Obama in a Landslide?

GE (paid no taxes and not a peep from the left....uh)
Solyndra (Green jobs boondogle)

Solyndra? Pfffffffffffffft. You mean that shit that Bush started with his friends and then Obama renewed?

What The Press Is Getting Wrong About Solyndra | Research | Media Matters for America

I know, Gramps. "Media Matters? LOLBERAL! LIBTARD!! KENYA!"


The process they rejected, that Obama revived?

CLAIM: Email Saying Deal Was "NOT Ready For Prime Time" Was Warning About Financial Risk

ABC reported that internal emails "show the Obama administration was keenly monitoring the progress of the loan, even as analysts were voicing serious concerns about the risk involved. 'This deal is NOT ready for prime time,' one White House budget analyst wrote in a March 10, 2009 email, nine days before the administration formally announced the loan." [ABC News, 9/13/11]
CNN claimed "prime time" email showed "some White House budget analysts questioned early on how financially sound Solyndra was." [CNN, CNN Newsroom, 9/15/11, via Nexis]
Fox's Neil Cavuto: "Prime time" email was warning that "the loan could be very risky for taxpayers." [Fox News, Your World with Neil Cavuto, 9/14/11, via Nexis]
Wash. Examiner: "Prime time" email showed "some officials in the Obama Administration thought the loan was a lousy idea." [Washington Examiner, 9/14/11]
FACT: The Email Did Not Voice Any Concerns About Risk Of Loan

Email Concerned Timing Of Announcement, Not The Merit Of The Loan Guarantee. Republicans on the Energy and Commerce Committee released some of the context around this email, which was written by an analyst with the Office of Management and Budget, according to House Republicans. In response to an email about a potential announcement of the Solyndra loan during the President's visit to California on March 19, 2009, the analyst argued that the presidential announcement should not be made before the loan deal was completed. The email argued that "This deal is NOT ready for prime time" because there were more steps to be completed before the loan guarantee could be finalized -- namely, OMB had to review the credit rating and Solyndra needed to raise an additional $200 million in private capital. [House Energy and Commerce Republicans, 9/14/11]

Obama Did Not Announce A Deal During His March California Trip. On March 19, 2009, Obama visited California and held a town hall meeting in Los Angeles. He did not announce the Solyndra deal. The conditional commitment to Solyndra was issued on March 20 and announced by Energy Secretary Steven Chu in a press release. [Department of Energy, 3/20/09]

VP Announcement Came After Loan Guarantee Was Finalized In September. The Solyndra loan guarantee was formally issued by DOE on September 3, 2009. On September 4, Vice President Joe Biden announced the deal via satellite at the groundbreaking of the plant along with DOE's Chu and Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was the Governor of California at the time. [Department of Energy, 9/4/09; Contra Costa Times, 9/5/09]

OMB Reviews Credit Subsidy Cost; It Does Not Select Loan Guarantee Recipients. From the Congressional testimony of Jeffrey Zients of the Office of Management and Budget:

Psst. It's from the link.
Solyndra? Pfffffffffffffft. You mean that shit that Bush started with his friends and then Obama renewed?

What The Press Is Getting Wrong About Solyndra | Research | Media Matters for America

I know, Gramps. "Media Matters? LOLBERAL! LIBTARD!! KENYA!"


The process they rejected, that Obama revived?

CLAIM: Email Saying Deal Was "NOT Ready For Prime Time" Was Warning About Financial Risk

ABC reported that internal emails "show the Obama administration was keenly monitoring the progress of the loan, even as analysts were voicing serious concerns about the risk involved. 'This deal is NOT ready for prime time,' one White House budget analyst wrote in a March 10, 2009 email, nine days before the administration formally announced the loan." [ABC News, 9/13/11]
CNN claimed "prime time" email showed "some White House budget analysts questioned early on how financially sound Solyndra was." [CNN, CNN Newsroom, 9/15/11, via Nexis]
Fox's Neil Cavuto: "Prime time" email was warning that "the loan could be very risky for taxpayers." [Fox News, Your World with Neil Cavuto, 9/14/11, via Nexis]
Wash. Examiner: "Prime time" email showed "some officials in the Obama Administration thought the loan was a lousy idea." [Washington Examiner, 9/14/11]
FACT: The Email Did Not Voice Any Concerns About Risk Of Loan

