret lurking behind everything you’re reading about the upcoming election, a secret that all political insiders know—or should—but few are talking about, most likely because it takes the drama out of the whole business. The secret is the electoral college, and the fact is that the more you look at it, the more you come to conclude that Mitt Romney has to draw an inside straight like you’ve never ever seen in a movie to win this thing. This is especially true now that it seems as if Pennsylvania isn’t really up for grabs. Romney’s paths to 270 are few.

It’s beginning to look like Obama can lose the big Eastern four—Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida: all of ’em!—and still be reelected.​

More: Michael Tomasky on the (Possible) Coming Obama Landslide - The Daily Beast

Most polls have been over sampling the Democrats based on previous elections. The truth is that the Democrat party has been shrinking over the past 4 years and that has not been even considered in these polls. That and the polls are also not taken into account voter enthusiasm. This is going to be a landslide alright just not in the way that you think.
Most polls have been over sampling the Democrats based on previous elections. The truth is that the Democrat party has been shrinking over the past 4 years and that has not been even considered in these polls. That and the polls are also not taken into account voter enthusiasm. This is going to be a landslide alright just not in the way that you think.

Not really. If anything, the recent polls have been undercounting minorities. Their samples are about 78% White, when in fact the electorate in 2008 was only 74% white and it's likely to be closer to 72% this time, given demographic trends.

You guys make waaaay to much over the 2010 elections, where Democrats had won seats in Republican districts and Republicans merely took them back.
Most polls have been over sampling the Democrats based on previous elections. The truth is that the Democrat party has been shrinking over the past 4 years and that has not been even considered in these polls. That and the polls are also not taken into account voter enthusiasm. This is going to be a landslide alright just not in the way that you think.

Not really. If anything, the recent polls have been undercounting minorities. Their samples are about 78% White, when in fact the electorate in 2008 was only 74% white and it's likely to be closer to 72% this time, given demographic trends.

You guys make waaaay to much over the 2010 elections, where Democrats had won seats in Republican districts and Republicans merely took them back.

You pay too much attention to race. Talk about racists huh. Look I laid out the facts. Every single poll has been oversampling Democrats and they even admit it. The facts are that the number of Democrats has decreased and the enthusiasm gap between Democrats and Republicans is huge. You can deny all you want but facts are facts.

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