Obama in a Landslide?

At some point each and every American will have to at least once, think about Bush II and his disaster of a run. His 8 years really put us on the wrong side of the tracks. Obama has done little more than stop the bleeding. Hes got to do more, everyone knows this to be true. But I would put good money that a healthy % of these so called Independent voters will think of the last time the GOP was in power. That particular memory is not a good one.
I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare and health reform, raise taxes and fees on the nonrich, let corporate cheats run wild, cut aid to states and localities, raise military spending to more than the rest of the world combined, and worry about the debt in 2035. Absolute idiocy, dupes.
To go from Dick "deficits don't matter" Cheney to this debt Hawk crazy town behavior is really comedy in motion. I have to think anyone with half a right mind will remember the last time the GOP was in Office. We went into head over heels DEBT!
At some point each and every American will have to at least once, think about Bush II and his disaster of a run. His 8 years really put us on the wrong side of the tracks. Obama has done little more than stop the bleeding. Hes got to do more, everyone knows this to be true. But I would put good money that a healthy % of these so called Independent voters will think of the last time the GOP was in power. That particular memory is not a good one.

Oh for fuck's sake. Obama has ran trillion dollar deficits every year of his presidency. He has robbed from medicare to pay for his government intrusions. He hasn't created a job. Look__ you could be a hundred percent correct on Bush for all I care, but that's done and he is not the reason for Obama's failures.
That really sounds horrible! Trillion dollar deficits every year! Oh my! And not a single job created! Just awful! Robbed from Medicare? My hot buttons have finally been pushed!

Please.....whatever you do.......don't stop repeating these things here and as you go about your daily routine. These things need repeating!
there is no fucks sake about it. People will certainly not forget the legend that was Bush II. He was a Republican President for 8 long years, no reason why his polices cant be fodder for politicians. Since Romney and Paul are peddling similar polices, I personally think Bush's record is relevant.

you know that many Americans will weight all of they above come November.

Just like Obama care will be on the tip of every GOP rep for the next decade.
Obama didn't create this mess.

he said he was going to cut the deficit in half only to lie and add 50 %, 6trillion in 3.5 yrs/1st term.

And Mitt claims he's cut taxes for the rich, raise defense spending, and balance the budget. Considering the fucked upness of the economy was the result of Mitt's plan, who should you believe?
At some point each and every American will have to at least once, think about Bush II and his disaster of a run. His 8 years really put us on the wrong side of the tracks. Obama has done little more than stop the bleeding. Hes got to do more, everyone knows this to be true. But I would put good money that a healthy % of these so called Independent voters will think of the last time the GOP was in power. That particular memory is not a good one.

Oh for fuck's sake. Obama has ran trillion dollar deficits every year of his presidency. He has robbed from medicare to pay for his government intrusions. He hasn't created a job. Look__ you could be a hundred percent correct on Bush for all I care, but that's done and he is not the reason for Obama's failures.

Oh for fuck's sake. Bush dried up the revenue stream. There's two sides to the balance sheet, moron.
At some point each and every American will have to at least once, think about Bush II and his disaster of a run. His 8 years really put us on the wrong side of the tracks. Obama has done little more than stop the bleeding. Hes got to do more, everyone knows this to be true. But I would put good money that a healthy % of these so called Independent voters will think of the last time the GOP was in power. That particular memory is not a good one.

Oh for fuck's sake. Obama has ran trillion dollar deficits every year of his presidency. He has robbed from medicare to pay for his government intrusions. He hasn't created a job. Look__ you could be a hundred percent correct on Bush for all I care, but that's done and he is not the reason for Obama's failures.

Oh for fuck's sake. Bush dried up the revenue stream. There's two sides to the balance sheet, moron.

Bush hasn't been president for over 3 and a half years. Obama policies had more to do with it than Bush.

It's a waste of time talking facts with a twit like you.
With half the country with thier hand out, waiting for government to take care of them, it's a wonder Republicans win any seats in any form of government.
With half the country with thier hand out, waiting for government to take care of them, it's a wonder Republicans win any seats in any form of government.

The debt is the wildcard. Obama refuses to deal with it.

He changed spending-cuts to austerity so he could camouflage the problem. Then he tried to turn everyone against the word.

We'll see if it worked.
With half the country with thier hand out, waiting for government to take care of them, it's a wonder Republicans win any seats in any form of government.

Half the country? Is that the number? Half of all able bodied adult Americans refuse to work in favor of living off of government handouts? Is that it?

Thank you......thank you......thank you. I have been asking people here for that number since I arrived.

That"s a lot of people! And they ALL vote for Democrats?

Shit. This election is in the bag for Obama. Talk about a winning campaign strategy.
With half the country with thier hand out, waiting for government to take care of them, it's a wonder Republicans win any seats in any form of government.

Half the country? Is that the number? Half of all able bodied adult Americans refuse to work in favor of living off of government handouts? Is that it?

Thank you......thank you......thank you. I have been asking people here for that number since I arrived.

That"s a lot of people! And they ALL vote for Democrats?

Shit. This election is in the bag for Obama. Talk about a winning campaign strategy.

Well according to CNN it's 1 in 3. But with that margin in the tank for the party of government dependency, it's still a wonder a Repub has a chance. Fortunately, many of them don't vote. I know ACORN tried to change that .. LOL A hard working tax payer voting for Obama is like a chicken voting for Frank Perdue
Government assistance expands - Feb. 7, 2012
At some point each and every American will have to at least once, think about Bush II and his disaster of a run. His 8 years really put us on the wrong side of the tracks. Obama has done little more than stop the bleeding. Hes got to do more, everyone knows this to be true. But I would put good money that a healthy % of these so called Independent voters will think of the last time the GOP was in power. That particular memory is not a good one.

Oh for fuck's sake. Obama has ran trillion dollar deficits every year of his presidency. He has robbed from medicare to pay for his government intrusions. He hasn't created a job. Look__ you could be a hundred percent correct on Bush for all I care, but that's done and he is not the reason for Obama's failures.

Hey, you know what?

If you keep repeating these lies long enough, often enough, loud enough, there are actually brainless rw nutjobs who will believe it.

Oh for fuck's sake. Obama has ran trillion dollar deficits every year of his presidency.

In America, our Congress controls spending.



You know how rw's hate FACTS.

Like this, for example -

The Current ReaganBush Debt is:
which means that in a total of 20 years,
these three presidents have led to the creation of
of the entire national debt
in only 8.4746% of the 236 years of the existence of the United States of America.


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