Email Concerned Timing Of Announcement, Not The Merit Of The Loan Guarantee. Republicans on the Energy and Commerce Committee released some of the context around this email, which was written by an analyst with the Office of Management and Budget, according to House Republicans. In response to an email about a potential announcement of the Solyndra loan during the President's visit to California on March 19, 2009, the analyst argued that the presidential announcement should not be made before the loan deal was completed. The email argued that "This deal is NOT ready for prime time" because there were more steps to be completed before the loan guarantee could be finalized -- namely, OMB had to review the credit rating and Solyndra needed to raise an additional $200 million in private capital. [House Energy and Commerce Republicans, 9/14/11]

Obama Did Not Announce A Deal During His March California Trip. On March 19, 2009, Obama visited California and held a town hall meeting in Los Angeles. He did not announce the Solyndra deal. The conditional commitment to Solyndra was issued on March 20 and announced by Energy Secretary Steven Chu in a press release. [Department of Energy, 3/20/09]

VP Announcement Came After Loan Guarantee Was Finalized In September. The Solyndra loan guarantee was formally issued by DOE on September 3, 2009. On September 4, Vice President Joe Biden announced the deal via satellite at the groundbreaking of the plant along with DOE's Chu and Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was the Governor of California at the time. [Department of Energy, 9/4/09; Contra Costa Times, 9/5/09]

OMB Reviews Credit Subsidy Cost; It Does Not Select Loan Guarantee Recipients. From the Congressional testimony of Jeffrey Zients of the Office of Management and Budget:

Psst. It's from the link.

Psst I dont know anything about an email sent.

I do know the loan was revived. That the owners not losing any personal money was a political favor, that was not started by GWs admin........

Add the last count 15 others and a pattern forms.

Remain blind at your own peril.
Also, what examples do you have of this "rampant Crony Capitalism"?

GE (paid no taxes and not a peep from the left....uh)
Solyndra (Green jobs boondogle)

Solyndra? Pfffffffffffffft. You mean that shit that Bush started with his friends and then Obama renewed?

What The Press Is Getting Wrong About Solyndra | Research | Media Matters for America

I know, Gramps. "Media Matters? LOLBERAL! LIBTARD!! KENYA!"


Dude stop posting Media matters, get a real source...or I'm going to start posting Glen Beck...you're such a sheep.......baaaaah media matters baaaaah george soros baaaaah

Seven things you should know about Solyndra - Jun. 6, 2012

It was started by Bush: The DOE loan program that funded Solyndra was actually started by President Bush in 2005. It was intended to provide government support for "innovative technologies."
But the Bush administration never approved Solyndra's loan, saying the application needed more work.

In other words Bush (you know the guy you call dumb) figured out it sucked, while the great scholar Obama (still no academic record...we really dont know yet) fell for the boondogle......and I'm sure media matters pointed out that nuance?
That Media Matters link is awesome! It has all the facts and supporting proof.

OMG you are such a leftwing piece of shit.....media matters is gayer than aids.....and it figures you would take them seriously......wow....you probably have never watched a second of Fox or listened to and talk radio other than Air AMerica....wow....you are a complete brainwashed fool
That Media Matters link is awesome! It has all the facts and supporting proof.

OMG you are such a leftwing piece of shit.....media matters is gayer than aids.....and it figures you would take them seriously......wow....you probably have never watched a second of Fox or listened to and talk radio other than Air AMerica....wow....you are a complete brainwashed fool

Big talk. Disprove their facts and sources!
That Media Matters link is awesome! It has all the facts and supporting proof.

OMG you are such a leftwing piece of shit.....media matters is gayer than aids.....and it figures you would take them seriously......wow....you probably have never watched a second of Fox or listened to and talk radio other than Air AMerica....wow....you are a complete brainwashed fool

Big talk. Disprove their facts and sources!

That Media Matters link is awesome! It has all the facts and supporting proof.

OMG you are such a leftwing piece of shit.....media matters is gayer than aids.....and it figures you would take them seriously......wow....you probably have never watched a second of Fox or listened to and talk radio other than Air AMerica....wow....you are a complete brainwashed fool

Big talk. Disprove their facts and sources!

OMG the fact you just posted that, makes me think you are Dolly, the cloned sheep.....you really think Media Matters is a objective source? Oh that's right you use, Media Matters, Daily KOS and Huff Po........who are objective.....WOW.....so you think Harry Reid is a right wing republican, dont ya?
That Media Matters link is awesome! It has all the facts and supporting proof.

OMG you are such a leftwing piece of shit.....media matters is gayer than aids.....and it figures you would take them seriously......wow....you probably have never watched a second of Fox or listened to and talk radio other than Air AMerica....wow....you are a complete brainwashed fool

Big talk. Disprove their facts and sources!

Seriously though, how old are you, just hit me with a decade, I'm in my 30s, and you?
Hey, do you happen to know how much money Haliburton made in the Iraq war?

Over 17 billion dollars. So you want to bitch about Obama's "Crony" capitalism? (which is total bullshit) Gee...who's got a big-ass chunk of Haliburton's stake, again? Oh yeah. Dick Cheney.

You're transparent, motherfucker.
So instead OPbama gave away billions in those contracts to his friends. I know I was slated to go until Obama took office.

You are not very smart using the lowest of standards.,

You have some links to these "billions" he's giving away to "his friends"?

I think you can handle the search...... Green energy bankruptcies to start.

When you get through the last one, 16 I believe is the count we can then discuss it.

Wait, you're 65? and you think media matters is a real source of news? Something doesnt seem right here...hmmmmm

Well, prove their facts and sources wrong and maybe I'll agree with you.

BTW, Media Matters is not a "news" organization - it's a media watchdog group "dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media".

Media Matters for America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Last edited:
Wow, what a wishful thinking article.

Go to 270towin.com as it currently stands and light up Nevada, Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Iowa and Wisconsin (all very winnable states) and Romney hits 270. So he can win w/o even getting Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Wait, you're 65? and you think media matters is a real source of news? Something doesnt seem right here...hmmmmm

Well, prove their facts and sources wrong and maybe I'll agree with you.

BTW, Media Matters is not a "news" organization - it's a media watchdog group "dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media".

Media Matters for America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dedicated to manipulating and distorting and non-liberal sanctioned news. It's quite hacky; it's perfect for you.
Wait, you're 65? and you think media matters is a real source of news? Something doesnt seem right here...hmmmmm

Well, prove their facts and sources wrong and maybe I'll agree with you.

BTW, Media Matters is not a "news" organization - it's a media watchdog group "dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media".

Media Matters for America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If they wanted any Credibility at all they would be Dedicated to Correcting all Misinformation. The Fact they willfully admit they go only After what they Deem Conservative misinformation tells you all you need to know about them. They are a Hyper Partisan Propaganda machine.

But feel free to keep drinking their Punch and Believing Obama is going to win in a Landslide if you want.
OMG you are such a leftwing piece of shit.....media matters is gayer than aids.....and it figures you would take them seriously......wow....you probably have never watched a second of Fox or listened to and talk radio other than Air AMerica....wow....you are a complete brainwashed fool

Big talk. Disprove their facts and sources!

OMG the fact you just posted that, makes me think you are Dolly, the cloned sheep.....you really think Media Matters is a objective source? Oh that's right you use, Media Matters, Daily KOS and Huff Po........who are objective.....WOW.....so you think Harry Reid is a right wing republican, dont ya?

Know what I noticed? You didn't actually disprove their facts or sources. Though you sure did use a lot of words to make your massive turd of a fucking post.
who says penn. isn't really up for grabs for starters?

According to the house majority leader of the PA legislature, their voter suppression tactics should have the state locked up for Romney

Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done.”

Turzai: Voter ID Law Means Romney Can Win in PA | PoliticsPA

One more time Requiring someone to show an ID before voting is not voter suppression. Why do I have to show an ID before I buy a gun? No where in the second Amendment does it say I must show an ID to have a gun.

Wait, you're 65? and you think media matters is a real source of news? Something doesnt seem right here...hmmmmm

Well, prove their facts and sources wrong and maybe I'll agree with you.

BTW, Media Matters is not a "news" organization - it's a media watchdog group "dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media".

Media Matters for America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A 65 year old is not going to use the word awesome when describing something good to them.

That Media Matters link is awesome! It has all the facts and supporting proof.

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